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North korea military capabilities


Apr 12, 2012
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North korea's military capability.

North Korea is the most militarized country in the world today, having the fourth largest army in the world, at about 1,106,000 armed personnel, with about 20% of men ages 17–54 in the regular armed forces. Military service of up to 10 years is mandatory for most males. It also has a reserve force comprising 7,700,000 personnel.[8] It operates an enormous network of military facilities scattered around the country, a large weapons production basis, a dense air defense system,[9] the third largest chemical weapons stockpile in the world, and includes the world's largest Special Forces contingent (numbering 180,000 men). While the aging equipment, deriving from the economic plight of the country, is seen as major defect of the North Korean military capability, it is nevertheless regarded as a significant threat due to its size and proximity to major civilian areas.


North Korea relies on asymmetric warfare techniques and unconventional weaponry to achieve parity against high-tech enemy forces. North Korea has developed a wide range of technologies towards this end, such as GPS jammers, stealth paint to conceal ground targets,midget submarines and human torpedoes and a vast array of chemical and biological weapons. The Korean People's Army also operates ZM-87 anti-personnel lasers, which are banned under the United Nations Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons.

Since the 1980s, North Korea has also been actively developing its own cyber warfare capabilities, and as of 2011 has some 1,000 skilled military hackers.

Despite the general fuel and ammunition shortages for training, it is estimated that the wartime strategic reserves of food for the army are sufficient to feed the regular troops for 500 days, while fuel and ammunition - amounting to 1.5 million and 1.7 million tonnes respectively - are sufficient to wage a full-scale war for 100 days.







Mung said Kim i want you gone, Kim replied bring it on.
It is always my opinion that without the US, SK would have no chance with this military machine. The North Korean military is under rated and they are as good as many in the so called top 20 military of the world if not better.
It is always my opinion that without the US, SK would have no chance with this military machine.
Even 20 years ago SK had the capability to win a war with NK without U.S. help. NK has decayed in capacity since while SK has grown. Probably the only reason why U.S. troops remain is that without them SK will develop its own nuclear capability and neither China nor Japan desire this for Japan would almost certainly feel compelled to build a nuclear arsenal of its own in response.
Third Tunnel of Aggression

it is estimated that there are atleast several hundred tunnels built by north korea towards south for a surprise attack.

one such tunnel was discovered in 1978
Only 44 km (27 miles) from Seoul, the tunnel was discovered in October 1978 based on information provided by a defector.[1] It is 1.7 km (1.1 miles) long, 2 m (6.6 ft) high and 2 m (6.6 ft) wide.[citation needed] It runs through bedrock at a depth of about 73 m (240 ft) below ground.[2] It is apparently designed for a surprise attack on Seoul from North Korea, and can easily accommodate 30,000 men per hour along with light weaponry.[3] Upon discovery of the third tunnel, the United Nations Command accused North Korea of threatening the 1953 armistice agreement signed at the end of the Korean War.[4] Its description as a "tunnel of aggression" was given by the South, who considered it an act of aggression on the part of the North.

Even 20 years ago SK had the capability to win a war with NK without U.S. help. NK has decayed in capacity since while SK has grown. Probably the only reason why U.S. troops remain is that without them SK will develop its own nuclear capability and neither China nor Japan desire this for Japan would almost certainly feel compelled to build a nuclear arsenal of its own in response.

While I disagree with you on the first part but I agree with you on the second part.
North Korea Korean army military parade 2010 new main battle tank2 - YouTube

North Korea army parade - YouTube

North Korean Military Parade - YouTube

North Korean Military Parade 2010 - YouTube

North Korean special forces training

North Korean Army training - YouTube

North Korean Commandos (Order number 27) - YouTube

North Korean Bodyguard Training for dictator Kim Jong-il - YouTube

North Korean Army Training - YouTube

Even 20 years ago SK had the capability to win a war with NK without U.S. help. NK has decayed in capacity since while SK has grown. Probably the only reason why U.S. troops remain is that without them SK will develop its own nuclear capability and neither China nor Japan desire this for Japan would almost certainly feel compelled to build a nuclear arsenal of its own in response.

Now nukes are the excuse, lol
Why don't they concentrate on feeding their people first?
It is always my opinion that without the US, SK would have no chance with this military machine. The North Korean military is under rated and they are as good as many in the so called top 20 military of the world if not better.
More like the South Korean military is underrated. Your opinion -- as from someone who never served, let alone being a conscript reject -- have no weight about this subject.
And thts coming out from the flag bearer of a nation, who has never won a war? let alone being smacked by patriotic vietnamese
Why don't they concentrate on feeding their people first?
They need to feed the military first so the troops can do their high kicking marches.

If you have any interest in biology, look up North Koreans and their seemingly perpetual state of starvation. In one generation, the North Korean government succeeded in producing the world's largest biological experiment on human nutrition and retardation...

Cookies must be enabled. | The Australian
"There were too many short boys who don't meet the previous height requirement... so the military is now accepting all who are taller than 142 cm," said a North Korean source quoted by Daily NK.

The average height for South Korean boys of the same age is about 172 cm.
Do not be misled by those Youtube videos. Commandos do not win wars, regular troops does.
commando's help accomplish critical missions which in return help regular troops to win.

I'm glad you sound normal. I was a little worry about you when you went 'all in' and lost.
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