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No country has used terrorism better than India: Hina Rabbani Khar

Pakistan indeed produce some high quality leather products but they are mostly for the export market. Because local consumer doesn't have that much purchasing power.

Much affordable and non-cruelty-based "leather" products can be made locally by enabling factories to convert from animal leather to synthetic leather. In fact in May this year two Pakistani girls won an international award for devising a process to obtain synthetic leather from the deodar tree :

Karachi Girl Students Win Top Prize at International Science Competition Held in Atlanta, Georgia​

May 15, 2022

Two Pakistani girl students from Karachi have won the first physical science award of $1,500 each at Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF 2022) held May 7 through 13 in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Ume Kulsoom and Talia Kusloom, the winners from Pakistan, are 12th grade students at Pak-Turk School in Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi.

Pakistani Student Participants at ISEF 2022 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Source: Maarif Foundation

Ume and Talia Kulsoom topped in the physical science category with their project titled "Vegan Leather Obtained from Cedrus Deodara (deodar tree)", according to an announcement by the Society for Science which organized the event. Regeneron ISEF is the world’s largest international science competition held annually. Each year, nearly 1,800 high school students from more than 63 countries participate to showcase their work.

The winning project from Pakistan was completed under the supervision of Hira Bashir, a science teacher at the Pakistan-Turkey Maarif International Schools College in Karachi. "Our intelligent students believe in the green world and in the conservation of resources, which encouraged them to come up with this unique idea," the school said.

The ISEF is an annual event organized by the Society for Science and Engineering, a non-profit group headquartered in the US. The organization describes the event as "the world's largest international science competition," bringing together approximately 1,800 high school students from more than 63 countries each year. The Maarif Foundation has 28 schools and colleges across Pakistan that provide quality education to thousands of students in several cities, including Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore.

Aqsa Ajmal, a graduate of Pakistan's National University of Science and Technology, was among six finalists for Lexus Design Award 2020 for industrial design. She won 3 million Yen (over $25,000) in funding and mentorship in an exclusive program in New York City under the guidance of prominent design leaders from a variety of design fields.

The Mayet Family from Karachi, Pakistan won AI Family Challenge World Championship held in Silicon Valley, California on May 20, 2019. The family's entry called "Cavity Crusher" uses artificial intelligence algorithm to monitor a child's brush time and determine their oral health habits to notify parents accordingly. It was organized by Iridescent, a global technology education nonprofit organization that empowers underrepresented young people to become self-motivated learners, inventors, and leaders.
In 2018, A team of undergraduate students representing Peshawar won a silver medal in a genetic engineering competition organized by the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Foundation in Boston, Massachusetts.

Growing numbers of young Pakistanis are now participating and winning in international science and engineering competitions. Examples include Stanford Design Contest, AI Family Challenge World Championship and International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition. These wins offer increasing evidence of Pakistan's expected demographic dividend.

Hina can be the model for these deodar-tree-derived synthetic leather products.
Are you saying India is NOT involved? India is involved even in Pakistanis murder today by the Taliban!

Do not underestimate the evil of Pakistani establishment that even murders Pakistanis in Kenya.
Not to be the over realist but the world runs for money and common interests. India has thirty times more to offer than your failed state so if they rape you and then say you tripped , tore your clothes from a hook and fell on their phallus.. the powers that be are likely to go “seems plausible”…
The FM's statements are probably for internal consumption in Pakistan. We talk a big game, especially to our local audiences, but are no-shows outside. However, as long as we say enough to keep the "5G warfare" narrative going and fill our annual cheesy poetry competition in the ISPR, we're good.
Much affordable and non-cruelty-based "leather" products can be made locally by enabling factories to convert from animal leather to synthetic leather. In fact in May this year two Pakistani girls won an international award for devising a process to obtain synthetic leather from the deodar tree :
We get our leather mostly from non cruelty sources. Every year millions of animals get sacrificed on eid plus animals who are killed for meat consumption. Mostly cows,buffaloes and goats.
But globally there is a cruel leather industry where animals only get killed for making leather products.
Hina is so damn stupid……calling on the “international community”

