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Featured North Korea reveals GIANT new ICBM, amongst others in its annual parade

Everything except heir rifle! They need to upgrade their rifle.

Lol. Are u trying to say US in 1950 is not a fully matured militarise country? That time US had the world largest airforce , most largest navy and fully mechanised army which not even the soviet managed that. Yet US is cant beat a Communist Chinese armed with discarded Japanese type 38 rifle.

Now in 2020, u are asking US to take on a China with world largest arsenal conventional long range missile, the world most well equipped army. Seems like an impossible task.

Americans had big military agreed but they always had high casualties whenever they fought land battles in east Asian theater.....

Even Vietnam who is militarily weak compared to China could inflict heavy damage on Americans.....

Firstly USA was fighting with koreans all of a sudden you surprised them and they weren't prepared..... but today its totally a different thing.... since 1st gulf war we have seen that USA is not going to risk its soldiers.... they will now rely on their gigantic air and naval power to confront anyone and here begins your tension.... believe me if USA attacks NK tomorrow whole world will see China breaking it's treaty with NK..... if you think China will be ready to sacrifice all her earnings achievements till date for NK then you are just a fanboy and no one......
Dudes brainwashed by ccp propaganda machine leave em alone lol.

Here's What Chinese Citizens Saw The Moment Pence Spoke About China In Debate

Do you not realize that Chinese censorship actually helps to keep relationships stable? If people in China were exposed to the actual amount of constant hostility that White Westerners displayed towards China, they'd want their government to be far more hostile and hawkish than it is. You got your assumptions wrong. China's govt. is actually doing the West a favor by constantly censoring the brain dead hate mongering that encapsulates Western attitudes of China.
more then the new icbm, im very curious about the a full regiment of gas mask troops, any idea what sense is this?
Everything except heir rifle! They need to upgrade their rifle.

Lol. Are u trying to say US in 1950 is not a fully matured militarise country? That time US had the world largest airforce , most largest navy and fully mechanised army which not even the soviet managed that. Yet US is cant beat a Communist Chinese armed with discarded Japanese type 38 rifle.

Now in 2020, u are asking US to take on a China with world largest arsenal conventional long range missile, the world most well equipped army. Seems like an impossible task.
The DPRK has shown off their own equivalent of the ROKs K11 OICW type rifle

Ironically it appears that the ROK has pretty much decided to abandon further work on the K11.
Heres what the ROKs K11 looked like
Under QUAD India, USA, Japan and Australia should together attack and disarm North Korea..... After war all these North korean missiles should be kept in India permanently for the sake of global peace....

If India Attacks North Korea, The North Koreans will permanently send those Nukes to India, but not in the way you want. Remember they have 350 Kiloton weapons (tested not just theoretical yield) and and this new missile probably has a 15,000-20,000 km range and the ability to carry MIRVs.

Even the US is reluctant to take on the North Koreans directly, which is why the US president literally went to North Korea (crossing the DMZ) and meet with Kim Jung Un in multiple summits to negotiate a compromise. China has a mutual defense treaty with North Korea, So you would be taking on multiple opponents in a war you would have started, obliging the Chinese to carry out total war.

Be careful what you wish for.
Can anyone here guess what the range of that monster icbm would be?

the last large NK missile; Hawsong-15 was maxed out at 13,000 km

Multiple sources estimate this new missile to be 15,000-20,000 km. It’s weight is estimated to be 100,000 kg compared to China DF-41 at 80,000 kg.

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Multiple sources estimate this new missile to be 15,000-20,000 km. It’s weight is estimated to be 100,000 kg compared to China DF-41 at 80,000 kg.

