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No cenral asian migration to Bengal and Timur was not a mongol

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Hey do you have any source of this story or is it all in your mind like kalu chacha and akmal chacha

What's your source of this supposed convergence of Buddhists in the east Bengal?

All said and done, what you Bangladeshis really are, turk, Persian or Mongol?

No probpem dude, I got confused because last time you said a different story. :tup:

I have no problem in telling you my story lol! My grandfather's father's name was ' ABDUL AZIZ' only! But he was a tax collector and their Job title was chawdhury or Taluqdar! Now he had two sons! Ali Ajam and Mannan Chowdhury! Ali Ajam had two sons. Ahsan Ullah chowdhury and Sanaullah Chowdhury! Mannan chowdhury had two sons! Eqram Chowdhury and Jafar Ullah chowdhury! Now you see we were neither Molla nor chawdhury! But strangely my father and uncles have chawdhury surname and our house is known as Mollah bari! Thats because of the mosque and mashjid ( at present belongs to the village)..... Most probably you are talking about my post where i told someone like this sayed could be added. Peace!
So you East Bengal Buddhist were tortured by hindu sena dynasty .Okay. But I guess torture was not strong enough to make them leave Buddism and go back to their original hindu castes.

And in the same vain you say East Bengal Buddhists converted to islam in masses though there was no force. Hello,if it was no force to convert or threat of torture for being Buddhists during Islamic rule, why the hell they converted to Islam instead of practing their old Bhuddist faith??

The fact of the matter is Islam spread like wildfire in places that fall to Muslim invasion staring with towns of Mecca and Madinah as they were conquered by the Prophet of Islam. People of those conquered lands were coerced to become Muslims. Hence many conquered lands tuned 100% mulsim ,its only the Indian subcontinent with Strong dharmic tradition that managed to keep half of its population stuck to their old religions at great pain and struggle while at the same time loosing other half of the population to Islam during of rule of muslim dynasties till the weakening of Moghul empire. .

The Charm of Islam suddenly died as soon as the Muslim rule gave way to the reign of native kings of Maratha or Sikh yolk ,then rise of the British empire and finally formation of independent democratic republic of india. There was no big conversion drive to Islam after the change ,instead new religions like Sikhism become stronger in muslim dominated Punjab region .The progress of Islam was halted for ever.

You dont know the ground reality. Percentage of increase of Muslim population even increased After Mogul left the scene. In the 800 years percentage of increase of Muslim population in sub continent was 0.05% a year. In the last 60 years that number increased to two fold and percentage of increase of Muslim in India now stands 0.1% a year.

Islam did not loose its charm rather getting stronger day by day.
You dont know the ground reality. Percentage of increase of Muslim population even increased After Mogul left the scene. In the 800 years percentage of increase of Muslim population in sub continent was 0.05% a year. In the last 60 years that number increased to two fold and percentage of increase of Muslim in India now stands 0.1% a year.

Islam did not loose its charm rather getting stronger day by day.

Baby factories don't really depict the charm of Islam, it does show the downfall of Muslims.
I have showed them that in this district where i am living now majority of people were hindus even 90 years ago! Now the percentage is 92 percent muslim, 7 percent hindu and 1% christian. No budhhist at all.... So where are those budhhist gone?? Muslims most probably didn't find them! They were digested by hindus!! ( i am tired of posting anti hindu posts, but these islamophobes need similar answer)
Baby factories don't really depict the charm of Islam, it does show the downfall of Muslims.

hahaha .. if that analogy makes you happy ..

I am sure you will die as Muslim.. LOL
hahaha .. if that analogy makes you happy ..

I am sure you will die as Muslim.. LOL

Its true though. Is high birth rate really something to be proud and brag about? Cause if that was the case then humans have already lost the race to the rats:lol:

And I would rather die than convert to any religion :)
You dont know the ground reality. Percentage of increase of Muslim population even increased After Mogul left the scene. In the 800 years percentage of increase of Muslim population in sub continent was 0.05% a year. In the last 60 years that number increased to two fold and percentage of increase of Muslim in India now stands 0.1% a year.

Islam did not loose its charm rather getting stronger day by day.

WRONG. Its not the way you think.Its due to Non Muslims joining the Islamic fold.

The Percentage of increase of Muslim population is due to higher birth rates among the Muslims since 1950s when hindus with the rise in education and income are gradually having less kids compared to the Muslims .In fact Muslims now have higher birth rates among all religious groups of the world.
Indian Hindu's have an inferiority complex as they lost the war with Muslims in the past, so any mention of Turkic, Turko-Mongol etc. make them allergic as it reminds them of those defeats in history. They also think that somehow those people were superior because they were able to defeat them, so they want to deny the diffusion and dissemination of this supposedly "superior" (according to them) gene's among Bengali Muslims. Somehow to them admitting the truth of this history means that they loose the ability to look down on Bengali Muslims, as they are used to looking down on Shudra, Dalit and Dravidian people.

For us Bengali Muslims, we do not need to be ashamed of any of our ancestors, whether they were kalu Shudra, Dalit, Adivasi or fair skinned Hindu Brahman or Kshatriya, or foreign Muslim migrants that came as soldier, administrators, Pir/darvish/Sufi and settled down in medieval Bengal. We should celebrate all of our ancestors equally, without giving any one of them any special high place. At the same time we should thank the Muslim migrants because through their sacrifices they have made us a part of the Muslim world and Islamic civilization.