Lol, if u want revenge or to stop such shit from occurring, you take action and never wait/ask for somebody else. Do your work yourself.
Kabtak doosron ki minnatein kerte rahogay ??? Dumb shit.
When will u realise that international community doesn’t give a **** about this?? They are actually out to destroy you via india so why the **** would they listen or help you??
The FM's statements are probably for internal consumption in Pakistan. We talk a big game, especially to our local audiences, but are no-shows outside. However, as long as we say enough to keep the "5G warfare" narrative going and fill our annual cheesy poetry competition in the ISPR, we're good.
And that’s why we should have allowed Kashmiri Insurgency going without trying to dictate and control their leaders and stop them from doing attacks.
The world will favour india over us no matter what. India can pull shit out it’s a*s and get us condemned for “terrorism” by the world while we bend over trying to stop Kashmiri insurgency and dismantle groups, turning them against us in the process. India is bringing to fight to us now. We will always be labeled as supporting so called “terrorists” in Kashmir. We will always be criticized by world powers cuz of india. Additionally, india openly does terrorism in Pakistan. India isn’t stopping there but preparing to bring the fight to us and make us seem as occupier of AJK and clash against the people of AJK. Every day more people from AJK turn into etho nationalist till one day we’ll have a bla type in AJK fighting against us.
If we keep the costs up for india in Kashmir, we will get condemned for so called “terrorism” regardless but now we can have some leverage of our own at our disposal. We can keep AJK pacified and destroy Indias plan of bringing the fight into AJK. And no we will not get sanctioned or FATF blacklisted. The last thing these world powers want is Pakistan out of their hand. By that I mean, they don’t want Pakistan to default like Sri Lanka and become Afghanistan 2.0 with openly anti west government. We get bullied by west regardless but if we put pressure on india in Kashmir we would at least bring something to the table when the topic of Kashmir comes up. And no it won’t start a war with india cuz Indians aren’t that stupid.
If you want respect in the world and peace, you have to fight for it.
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Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar said on Wednesday that “no country had used terrorism better than India” as she called on the international community to take note of New Delhi’s attempts to destabilise Pakistan.
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Hina Rabbani Khar speaks during a press conference on Wednesday
During a press conference in Islamabad, the minister said that India’s objective was to undermine Pakistan’s peace and security through terrorism, saying “no country had used terrorism better than India”.


Her media briefing comes a day after Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said India was behind last year’s bomb blast near Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed’s Johar Town residence in Lahore, which claimed four lives.

“To play on the back of the attention of the world on terrorism and to play the victim, no country has benefitted from it better than India.”

She went on to say that India was portraying itself as a champion of counter-terrorism even though it had not made no contributions in this regard and paid only lip service.

“If you compare Pakistan and India, you will find Pakistan to always be at the forefront of counter-terrorism, of ensuring that we are a player in the world to try and make sure terrorism does not continue to haunt us.”

Perpetrators of terrorism projecting themselves as victims’

Khar began her press conference by saying that terrorism posed a serious threat to peace, adding that Pakistan had been at the receiving end of this scourge for long.

“I wish I was here to be talking to you how South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc) is prospering, how regional connectivity is happening […] we are at a unique place where perpetrators of terrorism are projecting themselves to be the greatest victims of terrorism.

“As perpetrators of terrorism are drum-beating as United Nations Security Council (UNSC) presidents to talk about terrorism from imaginary sources. And we are also at a unique place because no one is willing to call the bluff, to call out the clear, simple, glaring hypocrisy.”

She said that when there was “undeniable, indisputable” evidence, it was necessary to “call a spade a spade”.

This particular effort is to bring attention to the attention of the world and to expect them and encourage them to see things based on evidence.”

Dossier on 2021 blast in Lahore’s Johar Town

She highlighted that Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah had already held a press conference a day earlier on the blast in Lahore’s Johar Town in 2021. She said earlier in the day, the foreign secretary called the diplomatic corp and shared a “dossier”, containing evidence of India’s involvement in the incident, with them.

“This dossier, as you already know, has details, evidence of how India has found to be fully behind this particular incident which led to the loss of lives. And we do not, unlike our neighbours, go the next day and blame one country or the other. We waited till we had strong hard evidence to be making the case we are making today.”

In June 2021, a powerful blast near the residence of Jamaatud Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed in Johar Town had killed three people and injured 24 others, including a police constable.

Six-year-old Abdul Haq, his father Abdul Malik, 50, and a young passerby died in the explosion that left a four-foot-deep and eight-foot-wide crater on the road and damaged several houses and shops nearby.

Days after the incident, the then information minister Fawad Chaudhry and national security Adviser Dr Moeed Yusuf told a press conference that the mastermind of the attack was “an Indian citizen and he is associated with [Indian intelligence agency] RAW”.

Earlier this year, Dawn reported that the Punjab CTD had claimed to have arrested the mastermind as well as the facilitator of the Johar Town bomb blast from Balochistan. They were identified as Samiul Haq and Uzair Akbar.

