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Nizam of hyderabad £80 million which belongs to pakistan

Are you telling me that @hydmuslims is an Indian Muslim ? :o:

But how can that be he isn't rabidly Anti-Pakistan as other Indian Muslims who've visited this forum
? :unsure:
Because its Hyderabad. Probably having the highest concentration of pan-islamists amongst Indian Muslims.

To give an example in a lecture given by a Pakistani author in Hyderabad, he remarked that he does not see these many burkas even in Pakistan.
yes but where did it say he wanted it to go to india?he froze it only after lot of pressure from indians….
the money doesn't belong to india….i don't mind if his descendants get it over pakistan… but india has no part of the money..

U read the OP first clearly "The finance minister Moin Nawaz Jung took the matters into his hands which is a fraud,it seems he signed the money to Pakistan's new high commissoner without the consent of Nizam" Hence Pakistan cannot claim the money legally.

Jammu and Kashmir
and Hyderabad state
In Hyderabad the state language is Telegu & not Urdu,In kashmir its Kashmiri,while in Jammu its Dogra,Punjabi while in Ladakh it is Ladakhi,what about NFWP known as KP,the state language is Phustu,while in Sindh it is Sindh,In Balochistan it is Baloch,will Pakistan should vacate the NFWP,Sindh & Balochistan
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Why should we learn Telugu. Since 400 years and beyond creation of hyderabad and there was Golconda before that we have been speaking hyderabadi urdu. It is our language .
what about before that...??? u guys lived like kings and treated hindus like slaves and now u see what is ur status? rassi jal gayi magar bal nahi gaya... how many millions of hindus were murdered under rule of nizams...every single penny, jewel belongs to us..and we will not give an inch to pakistani or razakars like you...go to UN or hell..
Any indian state with urdu as state level language is a Pakistan state under occupation of India.Not only the land but the people,history and culture.they all belong to Pakistan
In Hyderabad the state language is Telegu & not Urdu,In kashmir its Kashmiri,while in Jammu its Dogra,Punjabi while in Ladakh it is Ladakhi,
What about Pakistan,what is the state language of NFWP,Balochistan & sindh
In NFWP known as KP,the state language is Phustu,while in Sindh it is Sindh,In Balochistan it is Baloch,will Pakistan should vacate the NFWP,Sindh & Balochistan on the basis of State language
The money belongs to nizam and pakistan. Since the nizam did sign it to pakistan , they should get it. However nizam froze the account so the dispute should be ended by pakistan and nizams grandson. India should get 0% of it and infact india should pay damages to nizam's grandson since it is because of india that nizam had to freeze the account.

Read the article you posted yourself :mad::mad::mad:

The Nizam's agent signed the money over to Pakistan.
The Nizam stopped the payment.
Hyderabad belongs to India, so does the money.

Hyderabad has come to India, his entire Jewellery Collection including the Jacob Diamond has come to India and so will this.
The Nizam acquired all this wealth "piggy-backing" on his subjects, the source of his funds was his subjects; there is little personal wealth to talk about. If he had no kingdom then he would have had to earn his keep either stitching caps or mending shoes.
The Nizams of Hyderabad were by and large quite a "sorry bunch" of sods. They became rich and powerful only after being propped up by the British East India Company in 1795. This happened after the defeat at the hands of the Marathas at the Battle of Moori Ghat in March 1795. Till that time, the Nizam had kept the Mughal Court and also the Marathas at bay by negotiating, scheming, buying off etc. That loss tossed the Nizam into the British lap. Which the British were eagerly waiting for since they were looking to expand in India.

For more details how the Nizam "played poodle" against the Marathas, Tipu Sultan and whoever at the behest of the British just read "White Mughals" by William Dalrymple. A wonderful chronicle of how rank opportunists existed only because of British favor.

The British then abruptly and finally "pulled the rug" on the Nizam in 1947. That ended the time in the sun for that bunch of Sods!
U read the OP first clearly "The finance minister Moin Nawaz Jung took the matters into his hands which is a fraud,it seems he signed the money to Pakistan's new high commissoner without the consent of Nizam" Hence Pakistan cannot claim the money legally.
if Moin nawaz had the authority to sign over the money then it wasn't fraud…. we can also safely conclude that the nazim didn't freeze the account at first because he was fine with the money going to pakistan…. but he froze the account only after indians started to pressure him..
What are the odds that the money will continue to remain stashed in a London bank while we both fight for it like kids?

Let an Indo-Pak team secure the booty first. Maybe then our bickering will have a tangible purpose. We can even decide to split it in half, like how estranged brothers carve up their ancestral wealth.:sarcastic:
Evil, stingy baniya will never give money.
It belongs to India and People of AP and Telangana.Cos he made the money out of them.
Nizam's finance minister Moin Nawaz Jung signed over the money to pakistan. And at that time in 1947 hyderabad was not part of india. Only after indian army annexed hyderabad in a blood massacre of lakhs of Muslims.

So the £80 million now belongs to pakistan and nizam of hyderabad. They have to solve the dispute.

Actually it is not a bad idea if along with money of Nizam, Pakistan will take away all the people of Hyd who alliance with Nizam... too.Then i will agree with this idea that take Nizam's money and Nizam's pet people who are in Hyd to Pakistan....Happy ending from both sides...
if Moin nawaz had the authority to sign over the money then it wasn't fraud…. we can also safely conclude that the nazim didn't freeze the account at first because he was fine with the money going to pakistan…. but he froze the account only after indians started to pressure him..

U r totally wrong,he had the authority to sign but the OP says clearly the Finance minister took the matter in his own hands which means he acted on his own & not without the consent of Nizam, Further the op says the Nizam cabled Westminster Bank and told officials to freeze the account.
Read the text of the OP once again
"While the Nizam dithered, the man to whom he had entrusted the £1m, his finance minister Moin Nawaz Jung, took matters into his own hands."
Here Moin Nawaz is simply a TRUSTEE & not beyond that,why did Nizam cabled Westminister & told the officials to freeze the account. It is like this,I can give u a small example,
Yr PARTENTS go abroad,before that They hand over THE Jewellery to you. U try to sell the Jewelley to a Jewellery Shop owner without the consent of yr parents,the owner of the shop knows yr parents & he informs them about the deal. What will your parents do,they will tell the owner to take the jewellery in his possession & cancel the transaction without paying you any cash.This type of incidents have happend in India, I have done my law
I suggest you go to old city hyderabad. Charminar,Noor khan bazar, chaderghat, nampally, mallepally, chandrayangutta ,etc and see for yourself if the people understand Telugu. Infact the elected MLA from hyderabad who are Muslims don't understand Telugu .
well,not much know about Hyderabadi muslims..but there are plenty of urdu dakkini muslims in Karnataka including Bangalore..All of them,i have met can speak/understand local language 'Kannada' fluently....
Don't you freakin teach me what my city is you imbecile, I have been studying/living with the same hydmuslims for the past 20 years.

I have a multiple number of hydmuslim frnds, I regularly do attend the their marriages and often been to several parties.

@Other Member pls ignore the troll, he's definitely not from hyd and is an official troll.
Since you do attend marriages of hyderabadi Muslims, what language do the majority speak there?
Why the films made by hyderabadi Muslims is in dakhni/hyderabadi urdu?
Why does every chief minister be it ysr,naidu,kcr speak in urdu when they visit old city? If what you say is true they should speak Telugu since you claim we understand that.

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