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No more character in cricket


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No more character in cricket
Posted by Sohaib Alvi on 04 9th, 2010 |

The love triangle came full circle and perished under its own weight. Two countries and its citizens were brought to the brink by three idiots who ultimately declared that ‘all is well’ and walked away to their dark secrets. And Islamic edicts were mauled by armchair analysts ranging from those who may never have read the Quran and Hadith, to the scholarly who gave sweeping statements that varied in their intensity.

At the end of the day, the Shoaib-Sania-Ayesha/Maha debacle was yet another incident involving a Pakistani cricketer getting himself into a jam and embarrassing the country. Not that the cricket team should be blamed entirely for maligning our name, or what’s left of it – that crown is worn by the king and his courtiers.

Still, it must be said that Shoaib Malik could have handled this situation differently. Once it turned out that Ayesha was the one on the other end of the line during his telephonic affair, all Malik had to do was state that he had been deceived, express sorrow at the misunderstanding, and accede to Ayesha’s request for a divorce. A signed paper is just a signed paper if there are to be no consequences whatsoever. As such, it was always a win-win situation for Malik. No stories need have come out of the situation, no exposes about nights spent at hotels, no unnecessary innuendos about a decade-old relationship.

But it seems our cricketers have become so arrogant that Malik never thought of ending the issue with the other woman quietly, when all she wanted was a separation.

This lack of discretion, which indicates a disregard for family, fans, and the national image, saddens me the most. Mind you, I’m not surprised, just plain saddened. Our cricketers, once titled ambassadors of goodwill, have become cowboys roaming the Wild West, shooting at first sight and not even bothering to bury the dead.

Much as I avoid saying it for fear of being labeled discriminatory or elitist, the behaviour of our cricketers nowadays has to do with education and upbringing. (Let me be on the record here that I grew up in a lower-middle-class family, though I was lucky enough to have educated, principled, and ethical parents and good teachers.)

I think it’s time to admit that transgressions and indiscretions have become too common in Pakistani cricket, both on and off the field, by both cricketers and the management. Yes, there have been indiscretions in the past as well, some of a serious nature, but these were restricted to the odd clown. Right up to the 1970s, the majority of the cricket coterie comprised Majid, Sadiq, Zaheer, Asif, Mushtaq Mohammad, Wasim Raja, Saleem Altaf, Asif Masood, Intikhab Alam, Wasim Bari, Pervez Sajjad, Iqbal Qasim, Haroon Rasheed, etc.

A few of them may or may not have had their questionable moments, but they were all essentially family men; in other words, decent chaps, presentable on and off the field. They played cricket while attending university and continuing to listen to their elders. The team in their time had character when it wore the green and gold.

There were, of course, odd fellows such as Sarfraz, Illyas, and Aftab Gul, but they were a minority, negligible like the family truant among a large family.

In the 1980s and 1990s, things began to change. More entrants to the game arrived having played hokey from school. Early money meant less time to become mature and worldly wise. With money came more cricket; more cricket meant less time at home; more frequent tours in seductive societies meant easy access to drugs, girls, and quick cash.

I believe our cricketers’ character changed in the year 1976, when the team stood as one and defied the management over pay. The year Packer hatched plans for breakaway cricket that made our cricketers aware of their true worth and marketing potential. The year Imran Khan and Javed Miandad became role models without meaning to, making teenagers leave books for bats, fascinated with the world of glamour and opportunity that the duo represented. Miandad broke the mould by mysteriously eloping while the world searched for him for more than two days, and Khan was photographed at Ascot with the rich, famous, and glamorous. Our cricketers had stepped out in the open.

Ironically, Miandad and Khan led Pakistan cricket to great heights, individually and collectively. But in the process, the fabric of self-regulation was torn to bits. The two most brilliant, talented, and charismatic players led private lives that influenced a generation that did not have the strong mental discipline and family foundation that they had. What was left was taken care of by the modalities of offshore cricket, where the pitch was a sidelight as big boys played off it. Disco lights and starry nights prevailed.