Taking about the Lahore blast, Khar said there was clear evidence of the terrorist attack being “planned and supported” by India. “It reflects India’s persistent hostility towards my country and the use of terrorist proxies to achieve terrorist objectives.”

Khar went on to say that some of the perpetrators of the attack had been brought to justice, but also said that the “masterminds and the facilitators” remained at large and “under Indian state patronage and protection”.

“I can assure you that the government of government of Pakistan will pursue this relentlessly at every level.”

‘India operating as rogue state

She highlighted that India continued to operate as a “rogue state”. “A country that tries to deny the existence of UNSC resolutions […] shows what type of a mindset this country has.”

She went on to say that India had been paralysing the UNSC sanctions regime by blocking listing of Indian terrorists actively aided and financed by the Indian state. She also shared the names of four Indian nationals the listing of whose names was blocked, namely Govinda Patnaik, Parthas Arti, Rajesh Kumar and Mr Dumgara.

I don’t think I need to remind anyone that India has had a role in destabilising its neighbouring countries and weaken their economies to try and pursue its hegemonic designs in the region,” she said, adding that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and Balochistan were two examples of this.

The minister also reminded India that there could not be “islands of excellence in a sea of depravity”. “So when you try and harm your region, you actually end up harming yourself.”

The minister said India was “frustrated” after Pakistan was removed from the Financial Action Taskforce’s (FATF) so-called grey list. “They have completely mastered the art of using international organisations for their political gains […] India remains the recruiter, the financier and the facilitator of various terrorist outfits and foreign terrorist fighters in the region.”

She said India was chairing UNSC meetings on terrorism and beating the drum on the issue but had now been caught “red-handed” orchestrating terrorist attacks in Pakistan. She called on India to desist from pursuing this policy and to look at the region as it was.

“India’s unabated slip into the abyss of terrorism is being clouded by this growing India, emerging India narrative.”

She said that the international community, particularly the UN and FATF, had the responsibility now to hold India accountable for its terrorist actions.

“We are looking for accountability. The Lahore incident, for us, is a test case for the credibility and integrity of international counter-terrorism and counter financing of terrorist regimes. The world must show that efforts to counter-terrorism are non-discriminating. The international conscience cannot be held hostage to what are clearly political and economic exigencies of the time.”

She said that Pakistan had shared the dossier with members of the UNSC and would also share it with the UN secretary general. “We hope that they would look into this evidence and fulfill their responsibilities.”

Asad Majeed briefs diplomatic missions on India’s state-sponsored terrorism

Separately, Foreign Secretary Asad Majeed briefed diplomatic missions based in Islamabad on the “state-sponsored terrorism” against Pakistan planned, conducted, and financed by India.
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Foreign Secretary Asad Majeed briefs Islamabad-based diplomatic missions on Wednesday. — Photo by Naveed Siddiqui

According to a press release issued by the Foreign Office (FO), Majeed shared a dossier of India’s involvement in last year’s terrorist attack in Lahore.

It further stated that the foreign secretary asked the international community to hold India accountable for its crimes.
Mash'Allah, she is a smart lady.

And that’s why we should have allowed Kashmiri Insurgency going without trying to dictate and control their leaders and stop them from doing attacks.
The world will favour india over us no matter what. India can pull shit out it’s a*s and get us condemned for “terrorism” by the world while we bend over trying to stop Kashmiri insurgency and dismantle groups, turning them against us in the process. India is bringing to fight to us now. We will always be labeled as supporting so called “terrorists” in Kashmir. We will always be criticized by world powers cuz of india. Additionally, india openly does terrorism in Pakistan. India isn’t stopping there but preparing to bring the fight to us and make us seem as occupier of AJK and clash against the people of AJK. Every day more people from AJK turn into etho nationalist till one day we’ll have a bla type in AJK fighting against us.
If we keep the costs up for india in Kashmir, we will get condemned for so called “terrorism” regardless but now we can have some leverage of our own at our disposal. We can keep AJK pacified and destroy Indias plan of bringing the fight into AJK. And no we will not get sanctioned or FATF blacklisted. The last thing these world powers want is Pakistan out of their hand. By that I mean, they don’t want Pakistan to default like Sri Lanka and become Afghanistan 2.0 with openly anti west government. We get bullied by west regardless but if we put pressure on india in Kashmir we would at least bring something to the table when the topic of Kashmir comes up. And no it won’t start a war with india cuz Indians aren’t that stupid.
If you want respect in the world and peace, you have to fight for it.
Exactly you have to fight for your rights, it is not given on a platter.

