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No mention of Kashmir by Iranian President at UNGA speech

iran cannot be trusted and they have habit of betrayal like people of kufa betrayed Hazrat Imam Hussain R.A
I say dont blindly trust anyone when it comes to international relations, all countries look after their own interests.. Pakistan should also do the same,,,,,
Iran and India has been a long trade partners. It might be a bit messy right now, but Iran knows that in thee nd of this storm period, India and Iran will be back to normal trading. Kashmir is India's core hurt point, if Iran choses to bring up K word, it might jeopardise all future engagement with India. So not surprising at all. And Thank you Iran... this gesture will not be forgotten by India.
There is no ummah shumma. It's a myth. We are on our own

Before throwing as such, read what is the concept of Ummah and when it came into being. lest not fall prey to the Islomophobe & rhetoric brigade as such. One can, however say that Muslims have abandoned the Ummah concept which is not the myth. Correction requested.
Before throwing as such, read what is the concept of Ummah and when it came into being. lest not fall prey to the Islomophobe & rhetoric brigade as such. One can, however say that Muslims have abandoned the Ummah concept which is not the myth. Correction requested.
I think u are making an assumption that I dont know what ummah is.
Regardless when muslims are in trouble there is no help from any quarter. So concept of ummah has not just been abandoned but eradicated by the leadership. We do not feel for one another.
Those that think either saudi Sunni block or Iranian shia block are champions of muslim cause are totally mistaken. They are two sides of the same coin. We are all on our own. These so called leaders couldnt careless if we died to the last man so long as their throne is ok.

And yes I am totally disappointed as I grew up believing in the concept of helping fellow muslims humanity and ummah. Now I dont
I think u are making an assumption that I dont know what ummah is.
Regardless when muslims are in trouble there is no help from any quarter. So concept of ummah has not just been abandoned but eradicated by the leadership. We do not feel for one another.
Those that think either saudi Sunni block or Iranian shia block are champions of muslim cause are totally mistaken. They are two sides of the same coin. We are all on our own. These so called leaders couldnt careless if we died to the last man so long as their throne is ok.

And yes I am totally disappointed as I grew up believing in the concept of helping fellow muslims humanity and ummah. Now I dont

The concept of Ummah is not a myth however, what today's muslim leadership did or not; wasn't my argument. So, if I have to criticize the plight of Muslim because of the criminal silence of Muslim leadership, I will choose my statement with careful wording without mocking Ummah in general. There is an Ummah which is not a myth, is my emphasis not the wrong doings by any or all Islamic Countries.
The concept of Ummah is not a myth however, what today's muslim leadership did or not; wasn't my argument. So, if I have to criticize the plight of Muslim because of the criminal silence of Muslim leadership, I will choose my statement with careful wording without mocking Ummah in general. There is an Ummah which is not a myth, is my emphasis not the wrong doings by any or all Islamic Countries.
The ummah may exist as a concept but its doesn't exist in reality (once upon a time yes). I think we both know what I am saying. We can split hair but ultimately we agree. Just you are more polite and I am calling a spade a spade
Well the reality is, Iran did not mention kashmir during the speech. This shows their priorities. Now we can argue around it but the fact stays

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