By end of the 1990s, we saw most of our cricketers, still brilliant as ever in the art of bowling and batting, living lives of moral degradation, steeped in the world of sex, lies, and drugs. The family man with high morals had become the minority in the team.

There were many incidents: at Granada, four of our more famous names were allegedly busted for drugs; in Johannesburg, the busted up bodies of two cricketers who claimed to have been mugged outside their hotel, but were seen being thrown out of a nightclub. On both occasions, a Test match was delayed by a day. In Zimbabwe, there were revelations of match fixing; across the world our cricketers were caught ball tampering more often than others.

Today, we are paying for the cowardly, selfish management of those times that failed to fire the offenders when they were still a minority. Today, relatively uneducated, arrogant, young people, who believe they know what is best for them, make their own marriages over the internet with a pretty face. No need for back ground or character checks. After all, how can they go wrong when they earn in seven figures, are chased for autographs, move in a circle that hails them for their independence and antics, and consider conservative influences as archaic.

Perhaps they are not to blame, since the system around them has become morally corrupt. The only hope for the future is that the PCB runs a finishing school where every aspiring national cricketer is given a six-month course in values and ethics. But before that, we have to have a similar finishing school for the PCB management and their elders.

Sohaib Alvi has been a cricket writer since 1979, and has edited The Cricketer International (UK) Asian Edition. He also has 25 years’ top management experience and now works as a strategic and marketing consultant.
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Some Comments posted on the article.

#Sheikh Akthar Hussain says:
April 10, 2010 at 18:04

Shoaib admitted to Media that Ayeesha is a sister to him. Ayeesha said she had a miscarriage, and now Shoaib has agreed for a divorce. That means he married her. Can Shoaib marry his sister, Is it legally allowed in Islam ?

#Qaim Rizvi says:
April 10, 2010 at 18:03

A very good article…. The problem is not only with cricket, it is the society at large. One can only hope that things get in place before the generations up next loss all our values, culture and dignity. It is perhaps the case of lost foot steps in the name of making yourself potentially money-freak.

I hope we leave something to believe and something to honor for our future generations who can stand proud to be PAKISTANI.

#Tariq Alhussaini says:
April 10, 2010 at 17:49

I would like to know, how come this cricketer has that much wealth to settle on end Ayesha and on the other Sania. Does he belongs to a super elite business class. This question is really bothering me.

#Asim says:
April 10, 2010 at 17:17

Revealing article!

I am really impressed by shoaib Alvi’s article about shabby character of our today’s characterless cricket team. Gone are the glory days of Fazal Mahmood, Abdul Hafiz Kardaar, Zaheer Abbas and several others. They were men of characters and repute and masters of their skill as well.
Players like Imran Khan and Miandad, though being a huge success, became playboy rolemodels for the next generations to come. Their repute implies that ‘if you are skillful enough to carry the day, your character doesn’t matter at all in this new millennium.’ Infact, character just disappeared behind the glamoruous world of sports and system. Imran Khan’s playboytic life influenced the gullible youth attached to one sport or the other and that image passed for showbiz hiphop style while being licentiously corrupt in essence. Media does it. Our corrupt system does it. An evil or devil is carved into a demi god of glamorous and presumably unique life to die for. Alas! even echoes of great days have been silenced by our corrupt system.

#Mansoor Warraich says:
April 10, 2010 at 16:31

Popular sport with a lot of money and fame thrown to the sportsman’s way , has its pitfalls. Mr Alvi has picked the hot case in media but when we look a little back in Pakistan’s cricket’s history, we will find Mr Imran Khan living a flamboyant life and getting away with it (Sita White not withstanding). Imran being our hero with plenty of extramarital affairs to his credit, what should we teach to our youngsters.

Shoaib’s case has been blown out of proportions because of hungry media who has nothing else to report. Shoaib has still a lot to explain but on the other side if Sania has decided to be the second wife, what to us? In the recent past i have been hearing love stories about other youngsters like Razzaq and Asif , not to forget Rawalpindi express.

