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Featured North Korea reveals GIANT new ICBM, amongst others in its annual parade

As said if you remove the rukes outside of the picture South Korea should be able to run thru North Korea quite easily due to just being more heavily armed then their neighbours
Terrain in North Korea is mountaineous and this gives a million man army of North Korea advantage in defense

Their soldiers are highly motivated and armed with ATGMs, anti-material rifles, MANPADs, and hold defensive position in the mountains filled with thousands of hardened bunkers and underground tunnels

Also they have a very large number of artillery pieces and thus massive firepower.

They employ decoys and camouflage to distract enemy army and are entrenched in the mountains that provide advantage for defense

Their million man army hold a very strong defensive position and cracking them will not be easy.

Their air defense systems are obsolete but they are very numerious and suppressing them without US air force support will be very difficult for the South

South Korea military can't defeat North by its own--support from USA is required

Just an example of a similar war is Israel-Hezbollah war of 2006-----as you know Israel failed during that war despite its massive firepower
Can anyone here guess what the range of that monster icbm would be?

Early estimates point to a range of around 15,000+KM. But more than range, North Korea seems to shifting its focus to increasing the payload capacity of their ICBMs. Hwasong-15 has an estimated payload capacity of about 1,000-1,200KG. The payload capacity of this new ICBM is estimated to be around 3,500+KG.



What is stopping America?? It's those nuclear weapons and ICBM missiles that NK possess...... only that is stopping USA.... don't be under any illusion that it's China what is stopping USA......
Haha, what stopped US to take actions against N.Kroea when all evidence showed the they were developing nuclear weapons same time when US invaded Iraq?
As said if you remove the rukes outside of the picture South Korea should be able to run thru North Korea quite easily due to just being more heavily armed then their neighbours
Unfortunately we don't live in Tom Clancy's world where superior technology and numbers always wins we live in a world in which forces like Taliban and Iraqi rag tag resistance can persuade a power like USA to leave their country so your premise is not true for the real world in which we live
China will break the treaty if it's USA decide to attack NK..... think why China allowed NK to become a nuclear power with ICBM...... only because tomorrow China doesn't have to enter into a war with USA......
China and US are technically still at war, Korean war is not officially finished

"The Korean Peninsula technically remains in a state of war. Fighting halted on July 27, 1953 under an armistice signed between Washington and Beijing. "

"Why must China stand by North Korea if it is attacked by the US?
China is North Korea’s ally. In 1961, the two countries signed the Sino-North Korean Mutual Aid and Cooperation Friendship Treaty, in which both parties are obliged to offer immediate military and other assistance to the other in the case of an outside attack. This treaty has been prolonged twice, and is valid until 2021."

North Korea repeatedly threatens to nuke US, but US just pretends it didn't hear it.

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They look almost as well equipped as their rivals in ROK:

View attachment 678187
Everything except heir rifle! They need to upgrade their rifle.
China fought in 1950s..... China knows USA today is a fully grown up beast......

It really sounds funny when you guys say attack on NK by USA, China will treat it as attack on China..... under 1 China policy you are yet to find a courage to annex Taiwan......

When USA selling F16 block 72s to Taiwan it shows how much really America is bothered about your emotions......its a slap on your face when part of CCP (as per China) signs lethal weapons deals to use against mainland China and max your reaction is violating maritime boundaries or airspace nearby and Jinping holding HIGH LEVEL meetings with Army commanders......:lol::lol::lol: so don't dream about fighting for a country like NK who has nothing to offer in return.....
Lol. Are u trying to say US in 1950 is not a fully matured militarise country? That time US had the world largest airforce , most largest navy and fully mechanised army which not even the soviet managed that. Yet US is cant beat a Communist Chinese armed with discarded Japanese type 38 rifle.