The ICBM is so huge becos its a liquid fuel missile which survivability is questionable. It will take hours to refuel such huge ICBM.
Not totally true, Mao was someone that no one can blackmail, China can always choose not to join the war, Russia won't push China too hard cause China can always switch camp in the early stage of PRC before Korean war, that is something Soviet Union can't afford.
It was Mao de decision to join the war influenced by no one.
nope you are wrong. It was Stalin that wanted China to take the fore front in the war. since the Soviet Union going directly against the U.S was unthinkable. since both sides were the world's only 2 superpowers and nuclear armed countries(the only 2 by then), So the stakes were far more higher if they both got involved into a direct war. So Stalin pushed MAO to the forefront. You should know that Stalin/Soviet Union always considered China/MAO as a junior partner and not an equal, which was something that MAO was very unhappy about, but MAO respected and even revered Stalin alot and so never criticised/talked back against Stalin even when he was unhappy with his treatment of China and signing of unequal treaties with China. In fact Mao revered Stalin so much that he even chastised Soviet leaders who criticised Stalin's policies and mistakes and thus deepening the Sino-soviet split between both sides, which subsequently led to the border wars between China and soviet Russia.
You should read the declassified documents about the Korean war machinations between MAO and Stalin and the origins of the Sino-Soviet split. It's all well documented.
True, but today's China is more capable than the whole communist camp added up back then, can easily handle US army if they decide to take their misadventure in Korea.

Wrong, with or without N.Korea, US army will station in this region anyway agaisnt China and Russia, N.Korea is a valuable counterweight in this region, without N.Korea, US and its lackeys could totally dominate this region and China will lose a valuable bargain chip.
Without N.Korea it would have been far more difficult for the U.S to justify its continued presence in Korea especially after the fall of the Soviet Union. As i said before, Koreans have no strong hatred/issues per se against China unlike Japan with whom they have been eternal enemies for centuries. Just take a visit to Korea to understand how their hatred of Japan runs deep(i have been there before), it makes the Chinese look pro Japan. lol So without N. Korean threat Korean would have been less welcoming of such a vast US military presence on their soil against China. Since their main focus would have been solely on JAPAN. Note that even with the crazy fat Kim N. Korean threat S. Koreans still hate Japan and they show it all the time, by boycotting Japanese goods, severing security cooperation with them( the US often pressure them to focus on N.Korea and cooperate with Japan) and even today despite the North rhetoric of wiping out S. Korea, the vast majority of S. Koreans are still in favour of uniting their country with the North since they still consider the North as their kin/brothers, except for Fat crazy Kim dynasty. This just goes to show you how deeply nationalistic Koreans are, and believe me they will pick their brothers in N. korea over JAPAN ANYDAY. :agree: The fact that Japan doesn't fully recognises its past military atrocities in the country doesn't help either, coupled with their sea dispute as well. This makes it even worse.

So if the threat in the North disappeared i'm sure the Koreans wont want the U.S vast military presence to remain on their soil just to target China, they would probably ask the U.S to leave just like the Philippines did after the cold war or at most keep a small symbolic presence, since it doesn't serves any of their interests whatsoever. It will totally changed the security dynamics in the Asia Pacific.
Americans had big military agreed but they always had high casualties whenever they fought land battles in east Asian theater.....

Even Vietnam who is militarily weak compared to China could inflict heavy damage on Americans.....

Firstly USA was fighting with koreans all of a sudden you surprised them and they weren't prepared..... but today its totally a different thing.... since 1st gulf war we have seen that USA is not going to risk its soldiers.... they will now rely on their gigantic air and naval power to confront anyone and here begins your tension.... believe me if USA attacks NK tomorrow whole world will see China breaking it's treaty with NK..... if you think China will be ready to sacrifice all her earnings achievements till date for NK then you are just a fanboy and no one......
Let the facts talk, N.Korea repeatedly threatens to nuke US and it does possess WMD, there's no question about it, but US is very weak about N.Korea's threat, military intervention is never an option, why?


