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No apology , No Supplies: General Kayani to Gen Allen.

I still don't get the what lies behind this word 'apology'. US has apologised many times by killing innocents unintentionally/intentionally, but this time they aren't, and Pakistan keeps insisting to apologise. Any think tank to summarise this myth in two/three lines?
Apology or no apology, NATO must not resume through Pakistan Period.

Why are we selling so cheap that mere apology, which has no meaning after such long time after incident, will settle all issues.
India is getting benefit out of this issue between US and Pakistan. Another terrorist caught and handed to India by Saudi's, heard US convinced them.
Well just a Noob Question...What will Pakistan do if they violate Pakistani airspace and fly supplies to troops with fighter escorts?
Well just a Noob Question...What will Pakistan do if they violate Pakistani airspace and fly supplies to troops with fighter escorts?

They will and can do nothing even if they fly without escorts. Blocking the routes is maximum they can do. They know how much they can do.
An apology is not possible at least till the US elections are over.

Ok then supplies are not possible at least till the US elections are over.

I still don't get the what lies behind this word 'apology'. US has apologised many times by killing innocents unintentionally/intentionally, but this time they aren't, and Pakistan keeps insisting to apologise. Any think tank to summarise this myth in two/three lines?

Official apology from obama and 5000 dollars per truck.

I think its like that.
Ok then supplies are not possible at least till the US elections are over.

The supplies were never really closed, you know. The air route was always open.

Official apology from obama and 5000 dollars per truck.

I think its like that.

I say a better deal would be $500 per truck to each of Pakistani PM, President, and Army Chief. Far cheaper and far more reassuring. With PKR at Rs 95/USD and sliding, they will end up making tons of money. Some of that money can even be redirected to the corps commanders of Kayani.
Nothing should be tied in to Apology

Look you can`t fly any weaons and drones into Pakistani Airspace if you do they will be shot down and any loses will be your own fault

Learn from Syria

Shoot first apologise for it later
Well just a Noob Question...What will Pakistan do if they violate Pakistani airspace and fly supplies to troops with fighter escorts?
Air Route has been provided to NATO since 2001 and it was never closed.Pakistan does not want to boil the water too much.Besides US wants ground lines to open...aerial cargo is far too expensive even more expensive then their NDN Route that's why most of their non lethal supplies go through NDN Route and only lethal cargo is transported using Aerial Route.
there should be apology for killing soliders but nato supply should not be rusumed.
Both sides had almost reached an arrangement that would not show any party as the loser. But Chacha Panetta opened his mouth and everything went sour.
Our Foreign Office should clearly convey to NATO members that the main reason their soldiers are in greater danger is because of American arrogance.
Yup and that's 6 times more expensive. :tup:

Nevertheless, the point is that all this while Pakistani Generals were yet again successful in fooling their already brainwashed public.
They had them believe that the routes were actually closed when in fact, they weren't.
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