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No Muslim woman wants her husband to bring home 3 other wives : Assam chief minister

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Very few muslims marry a widow or destitute women, most marry teen age virgins. So stop spreading nonsense as if muslims are some angels.

I have already renounced God long ago, why don't you join me.
See how dumb you are.
You Hindus should stop raping and stop believing in God's that take 16108 wives and talk shit about Muslims drunk on cow cola. Now get lost you fake hindu
Why no Uniform code for the 33 Million Gods?

Also how did women survive to tell their take, unmarried women killed by Narakasur and rest of divorced and widowed burnt at the stake.

I guess metaphorically this is the only way Indian men can force women to marry them

The 33 Million god is a British Mistranslation.

It was a mis-translation of 33 Koti devata mentioned in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad or Shatpath Brahman and described in the Vedas.

"Koti" here means "Supreme" or "pre-eminent" or "excellent".

Other meaning would be "Crore".

33 Supreme Devata's are 8 Vasus, 11 Rudras, 12 Adityas, and Indra and Prajapati. ( 8+ 11 + 12 + 2 = 33)

The Master of these 33 Devatas is the “Mahadev “or “Ishwar”who alone is to be worshipped as per Shatpath Brahman.
It’s got nothing to do with the rights of a Muslim female. Had they cared about those they were have brought to trial the hordes of Sanghis who mass rape Muslim women during riots , and other times of the year.
It’s to do with the so called Muslim demographic time bomb.
You then have the hundreds of Muslim girls being kidnapped in UP every year and converted, and hate speeches by religious leaders which again call for rape but are not prosecuted let alone condemned.

So marrying another woman is a criminal offence but screwing a woman on the side whilst in a marriage is ok, which arguably causes far more damage. Yes I hear you we can’t criminalise free will or consenting adults but what’s the issue with polygamy if the rights if people are respected and they all consent?
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I cannot recall a single Muslim in my circle (close or extended) practicing polygamy. This is such a non starter likely brought up to drive another wedge.

Maybe someone with more insight could clarify whether the trend exists in india. I don’t mean isolated incidents and not instances from 1800s.
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I cannot recall a single Muslim in my circle (close or extended) practicing polygamy. This is such a non starter likely brought up to drive another wedge.

Maybe someone with more insight could clarify whether the trend exists in india. I don’t mean isolated incidents and not instances from 1800s.

In which case there should be no problem with a law that get rid of this.

Thank you for your support.
This Uniform code applies to everyone not just muslims in India and on surface this seems nothing like a biased law however keeping in view the recent anti Muslim drive in BJP's India it would be difficult to ignore this angle.

BJP has lost the trust of the Muslims and social media warriors of BJP say some nastiest things about Muslims, that too openly now. So who exactly will decide that if this is not another discriminatory law?
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