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No Relief to Pakistan on Dispute Over Indian Power Plant on Cross-Border River

Ground reality is that we have half of "Integral Part", rest you are free to run in circles

Gotta admit, this is a fun forum to be in :D

Not interested in petty one upmanship arguments however dude you are down to calling for war over water with us. How pathetic can one get?
Rofl nobody fears a faulty leaking dam that can be obliterated with few rdx in one of its tunnels.

If it was that simple. Nevertheless, if something were to happen to the dam, everybody will know who the culprit will be. :angel:
Chinese grabbed Indus Cascade? Which part?

Chinese can hardly control Pagong Tso, and you talking about controlling Indus. Even if they control Indus, you will find India going even tighter with releasing water. Just wait for Ratle to come up It's 4 times Kishenganga. And the situation going to be even more precarious for you as work on eastern rivers is going to begin too, for which we have 100% ownership.

Keep on negotiating for more loans, but China can't provide you water in those dams.

And rest of all that gibberish you posted about LoC is in fact gibberish.

Hahaha first go read and update your information. They keep Pagong Tso which they won by kicking indians out in 1962. Hindu Taliban reactionary state that lost square-miles instead of negotiating the border.They already have built the roads in Dokhlam and are within the bhutan area.
I've also been hearing your BS and gibberish for a while now. As I said I want this status quo to continue please do and then accept the ramifications. Do what you want to do and we sill do what we want to do with this dam which is close to our territory and the situation is not of 2009 anymore. You have ownership of your underwear only Rs. 2 nation who s screwed by his own govt. in fuel prices and lentils. Ownership rofl.
Bangladesh :sleep:+90k

That still doesn't change the fact about Kashmir

Gotta admit, this is a fun forum to be in :D

Not interested in petty one upmanship arguments however dude you are down to calling for war over water with us. How pathetic can one get?

Yeah, How pathetic one can be to steal water
Bangladesh :sleep:+90k
90k surrendering due to lack of weapons and ammunition is far better than 30K killed with bullets in their BACKS due to running away in spite of having weapons loaded with ammunition...
I think war stimulates economy and Chinese know that
If you want chinese to act against India in the interest of pakistan, you should first ask them to stop investing in India. Every second day I read about chinese companies increasing their investments in Indiq and builsing manufacturing plants.
If you want chinese to act against India in the interest of pakistan, you should first ask them to stop investing in India. Every second day I read about chinese companies increasing their investments in Indiq and builsing manufacturing plants.
China investing in india is probably a more dangerous weapon against india than Chinese nukes, gives them greater control over you! :laugh:
Hahaha first go read and update your information. They keep Pagong Tso which they won by kicking indians out in 1962. Hindu Taliban reactionary state that lost square-miles instead of negotiating the border.They already have built the roads in Dokhlam and are within the bhutan area.
I've also been hearing your BS and gibberish for a while now. As I said I want this status quo to continue please do and then accept the ramifications. Do what you want to do and we sill do what we want to do with this dam which is close to our territory and the situation is not of 2009 anymore. You have ownership of your underwear only Rs. 2 nation who s screwed by his own govt. in fuel prices and lentils. Ownership rofl.
Ahhh... Looks like I been banging my head at the wrong tree. You only know the propaganda you been fed. You just showed me your brilliant knowledge about the subject at hand, which you acquired from non WiKi source, as you mentioned. I can merely laugh at your display of knowledge or rather lack of it.
Boy... Go read more about Pagong Tso and who controls what.
Anyways Tarbela , Mangla and Chashma are already running dry... And you still haven't been able to gather courage to attack India.

You are going to help Modi by attacking India. That's what we are looking for, you climbing the escalation ladder. We did surgical strike and announces it specifically so that you escalate the situation and attack India, but you subsumed it in denial. We are hammering you day and night killing hundreds of your soldiers, your scared army hides casualty instead of escalating the war with India. So my advice, either mount an attack on India or quietly get hammered and insulted at our wish and keep denying it.

China in not going spend $100B in addition of, $60B for CPEC, to fight a war against India and then rebuild Pakistan from dust.
Pehle to mujh se tameez se bat karo toiletless ****stani. Say Dream on boy to your pitaji modi.

China grabbed indus cascade [its not only diamer there are around 3-4 dams] and has been negotiating Gilgit assets post-2016. It quadrupled its investment ans since has doubled the loans, go and research about the reasons. What have you got post-URi 250+ dead soldiers and Kashmir uprising which your hindu taliban leader is using?

And I have some personal advise, try to read from sources like books in library rather than relying on google and wikipedia. Only morons without proper citation and education use it.