Bangladeshi Muslims are a heterogeneous race, like any Muslim society in the world. In the future, I encourage Bangladeshi Muslims to marry into other Muslim cultures or other cultures to build bridges between cultures and to add to our genetic diversity and richness.

Yes, the Indian Hindus are allergic to all those foreign bloods in our veins. But, the reason for being allergic may be a little different from what you are saying above.Their only intention is to prove that no foreign muslims came to Bengal and that we are the descendents of ONLY the Dalits and Chota Jat Hindus who have converted to Islam. They want to establish this bias.

They just want to score a big point on us, when the reality is all of us are mixed blooded people without any distinctinctions at all. Today, we are Muslim Bangali, but, yesterday some of us were local Hindus, some were Pathans, some were Arabs, some were Turkic, some were MUghal central asians, and may be some were Ethiopeans. Today, all together, we are just the muslims of Bengal. There is no distinctions at all.
Hey do you have any source of this story or is it all in your mind like kalu chacha and akmal chacha


its a very good book ( actually a research on Vawal paragana )by Index of /

some pictures from the book
Raja Kali Narayan Ray Chowdhury 1808-1878

Raja Rajendra Narayan Chowdhury Death-1901


Rani Bilash Moni (very famous)

Jatirmoy Debi ( Daughter of Rani Bilashmoni)

Ranendra Narayan Ray Chawdhury 1882-1910 (1st son of Raja Rajendra Narayan Chowdhury and Rani Bilash Moni)


RamendrA Narayan Ray Chawdhury 1882-1910 (2ND son of Raja Rajendra Narayan Chowdhury and Rani Bilash Moni)
fAMOUS AS Vawal Sannyasi 1886-1946


Sir Salimullah & RamendrA Narayan Ray Chawdhury Handshaking infront of a british officer


Judges of Famous Vawal Sannaysi Case


Gazis settled in the region before 1400. Palowan shah Gazi came from middle east and defeated small hindu groups ( this was actually Jungle area that time, very few people used to live)... Gazis were a strong part of Baro-Bhuiyan who faced Akbar's Army.Baro-Bhuyan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .. Fazal Gazi was known for his strong Navy during Esha Khan era!

What does these pictures prove? We all know about bhaowal rajas case, what's the prove what you said earlier. Don't point to random blogs.
What does these pictures prove? We all know about bhaowal rajas case, what's the prove what you said earlier. Don't point to random blogs.

i just took photos from the book using my mobile just to tell you it is a good book! with references.....
Indian Hindu's have an inferiority complex as they lost the war with Muslims in the past, so any mention of Turkic, Turko-Mongol etc. make them allergic as it reminds them of those defeats in history. They also think that somehow those people were superior because they were able to defeat them, so they want to deny the diffusion and dissemination of this supposedly "superior" (according to them) gene's among Bengali Muslims. Somehow to them admitting the truth of this history means that they loose the ability to look down on Bengali Muslims, as they are used to looking down on Shudra, Dalit and Dravidian people.

For us Bengali Muslims, we do not need to be ashamed of any of our ancestors, whether they were kalu Shudra, Dalit, Adivasi or fair skinned Hindu Brahman or Kshatriya, or foreign Muslim migrants that came as soldier, administrators, Pir/darvish/Sufi and settled down in medieval Bengal. We should celebrate all of our ancestors equally, without giving any one of them any special high place. At the same time we should thank the Muslim migrants because through their sacrifices they have made us a part of the Muslim world and Islamic civilization.

Bangladeshi Muslims are a heterogeneous race, like any Muslim society in the world. In the future, I encourage Bangladeshi Muslims to marry into other Muslim cultures or other cultures to build bridges between cultures and to add to our genetic diversity and richness.

This is one of the best posts on the subject we are discussing. I have nothing to add to it.
Interesting, this mental gymnastics.

Sometimes they claim that they are ethnically homogeneous and therefore a nation, at other times other useless claims of being Pathan and all.

People who lose their identity, lose it all. Pity such people.
Take it in your head. Its getting boring to tell again and again.
"As such, Bengalis are a homogeneous but considerably diverse ethnic group with heterogeneous origins. They are the second largest single ethnic group in the world"
You are putting divisions of labour like you have put divisins among the Hindus, i.e, JATPAT or caste system. Any work is worth doing. Since when you, the Achyuts of India, have become Maharajas? You have then 1200 million Maharaja, isn't it?
any work is worth doing that why i said the decendents of mugals wash dishes in delhi resturants now a days for earning three meals a day. but why is your *** burning

pakistanis too think they are arab persian and turkish etc now bangladeshis claim same.. what was the population of arabs and persians and turks that time. did they all migrated to india ? Nobody in this world consider these arab persians and turks as any worhty people other than pakistanis and bangladeshis. if you are wannabes than at least wanna be someone worthwhile. neither arab culture is anygood neither are persians any good and nor turkish culture is anything which everyone is attracted to. then why why are bangladeshis so fond of some 2 dollar camel jockeys

Yes, he experiences it every time he goes through airport security. ;)

he thinks there is charm of islam in wearinf that long gowns and buraka for women. or speaking some illa billa alhamadulla things.
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