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Mumbai mosques turn volume down on call to prayer after Hindu leader’s demands

Well, you left out Punjabis who are about half of your population and economically the biggest contributor to your nation. I wonder why.

And, "few thousands English" enslaved all of us. Punjabis included. You want to rewrite history, well someone from your side says this "Tareekh ko mass karne se tareekh aapko mass kar deti hei".

Yes I did not name them, the martial race you Hindus look up to. I didn’t want to tarnish our real Pakistanis punjabis with those siKh wannabes dudes . My history is clear mate. English write things courage of the warrior Pakistan tribes nothing good about you lot just you were good house keepers and gardeners, Punjab is our bread basket and our front line big province warriors on borders kept you lot out
Enough for a nuclear flashpoint
Thats why you are the way you are. Thats why you remain in survival mode forever.

Yes I did not name them, the martial race you Hindus look up to. I didn’t want to tarnish our real Pakistanis punjabis with those siKh wannabes dudes . My history is clear mate. English write things courage of the warrior Pakistan tribes nothing good about you lot just you were good house keepers and gardeners, Punjab is our bread basket and our warriors
Courage... Martial... etc etc etc

Yeah, we hear it all. Where is that courage when US is directly kicking out your PM? Where is the courage when your debts are about to enter default? Where is the courage when your own Army turned on its civilians and led the country to be broken into two? Where is the courage when your own Army is not being faithful the best chance you had for a leader?

Let me also tell you about one more thing. Courage is a romanticism of failure. Few thousand english ruled over us (yes that include you and I all) because they were more ruthless than us. And also they were smarter, better prepared, had better organization, better planning and better weapons. Courage is worthless in front of that.
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How did India-Pakistan race rivalry come into this thread ? o_O
Yes I did not name them, the martial race you Hindus look up to. I didn’t want to tarnish our real Pakistanis punjabis with those siKh wannabes dudes . My history is clear mate. English write things courage of the warrior Pakistan tribes nothing good about you lot just you were good house keepers and gardeners, Punjab is our bread basket and our front line big province warriors on borders kept you lot out
The courage and whatever you are talking about, your 200 million courages will be fighting with our Unmanned Tanks, Drones, Aircrafts, missiles. We are changing the rules of war with making people from Technical backgrounds into chiefs who will go for automation. Your courage will be useless in front of robots and our wisdom will win.
How loud do they usually average decibel or otherwise?

Just a general inquiry from an outsider.
Thats why you are the way you are. Thats why you remain in survival mode forever.

Courage... Martial... etc etc etc

Yeah, we hear it all. Where is that courage when US is directly kicking out your PM? Where is the courage when your debts are about to enter default? Where is the courage when your own Army turned on its civilians and led the country to be broken into two? Where is the courage when your own Army is not being faithful the best chance you had for a leader?

Let me also tell you about one more thing. Courage is a romanticism of failure. Few thousand english ruled over us (yes that include you and I all) because they were smarter, better prepared, had better organization, better planning and better weapons. Courage is worthless in front of that.

I forgot to put it in my very first post. my great Pashtuns forefathers from different houses of clans ruled over you to. You have good legacy of being a nobody before 1947 when the brits just dumbed and ran and let you natives kill yourselves. Don’t worry yourself on imran khan or our debt it never halts Pakistanis, maybe on your nut media shows they tell you usa invaded us to topple Pm khan it did not happen like that, Pakistan army is good enough to keep you out so look at your own failures and USA knows khans power from Afghanistan. After loosing to us. This is a game of chess , imran khan idea lives on and not gone.

The courage and whatever you are talking about, your 200 million courages will be fighting with our Unmanned Tanks, Drones, Aircrafts, missiles. We are changing the rules of war with making people from Technical backgrounds into chiefs who will go for automation. Your courage will be useless in front of robots and our wisdom will win.

Spoken like a true Indian. Push buttons on a pad. Is that why Chinese kicked the he’ll out of you troops in Ladakh did you on that day forget to take your toys robots , drones with you to fight for you imbeciles.
How loud do they usually average decibel or otherwise?

Just a general inquiry from an outsider.

