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'Nineteen countries' shun Nobel

I was being sarcastic hence the woohoo and the swearing.

It was so obvious that India would choose once again to piss over their neighbours.

could be only after china decided to block the ban on the terror groups responsible for mumbai attack....
india also only change the vote on iran at UN after they try to drag their legs too far..
China must give support to some big ticket item that India aspires to really expect consistent Indian cooperation. China has tried to block every major initiative that India has undertaken. If China were to openly support India permanent membership to UNGC I believe it can expect significant concessions from India where it really matters.
Oslo: India will attend the ceremony for presentation of Nobel Peace Prize to jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo in Oslo, Norway. The issue is a vexed one with China asking everyone to boycott the ceremony.

However, most invited countries will attend Friday's Nobel peace prize ceremony, Nobel Institute director Geir Lundestad said today, contradicting a statement from China.

"You only have to look at the figures. The vast majority of countries invited will be represented," Lundestad told agencies.

According to the Nobel Institute, 44 embassies have accepted invitations to the event while 19 have refused "for various reasons" and two have not replied.

China said earlier that the vast majority of countries would not attend the ceremony in honour of Liu, described by Beijing as a criminal.

The Nobel Institute traditionally invites all ambassadors posted in Oslo to the Nobel prize ceremony. China has threatened there will be "consequences" for countries that show their support for Liu by attending the event.

Besides China, the countries who have declined to participate in Friday's ceremony in the Oslo city hall are: Afghanistan, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Sudan, Tunisia, Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam.

Algeria and Sri Lanka had not yet responded to their invitations by the end of the day Monday.

In Beijing, China's foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu meanwhile told reporters Tuesday "the vast majority of the international community will not attend the ceremony."

"More than 100 countries support us," he said, calling the members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee "clowns."

The Nobel organisers meanwhile stressed there were various reasons why some countries would not attend. Russia for instance has said scheduling difficulties rather than political considerations were keeping it away.

The Nobel Institute has also pointed out that when the largely uncontroversial 2008 prize was awarded to Martti Ahtisaari, 10 embassies did not attend.

Liu, a writer, was jailed in December 2009 for 11 years on subversion charges after co-authoring "Charter 08", a manifesto that spread quickly on the Internet calling for political reform and greater rights in China.

The laureate himself, who remains in prison, will not be able to attend and neither will his wife, Liu Xia, who has been held in house arrest since the prize was announced in October.

An empty chair, a photograph and one of his texts read by Norwegian actress Liv Ullman will represent Liu at the ceremony.

India snubs China, will attend Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony
Actually you're right this event is no big deal.

Still it's just typical behaviour from India, whether the issue is big or small.

India and China are not very friendly yet, given China's support to Pakistan on critical points incl. Kashmir.

This decision by India is hardly surprising.
China must give support to some big ticket item that India aspires to really expect consistent Indian cooperation. China has tried to block every major initiative that India has undertaken. If China were to openly support India permanent membership to UNGC I believe it can expect significant concessions from India where it really matters.

No chance.

Even if China wanted to do it, Pakistan would simply "call in a favour" and shut it down.

Good thing too, a damn good thing.
Actually you're right this event is no big deal.

Still it's just typical behaviour from India, whether the issue is big or small.

Oh C'mon CD! Don't talk like a nagging wife!

Most of the world is attending it or are you now trying to tell me that China has only 19 or so friends in the whole wide world?

I agree that India should not attend the meet and I stick to my stand but at least it cannot be surmised that India is 'pissing on its neighbours'.

ajtr why have your deliberately manipulated the headlines?

Ignoring Chinese threat, India to attend Liu's Nobel night

The original headlines are

'India to attend Chinese dissident Liu's Nobel night'

Most invited countries, including India will attend Friday's Nobel peace prize ceremony in Oslo for jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, Nobel Institute director Geir Lundestad said on Tuesday, contradicting a statement from China.

Notice the quotes, this means that it's a statement from Geir Lundestad which may/may not the official Indian postion
As expected ... nothing surprising....

But what is this threat for "consequenses"? or is it just the media?

No its not media either, its Ms.ajtr's own writing. Check this out the original article:

'India to attend Chinese dissident Liu's Nobel night'

The Nobel Institute has also pointed out that when the largely uncontroversial 2008 prize was awarded to Martti Ahtisaari, 10 embassies did not attend.

Liu, a writer, was jailed in December 2009 for 11 years on subversion charges after co-authoring "Charter 08", a manifesto that spread quickly on the Internet calling for political reform and greater rights in China.

The laureate himself, who remains in prison, will not be able to attend and neither will his wife, Liu Xia, who has been held in house arrest since the prize was announced in October.

An empty chair, a photograph and one of his texts read by Norwegian actress Liv Ullman will represent Liu at the ceremony.

While the link suggests something provocative the actual content is different. However certain sentences seems to have crept in :no: the one posted here on PDF ala Ms.ajtr

The link
'India to attend Chinese dissident Liu's Nobel night'
China must give support to some big ticket item that India aspires to really expect consistent Indian cooperation. China has tried to block every major initiative that India has undertaken. If China were to openly support India permanent membership to UNGC I believe it can expect significant concessions from India where it really matters.

Not worth it

not attending the Nobel ceremony (symbolic) vs UNSC reform.
Oh C'mon CD! Don't talk like a nagging wife!

Most of the world is attending it or are you now trying to tell me that China has only 19 or so friends in the whole wide world?

I agree that India should not attend the meet and I stick to my stand but at least it cannot be surmised that India is 'pissing on its neighbours'.


OK you caught me, I'm much more negative towards India than to any of the others who attended the ceremony.

Sometimes the explanations are simple aren't they.
I do not understand why some people are surprised that India is not heeding a Chinese call to abstain from the Nobel Price ceremony.

China and India are not allies...China is the ally and chief protector of India's mortal enemy while India is now in the Western camp. So where is the surprise?

Edit: Plus this not big deal..surprised that China even tried to organize a boycott.It will be a loss of face if the vast majority of countries DO attend the ceremony after Chinese calls for boycott.
Not worth it

not attending the Nobel ceremony (symbolic) vs UNSC reform.

On the other hand China could have used quiet back channel diplomacy to persuade India not to attend. Openly threatening almost certainly ensured India's participation.
On the other hand China could have used quiet back channel diplomacy to persuade India not to attend. Openly threatening almost certainly ensured India's participation.

No one threatened you. The person who posted it changed the title. God! Read the thread before you post.
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