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Hwasong 18: North Korea’s Solid Fuel ICBM


Dec 17, 2014
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United States
The North Koreans have done it. They have made a solid fueled icbm, in the same class as the Topol. Probably can cover all of the CONUS. This along with their 250 kt weapons, leaves them with only MIRV technology and decoy technology between them and a first string force.

Their extensive tunnel networks will mean this will be hard to detect. :disagree:

Said to have reach an altitude of less than 3000 Km in this test and a range of 1000 Km in a lofted trajectory; that could be test most similar to the Hwasong 14 test, giving a range of close to approx. 10,000km.

Now this missile was said to not have reached its maximum range because the north was said to be testing systems, so it might be able to fly much farther in its full configuration. This missile is basically in the class as the Topol series of Russian Missiles.


North Korea also has a unit in place to specifically operate the Solid Fueled ICBMs


Image Source:

Details on the motor:
The first stage is said to have “high-thrust solid-fuel motor with a thrust of 140tf [metric tons]”

The reported thrust level and apparent size of the motor seen in the photographs (about 2.2 meters in diameter[3]) are consistent with the first stage of an ICBM or a long-range SLBM. (The statement does not tie the motor to a specific type of missile system.) If the new motor does provide 140 metric tons of thrust, that would be greater than the first stages of the US Minuteman III (about 102tf) and Chinese DF-31 (about 120tf) ICBMs.[4] North Korea might need more thrust if the overall structure weight and/or payload weight of a new missile system is heavier than for these foreign ICBMs.


This diameter would put it close to that of the DF-41 (2.28m) which has a range of 12,000-13,000 Km.

Considering the diameter of the first stage is 2.2 meters, it is likely this will carry MIRVs. It usually takes 4 interceptors (each interceptor cost $100 million) out of Greely or Vandenburg to reach a high probability of intercept of each warhead, the next thing to watch is how good the North Korean Penetration aids will be. Even a couple warheads and a half dozen decoys will requiring 32 interceptors against each missile. A high exchange ratio. A force of even a dozen of these missiles could make defense against them untenable at a reasonable cost.

I won’t why Clinton fumbled the negotiations with the North Koreans in the 90s. This explains what could happen in a decade if the Iran nuclear deal is not brought back.

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2.2 meter diameter by itself is not necessary for MRV or even MIRV as 1.4 meter diameter is more than enough for four warheads.
Though it is trade off between range and payload with larger diameter and longer missile the greater range and payload capacity.
Though we don't know exact diameter of rocket motor, there is no confirmation for both first along second and third stage.
2.2 meter diameter by itself is not necessary for MRV or even MIRV as 1.4 meter diameter is more than enough for four warheads.
Though it is trade off between range and payload with larger diameter and longer missile the greater range and payload capacity.
Though we don't know exact diameter of rocket motor, there is no confirmation for both first along second and third stage.
2.2 meter is the diameter of the first stage. It tapers off into the second and third stages.

Capability of the MIRV bus, number of warheads and quality of the penetration aids will be the next decisive factors.

Even two actual warheads and probably 6-12 pen aids will be significant challenge, as was on the Polaris SLBMs. I’m having trouble finding it but recently saw a picture of 30 reentry vehicle warheads in a North Korean hallway that looks similar to the following warheads.

The second and third stage with the following MIRV will probably be what the North Koreans do for their next Pukguksong 6 SLBM

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