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No country for envoys: Chopper crash tragedy, Indian paper's horrible comment

Actually they are, how much western media we see?

Every corporate media in this world is of same kind bro,

well, i will give a example though i don't know if it fits here.

i watch "graham norton show" which is a bbc talk-show, and many of the american guests ( generally film actors or musicians ) say that in usa talk-shows, they cannot freely use many words that they can in british shows.

but there is of course the vulgarly intrusive american shows like "oprah" which essentially are voyeurist presentations of the private lives of common folk.
I was planning on doing something similar but I lack expertise in this field and it is hard for me to group together but would be interested if I could find a few people....But my idea was more extensive actually than just buying from Pakistan and selling overseas....

Erm You do know there is are plenty of Pakistani owned shops in UK selling shalwar kameez and Pakistani bridal wear, I have personally seen some English folks wearing shalwar kameez on special occasions.
Erm You do know there is are plenty of Pakistani owned shops in UK selling shalwar kameez and Pakistani bridal wear, I have personally seen some English folks wearing shalwar kameez on special occasions.
I am very well aware :agree: I was planning something different :)
Getting footage is one thing and coming up with saffron Hindu extremist bias full of lies that too at the cost of grief of the victims is hell of a different and shameful thing.

Getting footage and describing the details of people screaming and crying? At which time they started screaming and how long their screams lasted?

This really has nothing to do with 'saffron hindu extremist bias'. Getting a job as a reporter is the easiest thing for graduates who are willing to accept the low pay in the profession- it's the most viable option for a lot of humanities graduates. The media in India is massive and quality control is very poor. I agree completely that it's a ridiculous article, but it's just a by product of a half-wit trying to make the whole thing sound as sensational as possible. It's an unbelievably brutal profession in India as reporters want to do anything possible to keep their jobs- the writer probably thought it's safer to be dramatic rather than be accurate, because that is what is appreciated. I've lived in Europe as well and the European media is similar. Of course, there are respectable news organisations in India and in Europe, but the extent of tabloidisation is crazy.

What you guys don't see is how much the Indian media sensationalises Indian matters as well. I actually seriously pity Indian politicians. There are channels that cover the same irrelevant thing in a shrill, hyper-exaggerated manner for 6 hours at a stretch.
This pretty much, except for the headline maybe, there's nothing wrong with the article.

The headline was just a play on the words: "No country for old men" - title of a Hollywood movie.

Nothing else needs to be read into it.
Getting footage and describing the details of people screaming and crying? At which time they started screaming and how long their screams lasted?

Well yes that is unfortunately what electronic media has brought upon us. That is why the competition for footage is getting muddier. I remember the suicide attack just under my office being eye witness to the flying limbs of the bomber and how a little small girl turned into minced meat literally which was collected in a cloth, how many persons died just before my eyes, it was highest shocking point BUT since being from same professional, have been desensitized so had to give live comments. Now the point of this long sentence is indeed media has become a corporate sector working for mostly own business.

This really has nothing to do with 'saffron hindu extremist bias'. Getting a job as a reporter is the easiest thing for graduates who are willing to accept the low pay in the profession- it's the most viable option for a lot of humanities graduates. The media in India is massive and quality control is very poor. I agree completely that it's a ridiculous article, but it's just a by product of a half-wit trying to make the whole thing sound as sensational as possible. It's an unbelievably brutal profession in India as reporters want to do anything possible to keep their jobs- the writer probably thought it's safer to be dramatic rather than be accurate, because that is what is appreciated. I've lived in Europe as well and the European media is similar. Of course, there are respectable news organisations in India and in Europe, but the extent of tabloidisation is crazy.

What you guys don't see is how much the Indian media sensationalises Indian matters as well. I actually seriously pity Indian politicians. There are channels that cover the same irrelevant thing in a shrill, hyper-exaggerated manner for 6 hours at a stretch.

I dont know how it is easiest in India to become a reporter but here this is NOT so easy neither it happens like that. though i agree with you that many join the field at low salary package and mostly news channels try to hire graduates which have not even studied journalism. This is because news channels are not willing to pay good and thus exploit fresh graduates.

India media has a long way to learn things and become more professional. The western media sucks at many fronts but since we are in a region where it is always a flow of information from center (west) to periphery (India-Pakistan etc) so our media has to succumb to them.

The sickness that only can come and be expected from an Indian talking about Pakistan

No country for envoys: Chopper crash shows why Pakistan is a diplomat's nightmare

Pakistan isn’t exactly the most fortuitous of postings for envoys and diplomats, with the Norwegian and Filipino ambassadors joining the list of those who have died in the line of duty.