Sahi baat hai unlike indian RSS terror. politicians who have incredible will fighting war with indian muslims by raping 8 year old kids in hindu temple.
Our country our rules... None of your business...
If you are so much angry over dams then why don't you ask your generals to start the war

China investing in india is probably a more dangerous weapon against india than Chinese nukes, gives them greater control over you! :laugh:
If Chinese investment in India gives Chinese control of India then guess what are you becoming for cpec
Our country our rules... None of your business...
If you are so much angry over dams then why don't you ask your generals to start the war

If Chinese investment in India gives Chinese control of India then guess what are you becoming for cpec
I knew one of you jokers was gonna bring this up. So I'll slap some education upside your head; the defining difference between China investing in Pakistan verses China investing in india is that when it comes to Pakistan and China, we are both mutually have each other's back because they offer what we need and we offer what they need. what does india has to offer to China that other countries including Pakistan, Brazil, thailand, vietnam, etc don't offer? The answer is NOTHING! While Pakistan offers to China that no one in the world can, i.e. CPEC!
5 pages of IQ lowering comments. Can't anyone here have a logical debate with facts instead of acting like 16 year old nationalistic morons? The fact of the matter is this...Pakistan fleeced India when it came to the Indus Water Treaty, and many Indians are aware of this...the current Indian government is playing games for its domestic consumption. They essentially got into power by threatening to nuke Pakistan...by doing that, they handcuffed themselves...anything less than threats would be seen as weakness from India's point of view. Furthermore, the Indus Water Treaty has always been a thorn in the side of Delhi. At the end of the day when all is said and done and after India's typical "there's a wolf there's a wolf" yapping ends, the dam will meet the treaty requirements. India has a history wanting to huff and puff, and they do this to there moronic domestic media consumption, especially North Indians, who are a vile breed of stupid. South Indians on the otherhand seem a little more civilized and grounded.

And then you have this clown
Anyways Tarbela , Mangla and Chashma are already running dry... And you still haven't been able to gather courage to attack India

They're not running dry because of you...the low water levels are due to abnormally low rainfall you twit.

You are going to help Modi by attacking India.

Last I checked, your current PM won the election and came to power by essentially threatening to nuke Pakistan off the map. Instead, he came to Lahore and gave us mangoes instead and then hired a couple of Bollywood directors to come up with some "soogeekal straik". Not a single Pakistani politician has ever threatened to attack India publicly, mainly because politics in our country does not revolve around wanting to nuke India...unlike in India, where your elections are always about threatening Pakistan. It's kind of amazing to be honest.

That's what we are looking for, you climbing the escalation ladder.

We're not, so relax. You have your hands full in Indian occupied Kashmir as we speak. We practically don't have to do anything except light a match when the time is right...and then poof.

We did surgical strike and announces it specifically so that you escalate the situation and attack India, but you subsumed it in denial.

This "surgical strike" where India has yet to provide a single shred of photographic and video evidence? Please, stop embarrassing yourselves.

We are hammering you day and night killing hundreds of your soldiers


Four civilians killed, three BSF jawans among 35 injured as Pakistan violates ceasefire again

your scared army hides casualty instead of escalating the war with India.

We're at war? Since when?

So my advice, either mount an attack on India or quietly get hammered and insulted at our wish and keep denying it

Why should mount an attack on Kashmir? Indian occupied Kashmir is a powder keg waiting to explode. :lol: What are you on crack?

China in not going spend $100B in addition of, $60B for CPEC, to fight a war against India and then rebuild Pakistan from dust.

Trust me...if Pakistan turns to dust, India will be a new body of water on the world map. That I can guarantee you. Better keep this "vee r poowarfal" rhetoric at Bharat Rickhaw forums.
I knew one of you jokers was gonna bring this up. So I'll slap some education upside your head; the defining difference between China investing in Pakistan verses China investing in india is that when it comes to Pakistan and China, we are both mutually have each other's back because they offer what we need and we offer what they need. what does india has to offer to China that other countries including Pakistan, Brazil, thailand, vietnam, etc don't offer? The answer is NOTHING! While Pakistan offers to China that no one in the world can, i.e. CPEC!
Keep licking your cpec and sugar daddy...
Do you really think that China will risk 100bn $ trade with India just for the sake of Pakistan.
Pakistan is not providing China anything in cpec... It's being built by Chinese money and investment... Pakistan is just being used as a supply chain by China just as USA did while fighting in Afghanistan
Keep licking your cpec and sugar daddy...
Do you really think that China will risk 100bn $ trade with India just for the sake of Pakistan.
Pakistan is not providing China anything in cpec... It's being built by Chinese money and investment... Pakistan is just being used as a supply chain by China just as USA did while fighting in Afghanistan
1. Pakistan gets billions of $ is transit fees alone.
2. you call a 100bn $ trade is a joke, apparently your idea of "trade" is the Chinese companies donating a few thousand jobs to your otherwise starving people and making that 100bn $ and keeping it ALL FOR THEMSELVES! :laugh:
3. as for your new found husband uncle sam, you have no idea how much of a crushing PA boot on your husband's nutsack this supply route has proven to be. why don't you just go ask your husband... 8-)

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