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North korea military capabilities

180,000 Special forces personnel..WTF! :what:

I guess it is not difficult to guess how special they would be.

I'm glad you sound normal. I was a little worry about you when you went 'all in' and lost.

Most probably he was in the cuckoo's nest for a while! He has been released on condition.

Even 20 years ago SK had the capability to win a war with NK without U.S. help. NK has decayed in capacity since while SK has grown. Probably the only reason why U.S. troops remain is that without them SK will develop its own nuclear capability and neither China nor Japan desire this for Japan would almost certainly feel compelled to build a nuclear arsenal of its own in response.

Another fairy tale for the world!
More like the South Korean military is underrated. Your opinion -- as from someone who never served, let alone being a conscript reject -- have no weight about this subject.

North and South Korea are ruined by all the world countries for their personal interests. Their conflicts are mainly by other countries. Despite conflicts both of their growth rate is impressive... media want something sensational they keep on posting on koreans
180,000 Special forces personnel..WTF! :what:

I guess it is not difficult to guess how special they would be.

check their videos they are one of the best special forces in the world

Even 20 years ago SK had the capability to win a war with NK without U.S. help. NK has decayed in capacity since while SK has grown. Probably the only reason why U.S. troops remain is that without them SK will develop its own nuclear capability and neither China nor Japan desire this for Japan would almost certainly feel compelled to build a nuclear arsenal of its own in response.

just cuz one has a better & longer knife does not make him a victor, 20 years ago? lol even after 200 years no one defeat the will power of a man.
I was wondering if its possible anyone could be a fan of this wretched nation . I have found one!
Here's North Korea for you..
Gezze North Koreans are small.

I was 142cm when i was 10 years old.
It's one thing to like or dislike the DPRK regime, it's another thing to parrot Western propaganda against their military capabilities. Besides, it is South Korea (with a population about 2 times greater, and an economy at least 5 times greater) that houses foreign troops on its soil, not North Korea. Both North and South Korea are heavily armed and well equipped in conventional terms. Mountainous terrains, deep entrenched tunnels, special forces, bio-chem-nuclear weaponry, a lot of things go in favour of North Korea, while more "modern" aircrafts purchased from USA, and some modern armour developed by South Korea may prove to be of limited use in a long, drawn out conventional war. I do not know if South Korea possess any non conventional weapons, excuse me for my ignorance on that aspect.

In real war, as it happened during the 'last round', foreign 'parties' like China, USA and possibly others are likely to intervene, and then calculations have to be changed to incorporate those external factors.
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