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Nirbhay cruise missile test is conducted sucessfully

According to the reports mijjile felled after flying 645km...and this is big success for india . :partay:
The flush mounted intake is a good feature.Whats the turbojet engine used to power it?.
Making fun and Trolling on pure defense equipment related threads based on nationalities? Not a single comment about capabilities of the missile and details of the test.
Very Bad. PDF standards are getting down fast.
Making fun and Trolling on pure defense equipment related threads based on nationalities? Not a single comment about capabilities of the missile and details of the test.
Very Bad. PDF standards are getting down fast.
very well said, people are more interested to make fun of anything related to India than talking defence..quality of forum is seeing all time low...this days every thread has become fun and unfortunately pakistani posters are derailing them in most cases!
The flush mounted intake is a good feature.Whats the turbojet engine used to power it?.
It has had success with both turbojet and turbofan. Wait for more details.
Should not be Subsonic cruise missile be fired at Terrain Hugging Mode?
At this Height and Speed is it not a sitting duck?
I would appreciate if Some one knowledgeable answer this.
Should not be Subsonic cruise missile be fired at Terrain Hugging Mode?
At this Height and Speed is it not a sitting duck?
I would appreciate if Some one knowledgeable answer this.

Totally agree with you... but its still in development stage & a good 7 / 10 years away from induction....
more successful trials will lead to terrain hugging mode trails.
Should not be Subsonic cruise missile be fired at Terrain Hugging Mode?
At this Height and Speed is it not a sitting duck?
I would appreciate if Some one knowledgeable answer this.

Terrain hugging comes after some distance from the launch. See other cruise launches.

Manik engine

Totally agree with you... but its still in development stage & a good 7 / 10 years away from induction....
more successful trials will lead to terrain hugging mode trails.
You clearly do not know much about cruise missiles.
Should not be Subsonic cruise missile be fired at Terrain Hugging Mode?
At this Height and Speed is it not a sitting duck?
I would appreciate if Some one knowledgeable answer this.

This missile was tested in terrain hugging mode. From a height of 5 mtrs to 2.5 kilometers. Also called the tree hugging mode.
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