There has to be a way of training the young sportsmen as to how to stay away from unwanted controversies and how not to loose career. PCB is the only institution who can do it but how? Rightly said by Mr Alvi, they are themselves corrupt, how can they teach others the morality of a sportsman. First lets start from PCB then move ahead.

#Shoiab says:
April 10, 2010 at 16:04

One lies to lead to another and another…..
Shoaib’s one lie that “he never married to Ayesha and she is like elder sister Maha apa” made bad name to all peoples in Pakistan who supported him..

I think Shoaib Malik have no character and behave like a abnormal person in front of media.. is this because he looks only for money??

for all Pakistani’s, Shoaib is a shame!!!!!!!
Bad luck shoib, unfortunately he has to be criticized as he is a Pakistani cricketer. You guys are referring to one side of the story and believing in it.

Number 1 Shoib had said that he dint marry this fat Ayesha Siddiqui whose pictures are shown in media. What he claimed is that he used to chat to a girl who lived in Saudia and Belonged to hydrabad he never met her by face but had seen her pictures and Nikah was done on phone and the name on Nikkah form was MAHA.

And from day first he said he is not going to publicize pictures of tha girl since he came to know that She was Ayesha's friend who is married and has two kids as well. Now as per u say Characterless SHoib dint bring her pictures to media for not getting her humiliated.

Number 2 Ayesha (a ghost since she never appeared on tv) had said she married Shoib and they were in Saudia where Shoib gave party to his fellow cricketers and even one of the cricketers asked him to show her and shoib dint let her go in front of them since he was ashamed of her fat body. (and she dint meet them when they were in her own house, funny).

Number 3 She said she had talked to Imran Nazeer on phone which Imran himself denied later that he never had any discussion with wife of shoib.

Number 4 Also Ayesha and her family failed to produce any pictures of marriage or video, all they had was one Nikkah Form (funny again).

Number 5 Mr.Siddiqui was sleeping in his home from last 4-5 years when his daughter was sitting in his own house without any clue of her husband and he never went to court before neither he appeared to media before. And they all popped in When Shoib was to marry Sania... Sounds like acts of a gentleman (Mr.Siddique).

NUmber 6 r. Siddique claims for shoib to be given Islamic punishment of premarital physical relation becuase he had slept with his daughter without marriage which means he dint rape her and she also slept with him with her own consent yet he wants the punishment only for Shoib when his own daughter also deserves the same. :cheesy:

Number 7 On phone nikkah doesnt happen so they are already un-married by Islam. So no point of divorce except a legal formality.

Which he eventually did and even the members of community who got in and sorted the matter out also said that divorce was just given for consent of Siddiqui's as a formality. And he did it based on same Nikkah paper he had signed which actually had no value and recognition in Islam.

If Siddiqui's were not having any intention of getting cheap publicity or were not funded by the kinds of Shiv Sena to bring him in dark light then Siddiqui's would have directly gone for a simple press conference and later to the court but NO they did opposite They went for media and kept accusing Shoib for days but went to Court in the last place after making creating hype and gathering lots of public sympathy.

by the way, after Shoib's claims one of news agency in Saudi started search for that Girl (ayesha's frnd who used to flirt with Shoib as Ayesha) and they found her but she denied to come to public as she doesnt want her name to be dragged in all this.
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Another false claim from Ayesha's side. One of close friend of Ayesha claimed that Azharudin (Indian Crickerter) and his wife had met Shoib and Ayesha and Azhar himself denied tht he never met with them and as they claim Ayesha met with Azhar in 2002, Azhar says he never went to Saudi after 1998 and his name is being dragged in controversy with no reason.