Well, in my neighborhood the mosque is about not that far from my house ( I haven't counted how many meters ) and the azaan is not that loud because there are trees and buildings along the way but I would imagine it will be loud to the house nearby. If the MuslimPro phone app is used instead of the loudspeaker it would go a long way in the Muslims signalling for harmony and it would then be in the religious-Hindu court to remove their loudspeakers and not burst firecrackers during various festivals in the year especially the yearly Diwali and Dussehra and also during wedding processions, cricket matches and political rallies, and not make noise during religious processions through neighborhoods. All this would go a long way in beginning to make India a much serene place.
Hindutva RSS testing the patience of Indian muslims, if they wake up from hibernation, the Mughal 2.0 rule will return, and there will be no stopping.
How loud do they usually average decibel or otherwise?

Just a general inquiry from an outsider.

I will give you some example not accurate dates, just a guideline whats been happening to the Indian Muslim community

It’ was cow meat yesterday, the hijab last week then challenging Muslim divorce laws, insultingly bring up number of wives etc etc and today it’s the Azan,

only god knows, what’s coming tomorrow for the poor Moslems in there

I’m sure you are now getting a very good idea of the deliberate hardship for Muslim lives
one seat schmun seat, his party is literally dictating the entire state if not many others.

either democracy is failing India or India is failing democracy

All these years of noise pollution and actual pollution from Diwali festivals, and Holi festivals. loud mandir pujas and festivals, loud processions through the street fking up traffic, no muslim ever complained, now suddenly they have an issue with someone someone giving an azaan that lasts 1-2 minutes. Muslims living in the same place for hundreds of years, now suddenly these people have a problem, delusionally thinking that somehow someone giving an azaan for 1-2 minutes, they are suddenly being "oppressed". Hypocritical sectarian a-holes. Nothing more than trying to find scapegoats and distractions for their own shortcomings in running the state.
It all adds up and they lose their patience and empathy. This law should be applied to all faiths.
How loud do they usually average decibel or otherwise?

Just a general inquiry from an outsider.
Not sure of the levels but it can get pretty annoying, spl in the winters with no ACs or fans.. and then you're hit with this loud noise 5am like.

I will give you some example not accurate dates, just a guideline whats been happening to the Indian Muslim community

It’ was cow meat yesterday, the hijab last week then challenging Muslim divorce laws, insultingly bring up number of wives etc etc and today it’s the Azan,

only god knows, what’s coming tomorrow for the poor Moslems in there

I’m sure you are now getting a very good idea of the deliberate hardship for Muslim lives
The cow thing has been a point of contention forever. Bovine meat is not commonplace across most of India but one can easily get it in muslim areas.. I know where to get it and often go :D

Hijab ruling was fair, educational institutions have rules.. nobody has banned hijab or burka ourtight, they may dress as they please when not in school.

You know who the triple talaq ban is most popular with ? .. Muslim women, who often get a raw deal by abusive husbands who move on to the next one etc.. 4 marriage thing also needs to be criminalized imho.. get a damn divorce, do a fair settlement in a court of law, and then you're free to do as you please.

Too many misconceptions about muslims in India, spl from you lot across the western border.. they're a thriving community and people generally get along just fine for the overwhelming part but sometimes tensions do erupt, which is sad, but it is what it is.. all countries have their sets of societal/social glitches.. even the mighty USA has trouble between ethnic groups sometimes as we saw with the whole BLM situation and regular police shootings that make global news.

Aao kisi din, khud azma ke dekho ki Hindustan hai kya.. daily random slanted news sources dektai rhoge ko koi fayda nahi.
the hijab last week

When I was in school there was no hjiab and burqa thing among my female colleagues. All this started only during the mid-2000s. These girls are misinformed and misguided.

then challenging Muslim divorce laws

What can you tell me about Islamic marriage law including divorce ? And what do you think happens in India ?
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Thats why you are the way you are. Thats why you remain in survival mode forever.
One can remain in survival mode. But same cannot be assumed about thriving mode.
It all adds up and they lose their patience and empathy. This law should be applied to all faiths.
Push them to a corner, back them against the wall and when they react, annihilate them. That's the simplistic plan at work
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