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North Korea missile 'fuelled and ready for launch':

It is of upmost importance to identify the nation that is responsible for the escalation of the conflict. Because the blame must fall solely on said nation for raising the stakes. The North Koreans take the cake for this situation. Geopolitics is all about balance. When a nation tries to tilt it one way or the other, there is a ripple affect that effects many nations. Naturally then, when the North Koreans act aggressively, the USA and South Korea have to reply in kind. Partly due to the need to maintain a military balance, but also to sustain the diplomatic positions they occupy. America, thanks to it's position in the global hierarchy cannot back down if it is to maintain its clout in other regional theaters.

It is also important to understand the reactionary role of the US in this conflict. Were the North Koreans not constantly threatening war with increasingly viable destructive forces, the Americans would have no reason to get embroiled in another conflict. The US maintains a certain sphere of influence in the Far East. If threatened by North Korea or China for that matter, it will react swiftly to neutralize the threat. It then behoves the threatening nation to be prepared to back up the talk. Interestingly, like Iran, North Korea has no chance of even denting the American military machine. But by shoving the relatively small size and weak economy of the nation to the forefront, North Korea masquerades around as the victim, while simultaneously holding a gun to the head of the wider region.

In the end, if a nation is incapable of standing up to US power, it must back off. It cannot be the responsibility of the US to play the integrity angle. If it affects America, they will react. Just because they are stronger doesn't mean they should be willing to take a punch without reaction. This applies to all nations on a smaller scale. But moral criticism is directed only towards America.
Instead of sending F-22's and B-2's to the Korean peninsula, more diplomatic ways could have been adopted.

Anyways, not my loss if you folks go into another war!

We all know that North Korea is stupid with an immature kid at the top but atleast the US has some sane heads and a proper form of government.
I lived through the Cold War and learned that when the word 'diplomacy' is part of the criticisms directed at US and our allies, the word is code for 'retreat' or 'acquiescent' or 'appeasement'. Seldom is it about true diplomacy. In this case, diplomacy gave NKR aid and time to entrench their nuclear weapons program. True diplomacy failed years ago. Thugocracies understand best physical strength, not diplomacy.

And what are we exactly discussing here...? I didn't say that I support NK did I?
You do not have to be overt about it. To me, the issue is not about geopolitics but about morality.

Morally speaking, where would YOU prefer to live, North or South Korea? It does not matter if you chose not to answer for public consumption. It is more important that you have the courage to ask it of yourself. I asked that question of myself when I was in East Berlin a lifetime ago. A country can be flawed in the execution of its professed guiding principles and moralities, and certainly the US counts among those so flawed, but at least the US have a set of guiding principles and moralities that are more palatable over most of the world's countries and it is plentiful evident that we work at them.

South Korea is also among those so flawed in the execution of its guiding principles and moralities. But if you find the South Koreans' ways of life more palatable than the North's, then it is time to exercise a bit of intellectual honesty and take a side for the better. Like it or not, black and white issues are not so useless. They help us clarify our minds when we are befuddled by the minutae of geopolitical situations.

And when it comes to North and South Korea, nothing is more clarifying than...


It is of upmost importance to identify the nation that is responsible for the escalation of the conflict. Because the blame must fall solely on said nation for raising the stakes. The North Koreans take the cake for this situation. Geopolitics is all about balance. When a nation tries to tilt it one way or the other, there is a ripple affect that effects many nations. Naturally then, when the North Koreans act aggressively, the USA and South Korea have to reply in kind. Partly due to the need to maintain a military balance, but also to sustain the diplomatic positions they occupy. America, thanks to it's position in the global hierarchy cannot back down if it is to maintain its clout in other regional theaters.

It is also important to understand the reactionary role of the US in this conflict. Were the North Koreans not constantly threatening war with increasingly viable destructive forces, the Americans would have no reason to get embroiled in another conflict. The US maintains a certain sphere of influence in the Far East. If threatened by North Korea or China for that matter, it will react swiftly to neutralize the threat. It then behoves the threatening nation to be prepared to back up the talk. Interestingly, like Iran, North Korea has no chance of even denting the American military machine. But by shoving the relatively small size and weak economy of the nation to the forefront, North Korea masquerades around as the victim, while simultaneously holding a gun to the head of the wider region.