Now in 2020, u are asking US to take on a China with world largest arsenal conventional long range missile, the world most well equipped army. Seems like an impossible task.
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USA won't attack Nk because it can hit USA back with unbearable consequences if there is a chance and I repeat a chance of a single us City receiving a single nuclear weapon USA is deterred because the whole NK is not worth endangering a single us City so don't worry USA is not attacking NK any time soon. It's absolutely a rhetorical question.
To be honest, N.Korea as it is today is actually a good thing for the US since it serves American interests in the region. it also justifies US vast military presence in the region, and stops S.Korea from distancing itself from not only the US but even more so Japan(not that Koreans hate Japan passionately far more than even China does). Without the threat of crazy fat Kim S. Korea would have adopted a totally different policy vis a vis Japan and they would have allied themselves much more closer to China than today. In short the biggest winner of the current status quo is Japan followed by the U.S .
Japan fears a united strong Korea more than anything, since Korea has always been historically closer to China than Japan(Japan has always been their biggest threat and the fact that they were brutally colonised by Japan only solidified this hatred). So i can't even see how the status quo helps China to be honest, having another unpredictable nuclear country by its border is not a good thing AT ALL. Make no mistake China doesn't control N.Korea at all. If they did N.korea would have open up long ago and follow the Chinese model. In fact even the Vietnam communist party learns and follows the CCP far more than the Kim communist regime who has stubbornly continued to carry on with the outdated Stalinist/Maoist ideology to this very day. lol
The US knows all this, so they will keep making noise but will never invade N.Korea since they know the kim regime serves their interest perfectly. :partay:
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To be honest, NKorea as it is today is actually a good thing for the US since it serves american interests in the region. it also justifies US vast military presence in the region, and stops S.Korea from distancing itself from not only the US but even more so Japan(not that Koreans hate Japan passionately far more than even China does). Without the threat of crazy fat Kim S.Korea would have adopted a totally different policy vis a vis Japan and they would have allied themselves much more closer to China than today. In short the biggest winner of the current status quo is Japan followed by the U.S .
Japan fears a united strong Korea more than anything, since Korea has always been historically closer to China than Japan(Japan has always been their biggest threat and the fact that they were brutally colonised by Japan only solidified this hatred. So i cant even see how the status quo helps China to be honest, having another unpredictable nuclear country by its border is not s good thing AT ALL. Make no mistake China doesnt control N.Korea at all. If they did N.korea would have open up long ago and follow the Chinese model. In fact even the Vietnam communist party learns and follows the CCP far more than the Kim communist regime who has stubbornly continued to carry on with the outdated Stalinist/Maoist ideology to this very day.
Very true
Everything except heir rifle! They need to upgrade their rifle.

Lol. Are u trying to say US in 1950 is not a fully matured militarise country? That time US had the world largest airforce , most largest navy and fully mechanised army which not even the soviet managed that. Yet US is cant beat a Communist Chinese armed with discarded Japanese type 38 rifle.

Now in 2020, u are asking US to take on a China with world largest arsenal conventional long range missile, the world most well equipped army. Seems like an impossible task.
You guys forget that the Chinese entered the war at the behest of Stalin who wanted to avoid a direct war with the US, since had the soviet intervened instead of China, then the stakes would have been much more higher. In fact people forget that Mao was not enthusiastic /interested in getting involved in this war from the very beginning, which is normal giving that the CCP was still about to consolidate its power in China and rebuild the country, retake Taiwan etc.. Stalin actually blackmailed Mao to enter the war by tying Soviet aid to China on this condition. Mao had no choice than to get involved. The soviet were indirectly involved as well and provided massive support to China to this endeavour, soviet pilots were also involved. So its not like China was fighting by itself, she had the backing of a powerful Superpower i.e the U,.S.S.R. Funny enough after the war, the Soviets didn't stay through to their words and kind of backstab china by asking them to pay for any continuous aid(nothing surprising here, since Russians have a long history of doing this, just look at their policy in Manchuria after the Japanese defeat they stripped Manchuria of its massive industries built by the Japanese and assembled them in Russia. lol ). This was part of the reason/seed which with time coupled with other issues eventually led to the Sino-Soviet split in the 60s.
Under QUAD India, USA, Japan and Australia should together attack and disarm North Korea..... After war all these North korean missiles should be kept in India permanently for the sake of global peace....