Norwegian ambassador Leif Larsen, Filipino ambassador Domingo Lucenario and the wives of the envoys of Malaysia and Indonesia were killed when a Mi-17 helicopter of the Pakistani military crashed in the northern Gilgit-Baltistan region on Friday.

Pakistan’s foreign secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry said the helicopter crashed after its engine failed. However, the Pakistani Taliban said they had shot it down with a shoulder-fired missile though there is little evidence so far to back up their claim.

So air crashes make Pakistan a no place for foreign envoys ? hmmm ok so when is India calling back its envoy ? and closing down its embassy in Pakistan?

Nearly three decades earlier, the US ambassador to Pakistan, Arnold Raphel, died along with President Zia-ul-Haq and several top Pakistan military officers when a C-130 Hercules transport aircraft crashed in the Punjab province in mysterious circumstances.

The cause of the crash was never officially established though various theories have suggested that the aircraft was brought down by explosives or poison gas hidden in a case of mangoes that was loaded into the C-130 shortly before it took off.

John Gunther Dean, who was then the US envoy to India, suspected that Israeli agents might have been involved in the crash and tried to bring this to the notice of the administration in Washington. He was declared him mentally unfit and resigned from the foreign service soon after.

So a Israeli hand means Indian involvement also can not ruled out

In 2008, the Czech ambassador to Pakistan, Ivo Zdarek, was killed after a suicide bomber rammed a truck loaded with 600 kg of explosives into the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad. Besides the envoy, several Americans were among the nearly 60 people who died in the attack.

read the media reports there was this hint of different international spy agencies were working hands in gloves using that hotel finally scumming to own trap. It had nothing to do with the envoy.

Two days after the bombing of the Marriott, Afghanistan’s ambassador-designate Abdul Khaliq Farahi was kidnapped and his driver shot dead in Peshawar. He was freed nearly two years later following negotiations between his abductors and the Afghan government.
He was easy target for kidnapping for ransom simple as that nothing to do with envoy syndrome

Later in 2008, top Iranian diplomat Heshmatollah Attarzadeh was kidnapped by militants in Peshawar. He was rescued during an operation mounted by Iranian intelligence agents in early 2010.

:lol: the writer needs to get his facts rights. the operation was not mounted by Iranian inte.
Interesting that my post which was a witty response to the uncouth and offensive post from @Oscar was deleted in no time whereas his post is still attracting thanks like fecal matter attracts flies. Welcome to Horus' pdf I guess!
The sickness that only can come and be expected from an Indian talking about Pakistan

No country for envoys: Chopper crash shows why Pakistan is a diplomat's nightmare

Pakistan isn’t exactly the most fortuitous of postings for envoys and diplomats, with the Norwegian and Filipino ambassadors joining the list of those who have died in the line of duty.

Norwegian ambassador Leif Larsen, Filipino ambassador Domingo Lucenario and the wives of the envoys of Malaysia and Indonesia were killed when a Mi-17 helicopter of the Pakistani military crashed in the northern Gilgit-Baltistan region on Friday.

Pakistan’s foreign secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry said the helicopter crashed after its engine failed. However, the Pakistani Taliban said they had shot it down with a shoulder-fired missile though there is little evidence so far to back up their claim.

So air crashes make Pakistan a no place for foreign envoys ? hmmm ok so when is India calling back its envoy ? and closing down its embassy in Pakistan?

Nearly three decades earlier, the US ambassador to Pakistan, Arnold Raphel, died along with President Zia-ul-Haq and several top Pakistan military officers when a C-130 Hercules transport aircraft crashed in the Punjab province in mysterious circumstances.

The cause of the crash was never officially established though various theories have suggested that the aircraft was brought down by explosives or poison gas hidden in a case of mangoes that was loaded into the C-130 shortly before it took off.

John Gunther Dean, who was then the US envoy to India, suspected that Israeli agents might have been involved in the crash and tried to bring this to the notice of the administration in Washington. He was declared him mentally unfit and resigned from the foreign service soon after.

So a Israeli hand means Indian involvement also can not ruled out

In 2008, the Czech ambassador to Pakistan, Ivo Zdarek, was killed after a suicide bomber rammed a truck loaded with 600 kg of explosives into the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad. Besides the envoy, several Americans were among the nearly 60 people who died in the attack.

read the media reports there was this hint of different international spy agencies were working hands in gloves using that hotel finally scumming to own trap. It had nothing to do with the envoy.

