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No solution in Afghanistan without intervention in Pakistan, Dion says

Hi Mujahideen,

I didn't say anything about islam---but I talked about the muslim--today's pakistani muslim and islam two different things---I hardly see a relation between, but then that is a differnt discussion---hardly any relation between the two---.

Pakistan is indeed committing suicide and the pakistanis are helping the motherland---why is Nawaz Sharif not making a compromise---why did the pakistanis went on a loot and plunder spree in december---why are the retd supreme court judges still making fiery statements against the govt---why are the attorneys not going back to work---why are the opposition politicians are hooked up with foreighn NGO's, why are the attorney hooked up with foreign NGO's---stop for a moment and think---this is destruction---every step leading to more destruction for the last 6 plus months---a power struggle under these trying times---when all the world is praying and asking for our early DEMISE---what do you think we are doing---we are putting our heads on a platter and presenting it our adversaries---isn't this suicide then what?

Again my question is why did the inspector general police sindh / karachi didnot take any action against the criminals right away---there were 20 plus diesel engine and train racks burnt---where were the pakistan's defenders---railway property damaged---gas stations burnt---banks looted---public transport destroyed----you have to ask the question---where were the protectors of the realm---what happened to the contingency plan in case a high value politician is assinated. Whole of the world watched as the one half of the pakistanis destroyed their country and the other half watched them destroy it.

I agree with you MK sir.
Now this line the afghan officials told him. Lol greatest joke of the centruy. But it should however be an eye opener for all those in pakistan who think they can work with this regime of afghanistan. Now on who's saying did they come up with such accusions, that remains to be seen, india though holds the number one spot in the listing.
The West is clearly speaking in the words of the Afghans who clearly are speaking in the words of their new masters and we need to realize this reality before it gets too late for us to respond in kind.

Truth has been spoken...These Canadians have such sympathy for Afghanistn!
they will not attack pakistan same nonsense as they are doing with iran it will be suicide for them they can't control what they occupy now last things they need is to make the war bigger and fight the army and tribals in pakistan aswell .This is just fearmongering and empty threats just like what they are doing to iran.
There is a much more simple and peaceful solution to this seal the damn border !!
Hi Mujahideen,

I didn't say anything about islam---but I talked about the muslim--today's pakistani muslim and islam two different things---I hardly see a relation between, but then that is a differnt discussion---hardly any relation between the two---.

Pakistan is indeed committing suicide and the pakistanis are helping the motherland---why is Nawaz Sharif not making a compromise---why did the pakistanis went on a loot and plunder spree in december---why are the retd supreme court judges still making fiery statements against the govt---why are the attorneys not going back to work---why are the opposition politicians are hooked up with foreighn NGO's, why are the attorney hooked up with foreign NGO's---stop for a moment and think---this is destruction---every step leading to more destruction for the last 6 plus months---a power struggle under these trying times---when all the world is praying and asking for our early DEMISE---what do you think we are doing---we are putting our heads on a platter and presenting it our adversaries---isn't this suicide then what?

Again my question is why did the inspector general police sindh / karachi didnot take any action against the criminals right away---there were 20 plus diesel engine and train racks burnt---where were the pakistan's defenders---railway property damaged---gas stations burnt---banks looted---public transport destroyed----you have to ask the question---where were the protectors of the realm---what happened to the contingency plan in case a high value politician is assinated. Whole of the world watched as the one half of the pakistanis destroyed their country and the other half watched them destroy it.

Well what you have said I agree with. Now I dont know in which sense you see a difference between a Pakistani Muslim and Islam. In my eyes the are the same a Pakistani Muslims follows Islam.
In the second part of your respond you blame our political leadership and for that you, I and everyone else has good reason to do, because they have done nothing for the country. Now as far as the rioting and looting goes, maybe you are not aware of how hard it is to control an angry mob. When I first heard the news of rioting and looting my first response was shoot all of them. But you see an angry mob cannot and I repeat cannot be controlled. Take any example from any country in the world you will notice that nobody has been able to control a mob, they have waited until the situation calms down or the other way to control is and we have seen this happen is start shooting the people down until the mob disperses. Now in Pakistan we have a few elements in the political leadership which were controlling this mob and our mobs are for the most part consisted of the poor and uneducated. If the authorities started to shoot them down, in my opinion the mob wont disperse because they have nothing to live for if they live, they live in misery and if they die it makes no difference.
Now its time to get to the role of the authorities. The I.G. Sindh believe me I know him personally. He said that if he had ordered the firing the situation would of been so out of control that we might of had on our hand a civil war. The plan was to have the rioting calm down by itself and then bring out the Police, the Rangers and the Army. I also know Laiquat Jatoi, the former caretaker Prime Minister. As we know one of his houses was burnt. He also had gas stations. The order he gave to the guards at his gs stations was if a mob comes by dont fire at the mob but fire in the air. Because if they fired at the mob the situation would of been out of control, so the order was given to fire in the air and maybe the mob will get scared and disperse.
Now You also talk about a contingency plan. From my knowledge their was no contingency plan, but then again I dont know everything. in my opinion our plans might work if we knew what would happen. Pakistan is a place where we cant predict what will happen next. I personally think the best contingency plan would be education. You see in Western countries it is easier to disperse a crowd because they are educated. A Western mob does not want to die so they will leave. They have a reason to live not like our mob people.
Now believe me you raise good points. But you, I and all of us sometimes make statements without looking at the ground realities. It is very important that we examine the ground realities. One reality is and in my opinion all of the problems of Pakistan will be solve is if we have sincere politicians. We must also address the root cause of our problems. We are very good at pointing out the problem but we never give a solution to that problem. Right now we need both address the problem and most importantly find a solution and also keeping in mind the ground realities.
Well the discussion over here is not about who will go down in history of pakistan,we all know who will go down,but anyways the nato will be in bigger **** than they already are in if they intervene in pakistan.

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