Lol@being stored in India.
As for QUAD;
Japan too old to fight a war.
Australia too small to fight a war.
USA not interested in war anymore.
That leaves India.
You guys forget that the Chinese entered the war at the behest of Stalin who wanted to avoid a direct war with the US, since had the soviet intervened instead of China, then the stakes would have been much more higher. In fact people forget that Mao was not enthusiastic /interested in getting involved in this war from the very beginning, which is normal giving that the CCP was still about to consolidate its power in China and rebuild the country, retake Taiwan etc.. Stalin actually blackmailed Mao to enter the war by tying Soviet aid to China on this condition. Mao had no choice than to get involved.
Not totally true, Mao was someone that no one can blackmail, China can always choose not to join the war, Russia won't push China too hard cause China can always switch camp in the early stage of PRC before Korean war, that is something Soviet Union can't afford.
It was Mao de decision to join the war influenced by no one.
To be honest, N.Korea as it is today is actually a good thing for the US since it serves American interests in the region. it also justifies US vast military presence in the region, and stops S.Korea from distancing itself from not only the US but even more so Japan(not that Koreans hate Japan passionately far more than even China does). Without the threat of crazy fat Kim S. Korea would have adopted a totally different policy vis a vis Japan and they would have allied themselves much more closer to China than today. In short the biggest winner of the current status quo is Japan followed by the U.S .
Japan fears a united strong Korea more than anything, since Korea has always been historically closer to China than Japan(Japan has always been their biggest threat and the fact that they were brutally colonised by Japan only solidified this hatred). So i can't even see how the status quo helps China to be honest, having another unpredictable nuclear country by its border is not a good thing AT ALL. Make no mistake China doesn't control N.Korea at all. If they did N.korea would have open up long ago and follow the Chinese model. In fact even the Vietnam communist party learns and follows the CCP far more than the Kim communist regime who has stubbornly continued to carry on with the outdated Stalinist/Maoist ideology to this very day. lol
The US knows all this, so they will keep making noise but will never invade N.Korea since they know the kim regime serves their interest perfectly. :partay:

Good post.
The soviet were indirectly involved as well and provided massive support to China to this endeavour, soviet pilots were also involved. So its not like China was fighting by itself, she had the backing of a powerful Superpower i.e the U,.S.S.R.
True, but today's China is more capable than the whole communist camp added up back then, can easily handle US army if they decide to take their misadventure in Korea.
To be honest, N.Korea as it is today is actually a good thing for the US since it serves American interests in the region. it also justifies US vast military presence in the region, and stops S.Korea from distancing itself from not only the US but even more so Japan(not that Koreans hate Japan passionately far more than even China does). Without the threat of crazy fat Kim S. Korea would have adopted a totally different policy vis a vis Japan and they would have allied themselves much more closer to China than today. In short the biggest winner of the current status quo is Japan followed by the U.S .
Japan fears a united strong Korea more than anything, since Korea has always been historically closer to China than Japan(Japan has always been their biggest threat and the fact that they were brutally colonised by Japan only solidified this hatred). So i can't even see how the status quo helps China to be honest, having another unpredictable nuclear country by its border is not a good thing AT ALL. Make no mistake China doesn't control N.Korea at all. If they did N.korea would have open up long ago and follow the Chinese model. In fact even the Vietnam communist party learns and follows the CCP far more than the Kim communist regime who has stubbornly continued to carry on with the outdated Stalinist/Maoist ideology to this very day. lol
The US knows all this, so they will keep making noise but will never invade N.Korea since they know the kim regime serves their interest perfectly. :partay:
Wrong, with or without N.Korea, US army will station in this region anyway agaisnt China and Russia, N.Korea is a valuable counterweight in this region, without N.Korea, US and its lackeys could totally dominate this region and China will lose a valuable bargain chip.
To be honest, N.Korea as it is today is actually a good thing for the US since it serves American interests in the region. it also justifies US vast military presence in the region, and stops S.Korea from distancing itself from not only the US but even more so Japan(not that Koreans hate Japan passionately far more than even China does). Without the threat of crazy fat Kim S. Korea would have adopted a totally different policy vis a vis Japan and they would have allied themselves much more closer to China than today. In short the biggest winner of the current status quo is Japan followed by the U.S .
Japan fears a united strong Korea more than anything, since Korea has always been historically closer to China than Japan(Japan has always been their biggest threat and the fact that they were brutally colonised by Japan only solidified this hatred). So i can't even see how the status quo helps China to be honest, having another unpredictable nuclear country by its border is not a good thing AT ALL. Make no mistake China doesn't control N.Korea at all. If they did N.korea would have open up long ago and follow the Chinese model. In fact even the Vietnam communist party learns and follows the CCP far more than the Kim communist regime who has stubbornly continued to carry on with the outdated Stalinist/Maoist ideology to this very day. lol
The US knows all this, so they will keep making noise but will never invade N.Korea since they know the kim regime serves their interest perfectly. :partay:
I agree with most of ur post except the part of Japan fearing a united Korea...
...that's bcuz there's no hope of it being united bcuz of power hungry leaders like Kim Jong Un(and his predecessors).

If however in some dreamworld it could be done...and we assume a South Korea like government...then they would roughly want to go the way of Switzerland. They would focus more on economically uplifting the north's population...while not siding with China as much...nor against China(and with Japan/US/etc). Not that they don't hate Japan(bcuz of what they did in WWII)...it's just that this SK like united Korea would rather like being left alone than entering some polarizing alliances of such large scale as China or US.
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