Source is also reliable for Indian members. Lucky me:D
Azharuddin denies having met Shoaib Malik, Ayesha Siddiqui
let india hegemonize cricket and pakistan should with draw as a team and concentrate on other sports like football. seriously no country gets fame by winning world cups in cricket or at least pakistan which was so shameless sidelined by ICC and now in IPL. with so many people again the pak cricket lets do it our self. the current 20/20 WC should be bycotted by pakistan.

people blame all things to pakistan but its the indians and their cheap tactics that is destroying the cricket.
Some Comments posted on the article.

#Sheikh Akthar Hussain says:
April 10, 2010 at 18:04

Shoaib admitted to Media that Ayeesha is a sister to him. Ayeesha said she had a miscarriage, and now Shoaib has agreed for a divorce. That means he married her. Can Shoaib marry his sister, Is it legally allowed in Islam ?

#Qaim Rizvi says:
April 10, 2010 at 18:03

A very good article…. The problem is not only with cricket, it is the society at large. One can only hope that things get in place before the generations up next loss all our values, culture and dignity. It is perhaps the case of lost foot steps in the name of making yourself potentially money-freak.

I hope we leave something to believe and something to honor for our future generations who can stand proud to be PAKISTANI.

#Tariq Alhussaini says:
April 10, 2010 at 17:49

I would like to know, how come this cricketer has that much wealth to settle on end Ayesha and on the other Sania. Does he belongs to a super elite business class. This question is really bothering me.

#Asim says:
April 10, 2010 at 17:17

Revealing article!

I am really impressed by shoaib Alvi’s article about shabby character of our today’s characterless cricket team. Gone are the glory days of Fazal Mahmood, Abdul Hafiz Kardaar, Zaheer Abbas and several others. They were men of characters and repute and masters of their skill as well.
Players like Imran Khan and Miandad, though being a huge success, became playboy rolemodels for the next generations to come. Their repute implies that ‘if you are skillful enough to carry the day, your character doesn’t matter at all in this new millennium.’ Infact, character just disappeared behind the glamoruous world of sports and system. Imran Khan’s playboytic life influenced the gullible youth attached to one sport or the other and that image passed for showbiz hiphop style while being licentiously corrupt in essence. Media does it. Our corrupt system does it. An evil or devil is carved into a demi god of glamorous and presumably unique life to die for. Alas! even echoes of great days have been silenced by our corrupt system.

#Mansoor Warraich says:
April 10, 2010 at 16:31

Popular sport with a lot of money and fame thrown to the sportsman’s way , has its pitfalls. Mr Alvi has picked the hot case in media but when we look a little back in Pakistan’s cricket’s history, we will find Mr Imran Khan living a flamboyant life and getting away with it (Sita White not withstanding). Imran being our hero with plenty of extramarital affairs to his credit, what should we teach to our youngsters.

Shoaib’s case has been blown out of proportions because of hungry media who has nothing else to report. Shoaib has still a lot to explain but on the other side if Sania has decided to be the second wife, what to us? In the recent past i have been hearing love stories about other youngsters like Razzaq and Asif , not to forget Rawalpindi express.

There has to be a way of training the young sportsmen as to how to stay away from unwanted controversies and how not to loose career. PCB is the only institution who can do it but how? Rightly said by Mr Alvi, they are themselves corrupt, how can they teach others the morality of a sportsman. First lets start from PCB then move ahead.

#Shoiab says:
April 10, 2010 at 16:04

One lies to lead to another and another…..
Shoaib’s one lie that “he never married to Ayesha and she is like elder sister Maha apa” made bad name to all peoples in Pakistan who supported him..

I think Shoaib Malik have no character and behave like a abnormal person in front of media.. is this because he looks only for money??

for all Pakistani’s, Shoaib is a shame!!!!!!!

Ur statements are shamefull, India having more Muslims then in Pakistan. Dont bring Islam and Pakistan in Malik issue.

Secondly in Islam no marriage is accepted by phone........and shoib revoked his action which he did, so narrow minded Hindus and Indian media stop pinching Sania's family. He took every thing on himself.

Next time my language will be very aggressive, strict & abusive if u or any of Indian involves Pakistan or Islam in this issue.
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