nope you are wrong. It was Stalin that wanted China to take the fore front in the war. since the Soviet Union going directly against the U.S was unthinkable.
You are very wrong, it was Mao, if you think Mao is a weak character whom Stalin can impose his will on, you are very wrong, Mao and Stalin didn't really like each other. During WWII communists and US were allies, and in the following Chinese civil war US largely adopted a hands off policy, even US was very disappointed about KMT and ready to give up on it, it was the Korean war changed everything. Without the Korean war , Taiwan would've been part of PRC for 70 years. It has pros and cons, but Mao made his decision.
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Without N.Korea it would have been far more difficult for the U.S to justify its continued presence in Korea especially after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Since when US needs justification to wage wars and station its troops around the world?
Koreans have no strong hatred/issues per se against China unlike Japan with whom they have been eternal enemies for centuries. Just take a visit to Korea to understand how their hatred of Japan runs deep(i have been there before), it makes the Chinese look pro Japan.
There hatred is not a good thing for China, Japan is one of China's most important trading partners, they have their centuries old national feud tracing back to Ming dynasty 600 years ago and it had little to do with China, with or without China or US, They will still hate each other anyway.
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China signed a treaty with North Korea and PRC has never broken a single signed treaty in history.
untill2021.. don't know whether to renew.

and who know,Is there a treaty between North Korea and Russia??
untill2021.. don't know whether to renew.

and who know,Is there a treaty between North Korea and Russia??

It would be very stupid to not renew.

Right now, nobody can invade China, because North Korea exists. To invade China, any aggressor must first fight and win nuclear WW3 against North Korea without any losses. This is impossible, so nobody will even attempt to invade China.

There is no other way to invade China except through Korea: mountains block India, amphibious landing in China is a joke because nobody can bring that many forces by sea without being sunk, nobody can invade through Russia or Kazakhstan.

If North Korea falls, then hostile forces can invade China conventionally, which is a threat that China has not had to deal with since Imperial Japan.

It is extremely cheap to renew the treaty with North Korea, just sign the piece of paper. It is extremely expensive to have to fortify the entire Yalu River.
Without N.Korea it would have been far more difficult for the U.S to justify its continued presence in Korea especially after the fall of the Soviet Union. As i said before, Koreans have no strong hatred/issues per se against China unlike Japan with whom they have been eternal enemies for centuries. Just take a visit to Korea to understand how their hatred of Japan runs deep(i have been there before), it makes the Chinese look pro Japan. lol So without N. Korean threat Korean would have been less welcoming of such a vast US military presence on their soil against China. Since their main focus would have been solely on JAPAN. Note that even with the crazy fat Kim N. Korean threat S. Koreans still hate Japan and they show it all the time, by boycotting Japanese goods, severing security cooperation with them( the US often pressure them to focus on N.Korea and cooperate with Japan) and even today despite the North rhetoric of wiping out S. Korea, the vast majority of S. Koreans are still in favour of uniting their country with the North since they still consider the North as their kin/brothers, except for Fat crazy Kim dynasty. This just goes to show you how deeply nationalistic Koreans are, and believe me they will pick their brothers in N. korea over JAPAN ANYDAY. :agree: The fact that Japan doesn't fully recognises its past military atrocities in the country doesn't help either, coupled with their sea dispute as well. This makes it even worse.

So if the threat in the North disappeared i'm sure the Koreans wont want the U.S vast military presence to remain on their soil just to target China, they would probably ask the U.S to leave just like the Philippines did after the cold war or at most keep a small symbolic presence, since it doesn't serves any of their interests whatsoever. It will totally changed the security dynamics in the Asia Pacific.
Mao gain the respect of Stalin when PLA do more than he expected in Korean war that he gives back Dalian port and other areas previously lease from PRC on long term.
The ICBM is so huge becos its a liquid fuel missile which survivability is questionable. It will take hours to refuel such huge ICBM.

That’s true. North Korea will probably build underground bases where these missiles will be fueled just before launch.

The more interesting missile was the carbon fiber spun Pukguksong-4 SLBM, the longest range solid field missile in their arsenal; Probably 2300-2500 km range. Not an ICBM but they are steadily improving. Once the liquid fueled super ICBM has perfect all the key technologies, they can switch over to a new all solid fueled design. With MIRVs and Penetration aid technology all worked out.

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