And that’s why we should have allowed Kashmiri Insurgency going without trying to dictate and control their leaders and stop them from doing attacks.
The world will favour india over us no matter what. India can pull shit out it’s a*s and get us condemned for “terrorism” by the world while we bend over trying to stop Kashmiri insurgency and dismantle groups, turning them against us in the process. India is bringing to fight to us now. We will always be labeled as supporting so called “terrorists” in Kashmir. We will always be criticized by world powers cuz of india. Additionally, india openly does terrorism in Pakistan. India isn’t stopping there but preparing to bring the fight to us and make us seem as occupier of AJK and clash against the people of AJK. Every day more people from AJK turn into etho nationalist till one day we’ll have a bla type in AJK fighting against us.
If we keep the costs up for india in Kashmir, we will get condemned for so called “terrorism” regardless but now we can have some leverage of our own at our disposal. We can keep AJK pacified and destroy Indias plan of bringing the fight into AJK. And no we will not get sanctioned or FATF blacklisted. The last thing these world powers want is Pakistan out of their hand. By that I mean, they don’t want Pakistan to default like Sri Lanka and become Afghanistan 2.0 with openly anti west government. We get bullied by west regardless but if we put pressure on india in Kashmir we would at least bring something to the table when the topic of Kashmir comes up. And no it won’t start a war with india cuz Indians aren’t that stupid.
If you want respect in the world and peace, you have to fight for it.
I agree with you, only idiots turn the other cheek.
I won’t comment on Hina Rabbani Khar’s personality or physical trait, but she once said how proud she was of her feudal roots and their deep throating of their British overlords.

So there you go, she is what, a defacto FM while the real FM is doing world tours.
Are you saying India is NOT involved? India is involved even in Pakistanis murder today by the Taliban! They are sending a pile of evidence of India's involvement to the UN. Not that it would do something, but it doesn't hurt. The world's largest democracy shouldn't have to worry about Pakistan. It does that to it's own citizens and still gets away with it.
Absolutely not true. We are aiming for UN security council seat, and ill afford to put among a pile of terrorist nations who does cross border terrorism. You openly collect donations for Kashmir liberation. You keep letting terrorist groups to operate from your land as long as they are promoting your cause. You finally arrested Hafiz Saaed and put him in house arrest to show your seriousness towards international concern. You got into FATF grey list for terror financing and are finally out. Also there are very many tanzeem in Pakistan who are listed among UN designated terrorist groups. I am not saying you did not work to curb terrorism in Pakistan but it has been a uphill and a daunting process. You are not there yet when world thinks of Pakistan they do not think terrorism but a peaceful country.
Forget Khar, Bilawal literally strip naked Indian FM. He couldn't come up response but cry Osama Bin Laden from bygone era lmao

Same Osama Bin Laden we hosted but also handed over to USA on platter.
India’s terrorist adventures

- State sponsored terrorism in J&K.
- Kulbushan Yadav’s feat in tormenting terrorism within Pakistan
- Samjhauta Express
- Supporting ex Afghan government to torment trouble in Pakistan
- Arming Mukhti Bahini
- Terrorism feats achieved by BJP and its top leadership

You see, people living in glass houses should not be throwing stones at others.

Both nations have been working at creating chaos within each other’s border.

Forget Khar, Bilawal literally strip naked Indian FM. He couldn't come up response but cry Osama Bin Laden from bygone era lmao

Same Osama Bin Laden we hosted but also handed over to USA on platter.
That is not something to be very proud of.

Osama issue stripped Pakistan and it’s establishment bone naked.

The world thought of us as an irresponsible nation harboring terrorists. Even worse was how he was extracted without involvement the Pakistani army.
By that I mean, they don’t want Pakistan to default like Sri Lanka and become Afghanistan 2.0 with openly anti west government.
Based on how little coverage this default-lite is getting in international press, the 'world powers' seem uninterested. There was lot more coverage of floods and some coverage of IK palace intrigue. After that, international press seems to have logged out. I have watched two interviews on PBS. One was with IK about his attempted assassination and the second one yesterday with FM about energizing US - Pakistan relations.

My conclusion: 'world powers' will look the other way with Sri Lanka 2.0 but will try to prevent Afghanistan 2.0. There is quite a distance between the two. Financial distress need not automatically lead to national collapse.
Same Osama Bin Laden we hosted but also handed over to USA on platter.
"platter" pe to kisi bhi angle se na dia tha..

would have been an SSG raid that got him if you did

Instead, it was a DEVGRU op.. in a garrison town no less... shame you'll never live down.
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