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No foreign conspiracy to oust Imran govt: NSC

I can already see another party emerging from the smokes. And this time, a really good quality of stuff, not fawad chodhry.
These beggars have driven us crazy.
Just think if Donald Lou would have told the ambassador to listen, we are plotting to remove Khan.
For example, some people plan to kidnap Ahsan Iqbal and tell his father that we intend to abduct Ahsan, Hahaha ...
These old Goons have done this for last 40 years this is their old tactic

1- They commit crime , show a stupid look and claim we don't know

2- They run a small campaign in news paper

3- Then they pretend they are interested in a review , they get stay order in courts

4- Then they agree on a 5-6 people bench review

5- This bench does review for 6 years by that time the government changes people retire

6- People loose interest in 6 years in case

7- Mean while they announce in Private channels and News paper all their cases are cancelled

8- When no one is looking they pay their Judges , funds to cancel any pending court cases against them

9- During this time for their court cases mysteriously any witness of crime suddenly start to vanish or they claim they can't testify

10- When some court cases remain open or a judgement comes after 6 years they appeal the court decision and the process stats again, with New Judge. Sometimes the Judge leaves case also forcing the case to restart

These PML thugs have been doing since after General Zia Ul Haq's assasination
they have run this Mafia empire since that time
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I am pretty sure India asked the US to remove Khan.

So you have been regime changed by India/US. Modi just decided your PM after he couldn't get his way after the balakot strikes :lol:

Hopefully this will only be for a few months and Khan will be back with a majority. Khan will find a way to absolutely humiliate Modi and its going to be wonderful to watch.
LOL have you opened your Indian eyes and seen which people are actually part of NSC? The actual culprits are part of the panel LOL

This is like asking Modi if he committed the Gujrat massacre.

Indians have small Twinkie 👀 ..
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