Two days after the bombing of the Marriott, Afghanistan’s ambassador-designate Abdul Khaliq Farahi was kidnapped and his driver shot dead in Peshawar. He was freed nearly two years later following negotiations between his abductors and the Afghan government.
He was easy target for kidnapping for ransom simple as that nothing to do with envoy syndrome

Later in 2008, top Iranian diplomat Heshmatollah Attarzadeh was kidnapped by militants in Peshawar. He was rescued during an operation mounted by Iranian intelligence agents in early 2010.

:lol: the writer needs to get his facts rights. the operation was not mounted by Iranian inte.
50 percent of Indians born in India doesn't even know about Pakistan
I will disagree with your post sir
Till date I have seen none enjoying the death of a kid. ....you sound like a politician here
I sound like only what has been shown and expressed to me by your fellow countrymen online. That is the only impression that matters isnt it?

Hate media not Indians, the shameful post by @Oscar is just appalling.

In Pakistan with popular support, news channels get banned. So much for your your media's Zheniyant and all that crap.

Pakistanis like always like to take the high moral ground but then the bigotry is highest in Pakistan.

@Oscar yes we roll that way, why do you tolerate us here?

Where else can we let the true face of India "shine"?

Interesting that my post which was a witty response to the uncouth and offensive post from @Oscar was deleted in no time whereas his post is still attracting thanks like fecal matter attracts flies. Welcome to Horus' pdf I guess!

To bad your wit wasnt worth the time, but you should have let it be... It would only serve to cement my views now. Far from the hopeful impression I once had of India.
Interesting that my post which was a witty response to the uncouth and offensive post from @Oscar was deleted in no time whereas his post is still attracting thanks like fecal matter attracts flies. Welcome to Horus' pdf I guess!
Its happen when you gave them reply which they can't answer and they see their defeat , they delete it and ban you
Its in their national psyche. Its like Eskimos making igloos. 90% of Indians born in India are petty minded, vicious,bloodthristy and backstabbing cynical individuals who would preach human rights to you and take joy if a Pakistani baby is cut up in front of them.

Do you really believe this? Based on what?

100% of the Pakistanis I've met (including those born in Pakistan) are extremely nice people and, in their thought processes, likes and dislikes, they are very similar to Indians. For whatever my opinion is worth, Indians aren't in the least petty, bloodthirsty, backstabbing etc. If you met them, I doubt you'd find 9 out of 10 of them so disagreeable, just like I find your countrymen impossible to dislike.

You said you were hopeful about India, what's changed? Modi's election? Newspaper reports about attacks on churches? Indians commenting on news websites and forums?

Out of every country I've lived in- the US, Spain, Egypt and India- India's mainstream discourse is actually the least jingoistic (even compared to Spain, at least the north of Spain!). The BJP's election is a correction of a historic imbalance where India was perpetually quite far left of centre. In any of the countries I've lived in the BJP would count as a moderate centre right party, a few loonies notwithstanding. Religiously divisive comments by politicians are far less accepted in India than in the US. Coming to Modi, despite some people's perception here of Modi being a mass murderer, India wouldn't have elected him if Indians believed he orchestrated or condoned the mass murder of Muslims.

A minor crime against a minority in India, even theft, is far more likely to lead to hysteria about anti-minoritism and the danger of the rampaging right than, at least, the countries I've lived in.

As for Indians online, you notice only a shrill minority, there are many Pakistanis on this forum that do your country discredit, but they aren't anything like the Pakistanis I've met. I lecture here (in Delhi) on my days off and all the kids I encounter are progressive fair-minded people. I'm not a nationalist and I'm only too happy to criticise India, but we're not a vicious, bloodthirsty people.

What has changed over the last 20 years is how Indians feel about Pakistan. There's a certain dislike or maybe disdain that's crept in towards Pakistan, even in the older generations. There's a view that Pakistan is a state without a conscience, willing to use any means at its disposal to get even with India for perceived wrongs and that it's imploding, consumed by its own hatred. The same people, like my grandparents, who would always cheer for Pakistan once India was knocked out of a cricket tournament will now cheer for whoever is up against Pakistan. This has only been strengthened over the last few years when the Western media has been telling us the same things about Pakistan as what our media always said. Few people have the time or the inclination to go deeper and realise that history is seldom about simple tales of right and wrong. This disdain, I agree, is an unfortunate development.
To be expected. The reporter's name is not given, but then he is a horrible scumbag.

The conclusions he draws are far fetched and sensationalist to the core. It was an accident, they happen everywhere, they weren't murdered (with reference to the terrorist attacks he mentioned).
Apart from the Indians and their media not a single country in the world has spewed hate and lies during this moment of tragedy. Only hateful India has seized this moment to spread their message of hate in this moment of despair. Shame on these Indian cowards.
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