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Non-Muslims ought to be eligible to become President, PM: Kamran Michael

Lol at them being prosecuted.Just because some idiots go around killing people doesn't mean the Pakistani state or majority of people back it

Funny how you guys know nothing about Pakistan. Point out instance where there have been massacres like Gujarat, 1984, Orissa, etc in Pakistan. Pakistan isn't prefect but India should be the last country on earth lecturing us about minority rights

the number of sikhs , muslims or hindus that died in those riots are probably less than terrorists in your country blow up shia and ahmadis in a year.

that was a bad phase in the history of india and we have moved on. when was the last time you heard a riot in india ?? like a decade ago !!

need i remind you when was the last target killing of shias or ahmadis.

talking about minority rights .....we dont have blasphemy laws , anyone can become head of the state despite his/her religion , that this not the case with you. :disagree:
Well one of the Indian posters brought up the whole "miserable minority conditions in Pakistan".

But yes lets not go off topic.

and i was also replying to a poster who equated ban on cow slaughter in India to suppression of muslims :hitwall:
only handful incidents in India and that too long ago and not at much larger scale as the one happening in Pakistan currently not agianst only religious minority but also against baloch, shia community and urdu-speaker...no amount of allegation on Indian History can justify this bloody present of Pakistan ...and Mind you PAst of Pakistan wasn't brighter as well

Chumbled, lets not play the blame game here. The Pakistani National know better than what we do on their nations current affiers, we need not tell them what is happening when and where.
If we see a amicable solution lets just post. Even if such a soltion touchs one Pakistani then we have contributed to the people to people relations between two long standing raival brothers.
the number of sikhs , muslims or hindus that died in those riots are probably less than terrorists in your country blow up shia and ahmadis in a year.

that was a bad phase in the history of india and we have moved on. when was the last time you heard a riot in india ?? like a decade ago !!

need i remind you when was the last target killing of shias or ahmadis.

talking about minority rights .....we dont have blasphemy laws , anyone can become head of the state despite his/her religion , that this not the case with you. :disagree:

Orissa riots were in 2008, how is that a decade ago?
Terrorists kill have killed Pakistanis who are Sunni too (the majority)
I'll repeat this again: Pakistan isn't prefect but India should be the last country on earth lecturing us about minority rights. And yeah Pakistan isn't secular or at least hypocritically secular some countries.

Anyways I'm going to stop here, this is going too off topic
Is there any example wherein a Muslim country had a non Muslim to the top position in the country? If not, then Pakistan can become the first to set example.
Orissa riots were in 2008, how is that a decade ago?
Terrorists kill have killed Pakistanis who are Sunni too (the majority)
I'll repeat this again: Pakistan isn't prefect but India should be the last country on earth lecturing us about minority rights. And yeah Pakistan isn't secular or at least hypocritically secular some countries.

Anyways I'm going to stop here, this is going too off topic

i was not lecturing anybody but you people should also stop raising issue of suppression of muslims in India.

and the case of orissa riots.....there were killings both the sides ....the maoists were against hindu parties and sided with christians.

im done here too. pardon me for being off topic. but cow slaughtering and bullsh!t need not be brought up in every thread
Its obviously a good idea to treat everyone equally. As it is things are difficult in our countries - poor, diverse, immature politically - but if laws discriminate then things become even worse.

I wonder if this idea is popular though in Pakistan. The kind of reactions one gets to see on Ahmedi related threads are quite violent.

All the best to Pakistan though, justice is very important if our countries are to progress truely.
I would personally support a non-Muslim's claim to office. What good have Muslim rulers done in the 64 years that this country has been around ?
But alas, we must please the fundees as well and they will never be able to digest a Christian/Sikh person as president of Pakistan.
So all pakistanis support removal of the law but the law is still there.

Something is missing in this picture!
I would personally support a non-Muslim's claim to office. What good have Muslim rulers done in the 64 years that this country has been around ?
But alas, we must please the fundees as well and they will never be able to digest a Christian/Sikh person as president of Pakistan.

I agree. I don't really care what their religion is, as long as they are capable rulers and their hearts and minds are with the people of Pakistan and FOR the people of Pakistan.

Non-Muslims should be able to vacate top spots like these, it's pure racism if it's not allowed.
The governor was killed just because he supported a common civilian. Heavens knows what will happen with this guy looking at the current trend.
The governor was killed just because he supported a common civilian. Heavens knows what will happen with this guy looking at the current trend.

The media had a large part to play in Salman Taseer's assassination. To sell a story, they blew it out of proportions and purposefully worked to malign his image and present him to the public as a blasphemer, what happened was, as they say............history.
Either this man was not awake or something else they just try this and they will see the results man can't Non Muslims cannot be a leader of a Muslims State or State is based on Islamic Law and we can't allow any Non Muslims to handle that :)
Im not a flag bearer for any Muslim. Im just highlighting the fact that India fails to be secular. The government it self was involved in massacre of Sikhs, and massacre of Muslims in Gujarat and demolition of that mosque which sparked riots killing thousands. Burqas should be banned all over the world actually, especially for security reasons. Burqa isn't in Islam and was invented by tribal arabs.

Sir Buqa was not invented by Tribal Arabs before Islam no women used to cover her face in Arab correct your information sir
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