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Nope Pakistan - Hiding Behind Peace Mantra Won't Save You From War

Water is life sir. And our life will be in banya's hands. No matter how much we try to avoid, war is inevitable. They are not going to stop here. They already have their eyes on Balochistan. They will not stop until whole Pakistan is in their custody.
I agree nobody wants millions of people dead but this time Indians have taken it to extreme and any Wish for Peace aka Cowardice from our side will only result in Pakistanis dying from thrist and hunger in coming years.

The most hate-filled hindus in india are not hindu baniyas but hindu rajputs, gujjars, jats, brahmins and khatris.
In US war means economy, a shot in the arm, economic activity increases and buying and manufacturing increases which takes the rest of the economy along...
Either way...
... India broke a promise whose keepers don't exist anymore and Pakistan may very well be impervious to the deluge coming from India but for only a limited time. Remember, the onus always rests with the one who takes initiative, hence, momentum.
Besides, water as many are pointing out has it's own political dimensions. China is diverting Yarlung Tsangpo(Brahmaputra) in Tibet and India doing similar things with Indus tributaries.
Rivers either bind and bring people together or they become physical barriers/borders. India's primary rivers are Yamuna, Ganga and Brahmaputra. Now that it shares Punjab with Pakistan the tributaries are diverted and not exactly for the benefit of Indian Punjab. It would have been grand if Sutlej was the defacto border north of Punjab all the way to China border.

That being said the real issue is not enough storage of water in Pakistan as far as the scarcity goes. Today Egyptians reap the benefits of Aswan Dam and will continue to do so for generations. Also, around coastal areas desalination is the solution which(desalinated water) I think will have to brought further inland as need grows.

The issue though is of people(of Kashmir) and both economy and water are under people's domain.

All this peace mantra, all these condemnations, all these diplomatic bullsh!t won't save you from a war

That didn't save Britain against Nazi Germany. That won't save you either

You can remain silent. Let India get away with its belligerence. Yeah you can do that

But it would come back and haunt you. It would keep chasing you

India won't stop interfering in Baluchistan or any other area of Pakistan just because you stopped in IOK

India won't stop bombing your villages just because you wont

India won't be a friend even if you give your own AJK And GB to them

The choice is yours. Either you fight back. Show your strength and your will to defend yourself and those who always looked towards you for help.

Or either you sit down. Just to be dragged in the same war that you tried to avoid earlier

Choice is yours
Wish we had a leader like Sir Winston Churchill but all we have is a spineless Niazi who would bend over anytime if you through pennies at him
This nation will never back govt.or army when we go for war. They dont have trust on our army and cant wait 24 hours so that army come up with stratrgy and bash them does any one think that after 1 month of war we will say there was diplomatic solution for this which Imran khan and arny didnt go. All blame will be on GOP to go for war. We have seen in musharraf time of lal masjid.
No matter what we should focus on Afghanistan and throw India out of Afghanistan support Taliban and increase our influence there. The time of direct confrontation and wars is over especially between nuclear armed neighbors and
be ready for a long haul.
The time has now come to stop the peace overtures. India and particularly Modi is not interested in peace. The new government has exhausted all avenues. The world knows Pakistan's position.

Now the time has come to punch India in the face. Whichever way possible.

This nation will never back govt.or army when we go for war. They dont have trust on our army and cant wait 24 hours so that army come up with stratrgy and bash them does any one think that after 1 month of war we will say there was diplomatic solution for this which Imran khan and arny didnt go. All blame will be on GOP to go for war. We have seen in musharraf time of lal masjid.

Surely Maryam, Bilawal and company are on Modi's side.
Well said . But what's the options ? . Can we opt for military action , and would anyone support us ? . India has Israel and others . What do we have . ? China ain't doing shit ? . Didn't even condemn it yet ! .

All this peace mantra, all these condemnations, all these diplomatic bullsh!t won't save you from a war

That didn't save Britain against Nazi Germany. That won't save you either

You can remain silent. Let India get away with its belligerence. Yeah you can do that

But it would come back and haunt you. It would keep chasing you

India won't stop interfering in Baluchistan or any other area of Pakistan just because you stopped in IOK

India won't stop bombing your villages just because you wont

India won't be a friend even if you give your own AJK And GB to them

The choice is yours. Either you fight back. Show your strength and your will to defend yourself and those who always looked towards you for help.

Or either you sit down. Just to be dragged in the same war that you tried to avoid earlier

Choice is yours
Must we go in guns blazing??
Why doesnt Pak establishment wake up smell the coffee and do what the chandus have been doing to us i.e proxy warfare and how Doval professes "raising the cost for Pakistan" why dont we do same. Why dont we raise cost for India.

We hear so much bluster about naga land, assam, khalistan etc. Why no action?? Even donating old lee enfields would go a long way. Afghan Taliban snipers still use em.

Also India has thrust so many soldiers and assets in one valley. Why dont you find a way to cut them off from the center. Make them sitting ducks and have a Turkey shoot. And then maybe if Pakistan feel like it then we can force them to negotiating table or settle this dispute for good??

Afterall, Hitler lost because of a VERY big ego and stretched supply lines. Modi has the ego part down. Rest PA and PAF will have to put in some effort.

Or we could play in the international arena. Try to get India sanctioned. Which is a long shot. Bcz laaton k bhoot...

I think best is to use both. Cordon off the valley and obliterate chandoos. Then start funding and supporting local resistance and then expand and help, fund, support the rest of movements.

We already are branded terrorists. Lets show em real terror. Let's defeat the gangu and chandu at their own game.

All this peace mantra, all these condemnations, all these diplomatic bullsh!t won't save you from a war

That didn't save Britain against Nazi Germany. That won't save you either

You can remain silent. Let India get away with its belligerence. Yeah you can do that

But it would come back and haunt you. It would keep chasing you

India won't stop interfering in Baluchistan or any other area of Pakistan just because you stopped in IOK

India won't stop bombing your villages just because you wont

India won't be a friend even if you give your own AJK And GB to them

The choice is yours. Either you fight back. Show your strength and your will to defend yourself and those who always looked towards you for help.

Or either you sit down. Just to be dragged in the same war that you tried to avoid earlier

Choice is yours
Pakistan should try it (limited conflict) when still it can. When the S-400s and Rafales and ACs and Subs would be here all you will be doing would be defending. It takes dollars to fight and war and sorry to say Pakistan is running real short of that.
How you ensure safely distribution of arms and munitions
Your solution before initiate the war :
Why doesn't Pak army take a plane C-130 full of small military weapons as ak-47s and drop off parachute over local civilian Kashmir's to fight Indian terrorist army ???

Secondly from author point, all along General Musherif era he was after all right - what will you (Pakistan) do when India comes for war on your door ?

Before war initiate :
Why doesn't Pak army take a plane C-130 full of small military weapons as ak-47s and drop off parachute over local civilian Kashmir's to fight Indian terrorist army ???
Green Ankho waali sarkar aa rahi hai don't worry.

Why not Blue?

Pakistan should try it (limited conflict) when still it can. When the S-400s and Rafales and ACs and Subs would be here all you will be doing would be defending. It takes dollars to fight and war and sorry to say Pakistan is running real short of that.

Days of limited warfare are well and truly over.

This present war will be final and decisive.

Pakistanis are basically beggars.

Why are you jealous Bhanjay?
As I said, damned if you do it.. because the Baniya is so confident of surviving a nuclear conflict and in their counterforce ability that they are discounting the death that will follow their people completely.
from where they got this confidence?
only reason India can do this is because they have nothing to lose. sanctioning india won’t do shit.
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