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No curbs on F-16 sales to Pakistan:

Well sure the options to sanction Pakistan is always with the US, but unlike the post Afghan war years 88-91, the GWOT is not over and neither will it be over in the next 4-5 years.

Currently both sides have considerable leverage on each other. The democrats for the first time have realized that they need to stay engaged with Pakistan instead of going down Gary Ackerman and Stephen Solarz track of bashing Pakistan just for the sake of India. The current times are as such that its in the US interest to keep Pakistan engaged. So this talk of confrontation is a bit overblown at least at this point (I hope you are not stating this based on Musharraf's comments). The recent comments are an indication that Pakistani leadership too will allow considerable latitude with regards to comments made about Pak-US relationship just like Pakistan has been allowed to become the whipping boy in the US Presidential race even though the US government, DoD and Dept of State are aware that Pakistan has done considerable amount of work in order to aid US efforts around the GWOT.

If they come back and say to Pakistan that your comments are not conducive to US-Pakistan relations then Musharraf can throw a whole bunch of recent anti-Pakistan/Musharraf garbage right back at them. Mark my words, nobody in the USG will call out Musharraf on the comments he just made about US sending forces into Pakistan. I think its Musharraf's way of saying that if you can dish a little my way then be ready to take some as well ;)

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