In the end, if a nation is incapable of standing up to US power, it must back off. It cannot be the responsibility of the US to play the integrity angle. If it affects America, they will react. Just because they are stronger doesn't mean they should be willing to take a punch without reaction. This applies to all nations on a smaller scale. But moral criticism is directed only towards America.
Well said...And it is so sad that many here truly felled for that masquerade.
I never really got why Japan, SK, Germany benefitted from the US assistance and became economic giants while Pakistan never got ahead.

Pakistan did benefit from capitalism in the cold war era, however radicalization of the society by a General reversed all the gains by capitalism.
what you are sayimg will open a pandoras box and thread will go off topic. because we have a very similar situation in Middle East.
Let people of the two nations decide for themselves, what they want, US as a tradition should ask UN to play its role. SK should stop being a puppet. Media needs to take a break and calm the "F" down,
It is very easy to say that and appears for all to be 'intellectual' and 'morally superior' while saying that. But the geopolitical reality is that what naturally comes with alliances are moral endorsement and support for one's position in an issue, and everyone want those endorsement and support. That mean no side is going to be so foolish as to ignore potential ideological/political allies, if at least if an alliance can be used as a club, militarily or otherwise, to beat the other side into submission or out of existence.
I have never seen a nation so willing to be mauled by forces it knows are greater than itself.

@gambit what are the chances looking like that this may actually lead to a war??
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A certain VNCH trouble maker in this thread does not represent American people. This Necon wannabe has a selfish agenda. Most Americans don't like their idiotic leaders wasting lives and resources going around the world to kill and to make troubles.
Instead of sending F-22's and B-2's to the Korean peninsula, more diplomatic ways could have been adopted.

Anyways, not my loss if you folks go into another war!

We all know that North Korea is stupid with an immature kid at the top but atleast the US has some sane heads and a proper form of government.

And what are we exactly discussing here...? I didn't say that I support NK did I?

Diplomatic ways?? NK threatened to freaking nuke the US lmao. I know they don't actually have the means to deliver just yet but still all diplomacy goes out the window when they start issuing those types of threats. There is no middle ground in this particular conflict, either the South is right or the North. Heck sending F22s and B2s to do a fly over the peninsula is a pretty tame response considering, had it been me I would have just flatenned their whole nation. It probably would be more merciful to the malnourished citizens of that nation to deliver them from Kim.
South Korea is trying to defend himself...They are fighting with a country who has nothing to loose... If war happen this time you will see a fall of another communist govt. ...And this will be a bad news for China...So they are supporting North Korea.

In case of nuclear holocaust there will be nothing left to govern plus i seriously doubt Chinese want a war.
A certain VNCH trouble maker in this thread does not represent American people. This Necon wannabe has a selfish agenda. Most Americans don't like their idiotic leaders wasting lives and resources going around the world to kill and to make troubles.

Actually most Americans got pissed when NK made that delusional threat to nuke the US, I live on the East Coast and people were fuming, I can only imagine how the West coasters were feeling. If NK actually attacks the South and US military bases situated in the Pacific, most people would support the war.
I have never seen a nation so willing to be mauled by forces it knows are greater than itself.

@gambit what are the chances looking like that this may actually lead to a war??
Not likely. But part of that determination must come at the willingness to stand up to North Korea's bluster, even if it is just bluster, because the nature of the bully is that in the clear absence of strength, his bluster can easily morph into a fist.

We do not know why Lil' Kim is acting this way. We can speculate that he is trying to establish his authority and consolidate his political forces given the fact that his uncle and older brother were passed over for promotion. But that speculation is academic at best and over analyzing those speculations will lead to paralysis. The SKR/US alliance must respond in kind and be militarily ready.

A certain VNCH trouble maker in this thread does not represent American people. This Necon wannabe has a selfish agenda. Most Americans don't like their idiotic leaders wasting lives and resources going around the world to kill and to make troubles.
And you think you speak for the American people? :lol:
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This North Korean little kid going to have early death... :(
Pakistani Guys are getting pissed off, if I will talk about IPL…That is why I asked about Korean War…Hope you understand. :smitten:

No you are trying to say that Pakistanis will prefer a war but at the same time secretly hoping yourself that there is one claiming the fall of another communist country.

funny isn't it on one hand you are allied of Russia a communist state through and through and were allied to her through out cold war and even now on the other hand you are so anti communist.:smitten:
Pakistan did benefit from capitalism in the cold war era, however radicalization of the society by a General reversed all the gains by capitalism.

Please spare us the usual B.S billions upon billion of investment in those economies compare to quota system for Pakistan.India miraculous economic reforms claimed by Indians as indigenous yet fueled by GE capital plus open access to us markets.
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