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Nope Pakistan - Hiding Behind Peace Mantra Won't Save You From War

SMQ has already struck the last nail in the coffin of kashmir cause. there isnt going to be any sort of support from pak in terms of men and material for kashmir. ham sirf naray marain gay. i dont now why india took so many years to take this step . they knew our leaders have been corrupt and coward since the very beginning and pak cant do anything other then lip service so why they waited for so long. from indian perspective it is a brilliant move.

I have to accept that current indian military generals and off course their rulers are far more daring/courageous and with balls than their counterparts on Pakistani side. As much as I would hate to believe it but what is happening since last two weeks is reinforcing my views.

The people who are supposed to do this know there job better then us. The real question is of will and intent.

And also balls which they seem to have chopped off themselves due to immense fear.
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It is inevitable that recent horrific incidents within Kashmir have shaken the core of civilians lively freedom to do so whatever they please impossible.

It is very crucial Pakistan a sleeping giant has to go on the offensive, whether it is pushed into conflict by India or not.
They're is definitely zero outcome from U.N. resolution or any negotiation actions taken at the table. History has taught us nothing gets done by peace or negotiation when it comes to Kashmir.

Before war initiate :
Why doesn't Pak army take a plane C-130 full of small military weapons as ak-47s and drop off parachute over local civilian Kashmir's to fight Indian terrorist army ???

Pakistan will have bypassed war with India and for India if it wants to escalate over Balochistan, I firmly believe that majority of Balochi people will side with in favor of Pakistan. There is no way Pakistan can remain sleeping giant over this Kashmir resolution 370 aggressive action taken by New Delhi to do as they please.

How to do it ? Drop off at any civilians crowd gatherings
and also drop off pieces of papers for instructions on how to use etc.
Word of mouth spreads and major issue will be when these civilians people hear news that other kashmiri civilians shot dead Indian Terrorists Army soldier's and it's domino effect. Pakistan will have made life for every Indian Terrorists Army soldier's that much impossible at end of the day.

In Vietnam the coalition / US forces dropped off supplies and weapons over rebel groups inside Vietnamese territory for 28+ years. So it's been done before. But they were 4 steps ahead.
War is coming whether we want or don't want, the question is how prepared are we to tackle it.
You watch too much shit from Hollywood.. indians will shoot down the planes and wil easily confiscate the weapons
1. How is a C-130 going to fly over IOK dropping off weapons?

2. What are you smoking?
The means to deliver the weapons is Pakistan army job.
My goal was to provide a idea.
What have you contributed towards Kashmir cause?

I think he has never heard of "Radar" in his life.
I think you don't know history facts, specifically the Vietnam war air drops.
SMQ has already struck the last nail in the coffin of kashmir cause. there isnt going to be any sort of support from pak in terms of men and material for kashmir. ham sirf naray marain gay. i dont now why india took so many years to take this step . they knew our leaders have been corrupt and coward since the very beginning and pak cant do anything other then lip service so why they waited for so long. from indian perspective it is a brilliant move.

Can you calm down, and stop parading wrong information. What is all with this defeatist mentality.

SMQ and GOP have stated that Pakistan will not support militants, but there has been no mention of Kashmiri Freedom Fighters. Pakistan's policy will always remain the same, and that is that Pakistan supports Kashmiri Freedom Fighters and opposes militants/terrorists of any sort. Pakistan will begin the necessary initiatives to ensure that the adequate infrastructure is in place to support Kashmiri Freedom Fighters. It will take Pakistan months to train these fighters, and Pakistan's Army as an institution has learnt a lot from WOT because whether we like it or not, TTP was an extremely ruthless enemy. We have learnt their tactics/doctrine, and this is something that will be passed on to the Kashmiris along with small/medium arms.

from indian perspective it is a brilliant move.

How can you even make this judgement? This is the only card they had left to play and they played it. Now its Pakistan's turn to respond and play its own cards. Pakistan has a huge surplus of weapons, and a whole lot of knowledge it has gained from WOT in the past 20 years. As crude as it sounds, in the past Pakistan did most of the heavy lifting for the Kashmiris. Now as they face ethnic cleansing, i am sure as hell they will be more motivated to fight to save their own homes.

I have to accep that current indian military generals and off course their rulers are far more daring/courageous and with balls than their counterparts on Pakistani side. As much as I would hate to believe it but what is happening since last two weeks is reinforcing my views.

But Pakistan hasn't even responded yet. Pakistan is quietly working its options, and will respond from a position of strength that is favourable to Pakistan. I heard the same B.S prior to Feb 27, that PAF has no ba**s, but we all know how that turned out.
That's why I mentioned Balochistan is no go for India, if it tries counter measurements.

Honestly this is best scenerios for call to action otherwise keep sleeping keyboard warrior.

I am the keyboard warrior here? Clearly you're being irrational here. Do you think an IAF carrier plane can pass through Azad Kashmir? Then what makes you think that a PAF C170 can pass over Srinagar. Downright the most fantasy like I have heard.

The means to deliver the weapons is Pakistan army job.
My goal was to provide a idea.
What have you contributed towards Kashmir cause?

I think you don't know history facts, specifically the Vietnam war air drops.

Holy ****. You're actually retarded if you think you have contributed to Kashmir cause by providing the least concise, most stupid, and clearly influenced by games, kind of an idea on some forum.

Get off your high horse.

