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No foreign conspiracy to oust Imran govt: NSC

What about the time Your Sadiq & Ameen Govt used AW139 to send food items for their stay in Murree, or about the time they used a whole modified PIA Boeing777 for their state visits (IK only used a PAF Gulfstream)?
Again, I have done my research.
Also those familiar with military aviation understand that these costs are normal in terms of jetfuel & machinery.
N normal why using billions when you were the champ of austerity and your nations 50 percent living below worst poverty

Does in riasat e Madina asahaba wasted money like that HAZRAT ONAR R A has to answer of his clothes

OK mean was a liar you have no moral grounds to defend him either he is liar or corrupt

N normal why using billions when you were the champ of austerity and your nations 50 percent living below worst poverty

Does in riasat e Madina asahaba wasted money like that HAZRAT ONAR R A has to answer of his clothes

OK mean was a liar you have no moral grounds to defend him either he is liar or corrupt

Compare IK's expenses to NS,Zardari. You'll have your answer.

The time of a Prime Minister is of great importance, especially an honest one who works for the people, not to fill offshore bank accounts with corruption money and buy Mayfair apartments like N league :)


Now please take your low effort troll elsewhere. We're discussing about sovereignty of Pakistan which is of utmost importance and has been hijacked by puppets of US/EU.
Who decided there was no conspiracy? Who investigated? Who asked to create that commission?

To tell you the truth, our army is making a fool of itself. Its top command thinks we are in 90s.

The picture you can make from events in the last few weeks is this - someone committed to Americans to deliver to them a government of their choice. So that someone looked the other way when American diplomats were openly meeting the corrupt politicians. The Americans also did not like previous ISI chief. So they picked a Lt Gen of their choice for this position. Pictures of American consulate diplomats before NAdeem Anjum was appointed confirms this.

As Imran Khan dragged his feet, the Army in the background forced the Supreme Court, full of as*hole judged with clear political affiliations, to intervene. Thus an illegal order from SC to open courts, revert to pre ruling of speaker and not even wanting to look at the cipher.

I did no realize until now our Army is led by cowards. We have a army full of lions led by sheep. This is truly tragic.
You are adding 2 and 2 together and making 5. It's just a policy shift, as I predicted Pakistan was headed for direct sanctions from the West in the foreseeable future. Because of the West partnering with India , Pakistan decided to undertake a strategic realignment to improve relations with the US. However, Pakistan is still going to be hit with sanctions later on, so this a short sighted change and Pakistan will have no control over the matter. The Zion West wants to use India as a proxy in their war against China which will be coming sooner or later. All the NATO and Western countries and their regional allies are planning a conflict with China over Taiwan very much like the response over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a free for all grab or bomb what you can; Pakistan will be considered an ally and put in the cross-wire. Best for Pakistan investments to be save guarded and strategically repositioned as a matter of urgency.
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You are adding 2 and 2 together and making 5. It's just a policy shift, as I predicted Pakistan was headed for direct sanctions from the West in the foreseeable future. Because of the West partnering with India , Pakistan decided to undertake a strategic realignment to improve relations with the US. However, Pakistan is still going to be hit with sanctions later on, so this a short sighted change and Pakistan will have no control over the matter. The Zion West wants to use India as a proxy in their war against China which will be coming sooner or later. All the NATO and Western countries and their regional allies are planning a conflict with China over Taiwan very much like the response over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a free for all grab or bomb what you can; Pakistan will be considered an ally and put in the cross-wire. Best for Pakistan investments to be save guarded and strategically repositioned as a matter of urgency.
What did Pakistan do to warrant sanctions?
Ary is reporting that it was an intervention and not the conspiracy

The point is any kind of intervention is a conspiracy No?
It was interference via the commenting on the internal affairs of Pakistan.
What did Pakistan do to warrant sanctions?
If war with China materialises or tensions increase then China and its ALLIES will have the same action /pressure applied. Due to CPEC and military cooperation we are closely allied to China. The joint Chinese -Pakistan operation against India is quite possible that's why the Indians are running to Uncle Sam to form a relationship.
Imran Khans competence isn’t the issue here. The issue is treason committed by the Army leadership in violating the constitution by conspiring to overthrow an elected government.

Whether the Army leadership did this at the behest of the US or their own volition - it remains treason.

And going back to Imran Khan - it took decades for someone to build up enough support that Pakistani voters started to believe in change in domestic politics - that there were options beyond the existing two corrupt dynastic parties.

The damage to Pakistan is not just the loss of Imran Khan, but the loss of faith of the voter that the corrupt Establishment will ever allow another option to succeed.

That is the kind of damage that a still young democracy, struggling to evolve and mature, may never recover from.

P.S: Your incessant regurgitation of US & PDM propaganda against Imran Khan really helped illustrate what your particular goal is.

Read the forum - the Army leadership isn’t recovering from this. When the overwhelming majority of Pakistani PDF members (a forum often accused of being on the payroll of the Pakistan Army - that’s how pro Army this place used to be) are abusing the senior Army leadership, you don’t have to be a genius to figure out where things are heading.
I 100% agree with all your posts. I wish we average pdf members were allowed to speak like you are too. Our posted being deleted, threads deleted, warnings issued, bans issued.
Pdf is censoring us average members posts but I’m glad at least I can read your excellent posts.
Yes there is no foreign conspiracy and Imran Khan is still the Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Actually people are living in alternate reality and everything is fine.
A US nod and approval is needed in picking the Chief of Army Staff, and that itself is a foreign conspiracy or interference.

And after that there can't be any foreign conspiracy to oust the civilian government in Pakistan.
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