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I know both sides torture their detainees, but cutting somebody's tongue is barbaric and shameful.
I refuse to belive it unless somebody posts the news item from a respectable news paper like dawn.
Soldier is a soldier from which ever country he is.They should be viewed with respect.
Soldiers like Hussain made the Pakistan proud.
Due to soldiers like Hussain, head of Pakistan's army is held high against all odds.
Sir 335139.

We, as a nation and as a army, love you for your devotion, bravery and patriotism, that you have been bearing all the excruciating and inhumane torture, for no one else but us. We are sorry that we couldn't come to your aid and were helpless, when the Bhartis were treating you worse than an animal.

Your courage and services will always be remembered with pride, and you would surely make the hall of fame.. in our hearts. It is quite understood that you didn't give up or share any information with the losers and they tortured you brutally but you stood affirm on your word, not to let down your country, giving a slap on the shameful faces of Bhartis.

We hope and pray that you get unlimited blessings of Allah leading you to high ranks of Paradise, and that we get the shame to avenge for your present state. Pakistan is proud of you and other with similar stories, and hopes to have many as brave as your are, which is rare in other parts of the world.

Best regards.
Salute for the service he did for the love of MOTHERLAND.
To indians...this shows ur justice and tolerance toward PAKISTANIS.
Shame on such hipocrites and death to those who tortured him with such barbarity.

Such an acquisitions are nothing but for you self consumption, a single unproved story and about a man Pakistan forgot and India found and returned back proves nothing, come up with a better blame game to prove us evil next time. (cheap bah....)
Soldier is a soldier from which ever country he is.They should be viewed with respect.
Soldiers like Hussain made the Pakistan proud.
Due to soldiers like Hussain, head of Pakistan's army is held high against all odds.

and at the end someone post sense-able post my thanks to him :tup:
Such an acquisitions are nothing but for you self consumption, a single unproved story and about a man Pakistan forgot and India found and returned back proves nothing, come up with a better blame game to prove us evil next time. (cheap bah....)

Found? a man with his tongue cut... nails pulled,bones broken,tortured who lost his memory n his mental n physical health .........returned during a prisoner exchange by mistake after more than 40 years? thts a blame game?

Now look at tht fat bastard kashmir singh tht Pak returned and see the difference.
Found? a man with his tongue cut... nails pulled,bones broken,tortured who lost his memory n his mental n physical health .........returned during a prisoner exchange by mistake after more than 40 years? thts a blame game?

Now look at tht fat bastard kashmir singh tht Pak returned and see the difference.
Still searching for a news article from a news paper? Any pakistani newspaper will do ( I have dropped my standard, dawn is not essential).
If this thread continues to 10 pages, I would even accept blog entry of Riaz Haq. :)

cutting somebody's tongue is barbaric, and I refuse to believe Indian police will do it.
Such inhumane treatment with a prisoner of war can only be done by India.
Shame on them...
does any one remember Captain Saurabh Kalia? How he was tortured to death after being captured alive?

And how when 36 states suggested that India issue the detailed autopsy report for their support in the Hague, India didn't? Seems like there was something else contributing to the matter, eh?
Can someone name this Captain or mention his story?
He got these scars at Kargil.

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