Gen Ghulam Mustafa raised very valid points. Yes we are trying the diplomatic effort. But I don't think it'll work. Bcuz the world is indifferent when muslims lives are in danger. And is generally anti muslim.

Will we keep beating the dead horse of diplomacy. When madmen such as Trump, Modi and Netanyahoo are openly advocating anti muslim agendas in different capacities. Both Netanyahoo and Modi hace temples to build. Netanyahoo 3rd temple. Modi ram temple.

Will we still keep beating the dead horse of diplomacy when India shuts off our water supply and when they start making their akhand bharat fantasy come true, after they take AJK?? Will they stop there?? I don't think so.

We can't fight a war with a weak economy. But can we fight a war with no water and mass famine??

The IK leadership has handeled this crisis very poorly. If we can slap India like we did on 27th Feb why can't we do same in a preemtive fashion. When literally the survival, physical and ideological of Pakistan is hanging in the balance??
My thought was always there will be a FINAL WAR and that's it- A deja vu Ghouri...
But Kashmir 2019 will be a battle after which Kashmir will be liberated...
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All the people here are well educated with some good financial background...these people dont even pay taxes...some of them are sitting comfortably in the west and beating their chests saying war war.
Why dont these people start their display of their patriotism by donating 75 percent of their wealth to pakistani govt to assist its crumbling economy? Afterall for people who are willing to sacrifise their lives for their country, donating money shouldnt be a problem.
The fact of the matter is pakistan is not performing well economically...it cant afford a war...even if it can, pak will be alienated if it tries any attack on india..
And what has happened in kashmir that these keyboard warriors are blowing the trumpets of war? India has repealed a section of its constitution..these people who are getting over emotional are in fact acting against paks interests...Imran Khan is trying to lift pak out of economic distress and these people want him to go to war against india and throw the country back to stone ages....
Tera ghagra soot na aya.
Soriyan da pind aagaya.
They are not mighty. They have weaknesses. Too many of them. In fact in this particular theater of Kashmir they are the weakest

But our continuous pursue of peace or shall I say our cowardice has emboldened them. And it would continue to embolden them more and more to the point that we would have no choice but to fight back. But at the point we might be weaker than the position we are at right now
I understand your predicament.
How many wars have we started for Kashmir whilst the kashmiris have slept. Freedom demands a price. A price of blood. Kashmiris are not up in numbers. They are not helping themselves at all. If kashmir is lockdown why not delhi, mumbai. Hit BJP politicians who want war. Kidnap their families. But no they are asleep.
So calling for war. Pak troops are heavily out numbered, out gunned and outdone by shear numbers in the air and at sea. That doesnt mean nothing can be done. But a full head on confrontation will not secure a victory in Kashmir. Victory I believe will achieved by a thousand cuts.
Indian military now is at its weakest I believe and if china moved troops to forward positions I think india would be under pressure whist we send covert units to do sabotage not just in the valley but all around it hitting logistics in particular
How many wars have we started for Kashmir whilst the kashmiris have slept. Freedom demands a price. A price of blood. Kashmiris are not up in numbers. They are not helping themselves at all. If kashmir is lockdown why not delhi, mumbai. Hit BJP politicians who want war. Kidnap their families. But no they are asleep.
So calling for war. Pak troops are heavily out numbered, out gunned and outdone by shear numbers in the air and at sea. That doesn't mean nothing can be done. But a full head on confrontation will not secure a victory in Kashmir. Victory I believe will achieved by a thousand cuts.
Indian military now is at its weakest I believe and if china moved troops to forward positions I think india would be under pressure whist we send covert units to do sabotage not just in the valley but all around it hitting logistics in particular

What a hypocrisy, in the above paragraph you are mocking kashmiris that they don't do anything against india even though they are under the strict surveillance of 700,000 indians troops as well as their intelligence agencies 24 hours a day, but you expect them to fight (without even weapons) in delhi and mumbai and take out bjp politicians and indians in general I believe who are 1 billion plus and located far far away from Kashmir.

But then at the same time you say "you know pakistani troops cannot fight even though they have machine guns, rifles, tanks, ballistic missiles, fighter aircrafts etc. against India because the poor pakistani troops are outnumbered by indian troops". Can it get more funny than that :lol:.
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What a hypocrisy, in the above paragraph you are mocking kashmiris that they don't do anything against india even though they are under the strict surveillance of 700,000 indians troops as well as their intelligence agencies 24 hours a day, but you expect them to fight (without even weapons) in delhi and mumbai and bjp politicians and indians in general I believe who are 1 billion plus and located far far away from Kashmir.

But then at the same time you say "you know pakistani troops cannot fight even though they have machine guns, rifles, tanks, ballistic missiles, air crafts etc. against inida because the poor pakistani troops are outnumbered by indian troops". Can it get more funny than that :lol:.
Nice try...since 1947...what have the kashmiris actually done...there wasnt enough time to organise. How many wars have Pakistan fought for them and they didnt even rise. My own uncle was the only survivor when his tank was hit. My cousins son died a couple of years ago fighting the TTP. My father was also in the Pak forces. So war is very much in our blood. They have to rise in order to fight.
You talk of weapons.. cant they make sling shits with arrow. Must they just throw a stone. They can make explosives....all over the internet how to do that with household goods. Gas canisters etc. But they have to start fighting before we start.
Ps. My brother wife from IOK kashmir...so we know.
Now jog on with your bravado...why dont you go and join the freedom fight
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