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No automatic visa for Modi as PM : US

OTOH, Sonia Gandhi has a pending case and a warrant to attend a court in the US - she isnt heading to the US in a hurry....although, I doubt they will act against her even if she goes there.
You can read yourself ...can't you ?

Other day you were trying to defend Us state spoke person for her statement and I was telling that she should have kept quite . Now you see what her superiors have to say about her ...

And what exactly did her superior have to say about her? Do you realize that those lines that you quoted are actually written by the reporter of TOI and not a statement of a state dept official? It appears to me that you got fooled by the media again.

"Separately, senior State Department officials said the visa thing is now a non-issue, overruling overzealous spokespersons who doggedly stuck to the bureaucratic script in repeating ad nauseum that his visa will be considered on merit etc. Officials explained that as a head of government, Modi will merit a different treatment altogether". -- These lines are written by the reporter, get the actual quotes of the state dept official and then we can talk about it.

Sometimes it is better to accept one's mistake rather than go on defending them ..although everybody is not magnanimous enough to do that .

Absolutely, just accept that the media made a fool out of you not once but twice. They twist their stories and headlines precisely for people like you!

You claimed victory in first round ...on what basis ?

I am just showing you the 'mirror' ...

There was no mistake on my part. I showed you the exact transcript to make you realize how media deceives simpletons like you. You repeated the same mistake again today. The spokesperson did not even talk about Modi. She refused to talk about him because the results weren't out yet. She, as a response to a question outlined the general procedure. Go back and read the transcript again instead of acting like an egotistic fool.
And what exactly did her superior have to say about her? Do you realize that those lines that you quoted are actually written by the reporter of TOI and not a statement of a state dept official? It appears to me that you got fooled by the media again.

"Separately, senior State Department officials said the visa thing is now a non-issue, overruling overzealous spokespersons who doggedly stuck to the bureaucratic script in repeating ad nauseum that his visa will be considered on merit etc. Officials explained that as a head of government, Modi will merit a different treatment altogether". -- These lines are written by the reporter, get the actual quotes of the state dept official and then we can talk about it.

Absolutely, just accept that the media made a fool out of you not once but twice. They twist their stories and headlines precisely for people like you!

There was no mistake on my part. I showed you the exact transcript to make you realize how media deceives simpletons like you. You repeated the same mistake again today. The spokesperson did not even talk about Modi. She refused to talk about him because the results weren't out yet. She, as a response to a question outlined the general procedure. Go back and read the transcript again instead of acting like an egotistic fool.

Your frustration is obvious .
Go and read our previous conversations who was talking what ?
I simply said that Spoke person should have kept mum instead of exhorting official line that Nobody gets visa automatically ...
That such statements even if they are technically correct do no justice to the administration's cause which is trying to get rid of baggage of past .

Just within 24 hours they have to swallow their words ...and now they are saying Visa are non issue .

Off course American administration is shameless enough to change its stance as it suits them .
They were playing safe just before declaration of results and now are singing different tune .

I was absolutely aware that this is what is going to happen and for that reason alone I started this thread .

I just wanted to show the contrast in American stance .

Media has done its best in bringing that contrast forth .

This is not the question of ego or my being mistaken .

This is question of immaturity of US state spokesperson in giving bites to journalists which did not help her administration and American double standards and hypocrisy .

why don't you get trophy for yourself ?

that will give you some peace of mind .
Your frustration is obvious .
Go and read our previous conversations who was talking what ?
I simply said that Spoke person should have kept mum instead of exhorting official line that Nobody gets visa automatically ...
That such statements even if they are technically correct do no justice to the administration's cause which is trying to get rid of baggage of past .

You are the only one acting frustrated here as I showed you how media fooled you again. Anyone with a little bit of intelligence would realize that the spokesperson was not commenting specifically about Modi and media made a fool out of you. There were a number of people on this thread itself who were able to see it. I was not the only one.

Today again you got deceived by the same media as you mistook a statement from the reporter as a quote from her superior. Now that I showed your stupidity you are acting like an imbecile.

Just within 24 hours they have to swallow their words ...and now they are saying Visa are non issue .

In 24 hours the results are out and they can talk specifically now.

Ignoring your rhetoric, you again failed to show what her senior had to say about her as you claimed. I am not interested in addressing your anti American rants. I have no issues with you being anti American.

This is my last reply to you. I don't have time to argue with someone who can't even distinguish between a direct quote and an opinion of a reporter.
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You are the only one acting frustrated here as I showed you how media fooled you again. Anyone with a little bit of intelligence would realize that the spokesperson was not commenting specifically about Modi and media made a fool out of you. There were a number of people on this thread itself who were able to see it. I was not the only one.

Today again you got deceived by the same media as you mistook a statement from the reporter as a quote from her superior. Now that I showed your stupidity you are acting like an imbecile.

In 24 hours the results are out and they can talk specifically now.

Ignoring your rhetoric, you again failed to show what her senior had to say about her as you claimed. I am not interested to address your anti American rants. I have no issues with you being anti American.

This is my last reply to you. I don't have time to argue with someone who can't even distinguish between a direct quote and an opinion of a reporter.

Very well...I am also not interested in prolonging this duel !

This is what the journalists were trying to catch ...and they have done very well .

The reason why US state spoke person was asked such contentious questions is obvious . Even journalists wanted to show if US state department changes its tune or no .

You can't differentiate between the change in US stance overnight . Can you ?
We are drooling over a non-existing issue.... Modi will be 'requested' to visit US and US will be crapping their pants, what if Modi just decides to show them a nice thumb and looks more towards China and Russia.
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