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No Relief to Pakistan on Dispute Over Indian Power Plant on Cross-Border River

Keep licking your cpec and sugar daddy...
Do you really think that China will risk 100bn $ trade with India just for the sake of Pakistan.
Pakistan is not providing China anything in cpec... It's being built by Chinese money and investment... Pakistan is just being used as a supply chain by China just as USA did while fighting in Afghanistan

If that's the case, then shouldn't you be happy? If CPEC is such a disaster in the making, why is the Indian government and media so obsessed with trying to smear it all the time? Shouldn't you be promoting CPEC then technically, it it'll destroy us? Since when are Indians so concerned about the well being of Pakistanis? Stop deluding yourself...India is panicking big time over CPEC, and some have argued that they've actually overreacted.

The reality is your Chahbahar port has all but failed miserably. It amazes me how most Indians still haven't figured out that the Iranians fleeced you folks out of a free port. Iran is more than capable enough of building its own ports...but when India panicked after Gwadar, they approached Iran to counter it and Iran happily obliged. They get a free port, while knowing full well no road and rail links will ever be built beyond the Afghan border.

Then, Iran has always had an unenthusiastic support for the project. Although the idea was first mooted in 2003, it was only in 2012 on the sidelines of the 16th Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Tehran that Iran (then reeling under sanctions for its nuclear activities) conceded to set up a joint working group to operationalize the port project as part of the trilateral cooperation agreement between Afghanistan, India and Iran on investment cooperation, trade and transit. A key factor behind Iran’s reluctance to allow an Indian presence at Chabahar was the opposition by the Revolutionary Guards, which reportedly uses the port to ship arms to Yemen.

Second, its strategic significance notwithstanding, the economic viability of the project is suspect. India, which has had trouble raising funds for the project, has so far been able to invest only $85 million to build a couple of berths. While India recently indicated that it was willing to invest up to $20 billion—one of its largest overseas ventures—to develop the port, petrochemical and fertilizer plants in the Chabahar SEZ, it remains to be seen if it can raise the funds.

Thirdly, and most importantly, Gwadar next door has gotten the Iranians interested. In fact, Tehran, which has been playing hardball with India and demanding greater Indian investment in Chabahar, itself plans to invest $4 billion to build a refinery in Gwadar to process 400,000 barrels of oil per day, not to mention newer proposed cooperation that was pinned earlier this year and last year.

And India is a signatory to the US-India Nuclear Agreement. You're essentially going to have to follow US American Foreign Policy or you can kiss the deal good bye.

Yours Truly
China investing in india is probably a more dangerous weapon against india than Chinese nukes, gives them greater control over you! :laugh:

It also pushes them to have more friendly relations with India inorder to safeguard their interests. while giving us jobs, building our skillforce and manufacturing sector and reducing imports. Sounds like a good deal to me.
It also pushes them to have more friendly relations with India inorder to safeguard their interests. while giving us jobs, building our skillforce and manufacturing sector and reducing imports. Sounds like a good deal to me.
Yyyeah, we saw how friendly they were to you on your northern border now didn't we??? [emoji41]

The fact is that their investments give them leverage over you while you have no leverage over them. If tomorrow, they decide to pull out their investments and take to sometime country like Thailand for example, you have nothing that you can pull away from them...they can just give you the finger and move elsewhere. so your modi has to pucker up and kiss some serious Chinese boots and shine them along with making a whole lotta chai for them...:lol:
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Haha.. more crying. Very entertaining. Please continue.
War will be declared only on forum? How about declaring real war once you guys grow a pair? We are waiting for that. Anyway IWT in its current form is very liberal treaty from Indians perspective(80:20 water share is nonsense) and need to be curtailed....If its has issues doing it officially, there are other ways without declaring it. I am sure our govt has certain things in mind.
War will be declared only on forum? How about declaring real war once you guys grow a pair? We are waiting for that. Anyway IWT in its current form is very liberal treaty from Indians perspective(80:20 water share is nonsense) and need to be curtailed....If its has issues doing it officially, there are other ways without declaring it. I am sure our govt has certain things in mind.
haven't we been constantly pumping in freedom fighters and beheading your soldiers with our marauding BAT teams? isn't that a reason enough for you to declare war on US? how spineless could india get?
haven't we been constantly pumping in freedom fighters and beheading your soldiers with our marauding BAT teams? isn't that a reason enough for you to declare war on US? how spineless could india get?
Naah....That don't even impact even 0.5% of our economy. A more efficient way to counter that is to build more dams and divert waters while generating more electricity for local needs....as of we speak, there are 15+ small/mid/big dams under construction by India on Pakistani share of IWT rivers....I hope that count will only increase in future.
Naah....That don't even impact even 0.5% of our economy. A more efficient way to counter that is to build more dams and divert waters while generating more electricity for local needs....as of we speak, there are 15+ small/mid/big dams under construction by India on Pakistani share of IWT rivers....I hope that count will only increase in future.
you lost all credibility right there...:lol:
okay, not a problem, we'll just keep killing your soldiers like rats with our BATS and keep pumping in freedom fighters...:omghaha:

a handful of bombs and artillery shells would be more than enough to put cracks in your dams to get whatever we want, we don't need to declare war for that...WE shell your posts left right and center all the time anyways, won't take much to temporarily divert that firepower to your dams. not like your in a position to stop us...:laugh:
you lost all credibility right there...:lol:
okay, not a problem, we'll just keep killing your soldiers like rats with our BATS and keep pumping in freedom fighters...:omghaha:

a handful of bombs and artillery shells would be more than enough to put cracks in your dams to get whatever we want, we don't need to declare war for that...WE shell your posts left right and center all the time anyways, won't take much to temporarily divert that firepower to your dams. not like your in a position to stop us...:laugh:
Well what to say... What we have lost in 30 years, you have lost more in 10 years......So guess what? As I said, Its little price which India can afford to pay to keep Kashmir ours and besides that, It don't even impact 0.5% of our economy ( saying it again)...so we are fine with that.
Kya rona dhona laga rakha hai thread me . missile gira dengey, missile gira denge . Girao na bhai, chudiya pehen ke kyu baithe ho ?
Well what to say... What we have lost in 30 years, you have lost more in 10 years......So guess what? As I said, Its little price which India can afford to pay to keep Kashmir ours and besides that, It don't even impact 0.5% of our economy ( saying it again)...so we are fine with that.
We constantly pump in freedom fighters who kill your soldiers and your fine with it. We constantly send in BAT spec ops who kill your soldiers and your fine with it. With an attitude like that, you'll be handing us kashmir on a silver platter and still be fine with it...8-)

Kya rona dhona laga rakha hai thread me . missile gira dengey, missile gira denge . Girao na bhai, chudiya pehen ke kyu baithe ho ?
right now, you haven't diverted our water and are continuing to give us our share of 80% like obedient little children. Once you do try to divert or block it then you'll know. We won't be announcing it, we'll just do it. What can you do to stop us...absolutely nothing...:lol:
We constantly pump in freedom fighters who kill your soldiers and your fine with it. We constantly send in BAT spec ops who kill your soldiers and your fine with it. With an attitude like that, you'll be handing us kashmir on a silver platter and still be fine with it...8-)
Well silver line here is that our enemy lose much more while trying to harm us....I am okay with that assertion!! It's proven even historically!!!
PS: Just to add, We can afford all that while I am not so sure about Pakistan....see you guys are on begging spree for bailouts....more loans to pay old laons. lolz
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