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No Doubt! Caliphate will be back again :)

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پاكى;2116364 said:
Listen you progeny of monkeys... respecting Prophet doesn't mean worshipping him,,, QURAN was brought thru Muhammad, deal with it... It wasn't sent to your mamma pappa in their dreams before they begot your corrupt seed...

Yaar leave him........no use to argue with muse...the basis of his argument is pure denial of every basis of islam and he is visibly here to confuse us with his mutilated opinion about islam and muslims...
I quote, one thing: there's a Jewish side to the character of a person, and there's a Christian side. To quote you when we're "Locked in outward appearances" we're manifesting the first. A little more of the second is needed to bring about that ritual-spiritual balance that is a defining characteristic of a Mu2min.

The words you are looking for are Mosaic and prophetic tradition - unfortunately, these have no relevance in Islam - what instead does have relevance is religiosity - this is to our unschooled, limited to a single form - outward appearances - and ofcourse, needless to say, the gnostic finds greater appeal with me
These losers actually imagine themselves as arbis - they've never had anything to do with any khaifa and now sing as if these crows have something to do with the whole kkalifa bit - and of course it is good and telling that they for the most part live oputside Pakistan and arabia - lets see them say these things in arabia and see what will happen to them
Reported for likening the human population to crows and calling them all losers.

Soon there might be no need to report, reply or indeed read. People will leave the old senile to blabber to himself. Humanity's unkind.
Common brothers Muse is a non-muslim..
Islamic topic should not be discussed with non muslims
PLz leave him.
I think several of the people posting here are all going straight to hell, on the same over-booked flight taking Chogy too! :P
Yaba dabbad do who related he heard bambam syat that he had overheard dimsum relate on a hot desert day that yoyo the 5th wife of dingdam, swear on a cat's meow, that so and so say such and such

Dim sum bonds?
u alway blame us for doing chaploosi to arabs why u care about how other nations feel or react towards us. and all other nations will fight us coz there will be fight between right and wrong till judgment day. get brave man

Because you are worthy of blame? anyway,s don't get soft in the head, what you feel is entirely immaterial - unfortunately what you think has proven to be equally vacuous
The words you are looking for are Mosaic and prophetic tradition - unfortunately, these have no relevance in Islam - what instead does have relevance is religiosity - this is to our unschooled, limited to a single form - outward appearances - and ofcourse, needless to say, the gnostic finds greater appeal with me

Those are definitely the words I was looking for. I meant 1:7, the second half of it. Look it up in your mind. The last line of Surat ul FaatiHah.

The words you are looking for are Mosaic and prophetic tradition - unfortunately, these have no relevance in Islam - what instead does have relevance is religiosity - this is to our unschooled, limited to a single form - outward appearances - and ofcourse, needless to say, the gnostic finds greater appeal with me
The Mosaïc AS tradition is alive wherever it hasn't been changed. Much of what's hard in the current Sharii3ah is from the previous Law.
Those are definitely the words I was looking for. I meant 1:7, the second half of it. Look it up in your mind. The last line of Surat ul FaatiHah.

The Mosaïc AS tradition is alive wherever it hasn't been changed. Much of what's hard in the current Sharii3ah is from the previous Law.

I think I'm following the line of your argument - however; I think the way to look at this is religiosity and not the old ways of gthe letter and the spirit
Well as the learned and reborn belligerent says, if the prophet is not offended who are you to take offense?? Anyway, rent collector, no one has given Islam over to you and you can be offended as much as you like - the more the better

Those who insult the Prophet (PBUH) become a kaafir and an apostate, this is agreed by all scholars. Also you are a hypocrite, because in your previous posts you were yapping about how everyone is a Idol worshipper. What gave you that right....no one has given Islam over to you. Talk so much but have no substance...what a disgrace.
And shame on you for being stupid enough to think that something recorded hundred of years after the event in cenrtral asia of all places is valid

And why would you believe that the Quran is the word of God and sacred then -- after all it was Muhammad (PBUH), who used to tell the people whatever was revealed to him through the angel Gabriel. The only source of the Quran was the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). If you refuse to take his words as authentic, shouldn't you denounce Quran's authenticity as well as Muhammad (PBUH) was the only one dictating what was revealed to him ?
Those who insult the Prophet (PBUH) become a kaafir and an apostate, this is agreed by all scholars. Also you are a hypocrite, because in your previous posts you were yapping about how everyone is a Idol worshipper. What gave you that right....no one has given Islam over to you. Talk so much but have no substance...what a disgrace.

Calm down muse know what we have in our heart, he also sends some ppl to hell and heaven he knows it all lol

This thread is heading for closure surely.
Yar i don't know why you guys are arguing with a person who thinks he is only one who is on right path else everybody on this thread is just insane.

If you really don't want to hear something stupid form him ,

kindly stop posting and Report his posts directly to moderators or webmaster,

if they will still not ban him for all the stupid things he had to say then i will be the first one to leave this forum
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