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North Korea, some satellite images appeared on the web acquired on May 1, 2023 showing the ongoing modernization and expansion at the Sunchon Air Base. from the photos of a group of aircraft which included a single Mig-29 and 8 SU-25 there is also an aircraft of unknown lines with approximate dimensions with a length of about 13.8 meters and a wingspan of about 10.4 meters.
Do you have any further information regarding this aircraft?


Holy cow, DPRK long awaited indigenous combat aircraft? We saw their AAMs couple of years back. It does look quite small though, not unexpected really, probably single engined (RD-33 copy?). Size wise seems to be in the same ballpark with MiG-21 and JF-17?
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Holy cow, DPRK long awaited indigenous combat aircraft? We saw their AAMs couple of years back. It does look quite small though, not unexpected really, probably single engined (RD-33 copy?). Size wise seems to be in the same ballpark with MiG-21 and JF-17?
The question going around:
1) it will be a model placed there in plain sight to drive the "enemy" intelligence operators crazy
2) or is it really a new light fighter aircraft. Made abroad, or a national project with external help.

Both hypotheses are possible, but if we want to think about the second one, we must bear in mind that North Korea is subject to UN sanctions and embargoes, therefore hardly any of the large neighboring countries agrees to supply known modern aircraft.
Thus remains the possibility of a fully designed and built in North Korea or in collaboration with a friendly country that could help in the project and possibly in supplying components as well as a modern turbofan engine.
I forgot, this friendly country may not be one of its big neighbors
While the first possibility could be an option of course, as an aviation fanboy i certainly hope the second is the true one!

DPRK so far built cutting edge weapon systems (not to mention nukes), among the most prominent being ICBMs, SLBMs, cruise missiles, modern long, (possibly) medium and short range SAMs and associated radars and electronics, they seem to have already performed some upgrades on their existing aircraft, and we've seen the new AAMs showcased couple of years back. So it could be that the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place regarding the last major system DPRK hasn't advanced on yet, namely indigenous combat aircraft.

The engine could conceivably be a local copy of RD-33, which would be just right for the apparent aircraft size seen.
Considering that North Korea produces turbopump comparable to RD-250 in size while operating nearly 60 percent longer.

At very least R-25-300 turbojet could be potential engine or of turbofan then perhaps comparable thrust to RD-9 turbojet.

Although that could be near full scale decoy to clutter the radar of opposing side with conceivably passing as fighter jet aircraft.

Wait and see...
Its unbelievable how a country with a GDP PPP of only 40 billion USD can produce all this. I dont have words.

We are talking about ICBM's, SLV's. SLBM's, Hypersonic glide vehicle, Long range SAM's, Cruise missiles, Submarines etc...

Puts Pakistan and a lot other countries to shame.
North Korea placed priority on its military industrial complex hence other civilian sectors do not get nowhere as much investment by the state.
ok sure the satellite photos can be misleading and the optical illusion is possible, but it just seems to me or some of the aircraft referred to as SU-25 have wings with a different design, with less sweep, i.e. almost straight.
Maybe they tried to make something similar to the SU-25


Resolution of satellite imagery is not that great to make a judgement about those Su-25.

someone please nuke this regime and ideology off the face of this planet already.
someone please nuke this regime and ideology off the face of this planet already.
this discussion has the title "North Korea Defence Forum" and it is understood that it is purely dedicated to military information, therefore it would be advisable to leave out politics and one's wishes in this regard.
Thank you
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