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No mention of Kashmir by Iranian President at UNGA speech

Let me guess reply from Iranian boot lickers, .... but but you sided with Saudis ....but but Saudi’s did or didn’t do this or that.
Rahbar strongly supported Kashmiris. It was not hugely appreciated in Pakistan. Pakistan also not going forward with Pak-Iran gas pipeline. They aught to be cautious and to maintain relations with India.
Iranians must have thought hard about it before preparing Rouhani speech.
In view of the current relations, between Pakistan and Iran, as well as their own very precarious circumstances, not much can and should be expected, from Iran.
I think this might be one of the reasons Iranian leadership backed out of its one off lip service to Kashmir cause... as the two Indian Spy perpetrators of 2018 Mastung Terror Attack have been traced just recently to have entered from Iran and subsequently fled to Afghanistan.
As expected. I am not surprised. Let me guess no Arab country will take name of Kashmir either.
Nothing can save Iran, except for Iman. Iran thinks that India will be pissed off if Iran sided with Pakistan. The truth is: India was in hands and gloves with govt of Afghanistan, with millions of dollars invested, and still could save her puppets in Kandahar. May be we don't need Iran's support on Kashmir, but it hurts to see your brother standing with your enemies.

God bless Iran.
who cares what others are doing........whats more important for us is that we are still supporting poor Kashmiris and raising their voice.

other then Pakistan or Turkey all other Muslims countries are useless even if they mention Kashmir.
Iran is a fking joke why people expect these tools to support righteous causes!
He mentioned it but quietly, under the lips.

You have to be strong my dear. No body cares about weak.

We have majority of people who want to be weak, who deliberately choose weakness, both in civil and in military. Who say we don't need ICBM, we don't need this weapon and we don't need that weapon, this include our current holy PM sahib.
According to them we are a defensive country, well, with your defensive shity doctrine, no body cares about you.

You are soft on Iranian border and allow their negative activity inside your country so that they will support you on Kashmir. Well have a look.
Knock it off buddy,you already had your previous thread shut down for this exact same sort of sh!t.:nono:
Iran did far more than any of your bff gulfie "brothers" whos utter silence on the issue was thunderous,funny that eh?
But I guess you dont want to bash them,right?

It's more of ...Can you afford to bash them?

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