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No Doubt! Caliphate will be back again :)

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Have it your way - pay attention to the peripheral as if it was the central - you guys are so lost and unfortunately you will sink the rest of us with yourselves - but not just yet.

Muse you need to calm down a bit,and avoid posting on religious threads...all you ever do is flame the thread.Remember....hatred causes anger and anger causes indigestion...indigestion makes noxious gases...noxious gases travel up your spine and cloud your thoughts.
What is the importance of how many raka'a? If there are two or 4 and one does 6 or 10, is that prayer not accepted by God? Always the peripheral is central to these kinds of people who do not dare to apprehend islam but are content with the outward appearances

*comprehend (8th word from end)

The importance is not important in Salaat's performance. Yes, x in place of y rak3aat is unacceptable to The One who decreed that number! If the price tag on your online shopping site says PKR 20 you can't pay 19 nor 21.

Look here man, most of us don't do something Alaah requires us to: reflect, ponder, think. Islam is cultural, and therefore is outward. But if Allaah isn't too upset with that, do you have the right to be upset on His behalf? He's set us three states of mind: Islaam, Iimaan and IHsaan, and we almost never graduate from the first. Ask and it will be given, there's no spoon-feeding. We never ask.

I've seen people fall head over heals in love when they study and comprehend. Have a soft heart and an open mind, and ask for guidance before that study.

I was worse, He brought me round. Well, somewhat! That hand is always there, tug at it and it will heave you out.
You talk alot of bullshit.....must be the vodka. You seem to act like an egotistical idiot who rants quite often but has no substance. Go to any Mosque in the UK, and get your self educated. At the same please learn to spell properly.

Calm down a bit. That's not our way. People need love and respect, though I understand there's a limit of these that we have to give. Still, let's try to hold our end of the bargain, they will know and rue come audit time.
What is the importance of how many raka'a? If there are two or 4 and one does 6 or 10, is that prayer not accepted by God? Always the peripheral is central to these kinds of people who do not dare to apprehend islam but are content with the outward appearances

wow...what a comment :cheesy:

Muse the thinker...seriously change your ID from "Muse" to "Confuse"...

"Knowledge is power... Sometimes too much power. Occasionally, even a great truth must be sacrificed for a greater good."

-Executor Fetial Djared Crozius, Legio Invicta, Circa779.M41-

In some cases .. we just need to watch Ghalib movie and expect people to keep quoting us 300 years from now.
if Allaah isn't too upset with that, do you have the right to be upset on His behalf?

Indeed Allah is not just upset, rather His curse is upon us, don't think so, look around at Muslims and look around at Muslim societies - and since you claim to have been "reborn" so to speak, it should have been all the more clear to you - but alas you have been reborn to the dark side, if you will - Locked in outward appearances, fighting with everybody and within yourselves, imagining that will make you arbis - again, alas.

So no caliphate for you, and no clemency of any kind-- if you suffer from terrorism, it is because your ignorance and hatred is the very source of it. The blasphemy of making a man in to a super natural being in competition with God - and all the while, you guys can't seem to get better than ghetto dwellers or making it in arabia.
Calm down a bit. That's not our way. People need love and respect, though I understand there's a limit of these that we have to give. Still, let's try to hold our end of the bargain, they will know and rue come audit time.

Respect has to be earned....furthermore he has insulted the Prophet (PBUH) on a number of occasions, which is unacceptable and he does it boldly without looking at the consequences of his actions. Although I agree everyone will be accountable on Jugdment day.
"Blessed is the mind that is too small for doubt""

.furthermore he has insulted the Prophet (PBUH) on a number of occasions

Well as the learned and reborn belligerent says, if the prophet is not offended who are you to take offense?? Anyway, rent collector, no one has given Islam over to you and you can be offended as much as you like - the more the better
Prophethood (of Muhammad P.B.U.H.) will remain with you for as long as Allah wills, until Allah removes it.
Then there will be Khilafah on the way of Prophethood for as long as Allah wills, until Allah removes it.
Then there will be Kingships that will rule with oppression for as long as Allah Wills, until Allah removes them.
Then there will be Kingships of cruel dictators who rule with thulm for as long as Allah wills, until Allah removes them.
Then there will be the Khilafah on the way of Prophethood again.

I think Allah's chosen people Arabs are being addressed here because Muhammad was never with Pakistanis neither we have ever been ruled by any Khalifah. We are destined to be ruled by the Kings who come from Central Asia to spread Islam or by the homegrown military dictators. Therefore - first, second and last prophecies are irrelevant to us.
These losers actually imagine themselves as arbis - they've never had anything to do with any khaifa and now sing as if these crows have something to do with the whole kkalifa bit - and of course it is good and telling that they for the most part live oputside Pakistan and arabia - lets see them say these things in arabia and see what will happen to them
Indeed Allah is not just upset, rather His curse is upon us, don't think so, look around at Muslims and look around at Muslim societies - and since you claim to have been "reborn" so to speak, it should have been all the more clear to you - but alas you have been reborn to the dark side, if you will - Locked in outward appearances, fighting with everybody and within yourselves, imagining that will make you arbis - again, alas.

So no caliphate for you, and no clemency of any kind-- if you suffer from terrorism, it is because your ignorance and hatred is the very source of it. ...

Let me begin by saying that I don't like my us of the word 'upset' but out of my own limitation and maybe also that of the English language I did. I can't imagine Allah getting upset over something we insignificants do, I meant something like 'between wrath and compassion, our actions earn us the former'.

Now, to what of yours I quote, one thing: there's a Jewish side to the character of a person, and there's a Christian side. To quote you when we're "Locked in outward appearances" we're manifesting the first. A little more of the second is needed to bring about that ritual-spiritual balance that is a defining characteristic of a Mu2min.
Indeed Allah is not just upset, rather His curse is upon us, don't think so, look around at Muslims and look around at Muslim societies - and since you claim to have been "reborn" so to speak, it should have been all the more clear to you - but alas you have been reborn to the dark side, if you will - Locked in outward appearances, fighting with everybody and within yourselves, imagining that will make you arbis - again, alas.

So no caliphate for you, and no clemency of any kind-- if you suffer from terrorism, it is because your ignorance and hatred is the very source of it. The blasphemy of making a man in to a super natural being in competition with God - and all the while, you guys can't seem to get better than ghetto dwellers or making it in arabia.

calm down we r not cursed coz if Allah curse an ummah they will not enter heaven ( Allah knows it all )

during holako time we muslims were in bad shape and before it during crusaders time also but we bounce back

just bcoz we r muslims u think we will not have the charactaristics of humans as long as we r alive we will have fitna within our selves till judgment day

those who will hold themselves will succeed

No one is making Prophet PBUH bigger then Allah he is a messenger of Allah

and while u alway blame us for doing chaploosi to arabs why u care about how other nations feel or react towards us. and all other nations will fight us coz there will be fight between right and wrong till judgment day. get brave man

but alas you have been reborn to the dark side

Please don't bring your obsession of Star wars into the discussion....makes you look lame and outdated. In addition don't forget the Prophet (PBUH) is no ordinary man as he spiritually and physically travelled to Jerusalem. Besides the scientific knowledge of the Hadeith is extroadinary. I am no expert in religious matters, but the way you speak is wrong and clearly you seem to lack an understanding of Islam. Best advice is go and sit down with an Imam and learn from the basics
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