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Nigeria prepares for the arrival of JF-17s & Mushaks

A good development. There was a news last year as well that Nigeria will get JF-17's by end of 2016.
To my surprise i came across a Pilot from NAF on a social media website who claimed that he is one of the guys selected to fly JF-17. When i scrolled his profile then he really was a NAF guy. So there is something in even more advanced stages than that we have come across.
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While India was expecting that Nigeria will go for tejas beacause of MODi relations with African countries.....!!
To my surprise i came across a Pilot from NAF on a social media website who claimed that he is one of the guys selected to fly JF-17. When i scrolled his profile then he really was a NAF guy. So there is something in even more advanced stages that we have come across.
We have been providing assistance to the Nigerian Air Force for many years.


PANA reports that Pakistani Air Force personnel are already in Nigeria working with their Nigerian Air Force counterparts on the maintenance of equipment. Specifically, two Pakistani pilots are in the base of the Chinese jet fighter fleet, the F-7NI and FT-7NI jets, providing technical assistance on the aircraft. They were brought in following the spate of crashes and loss of maintenance schedules on the fleet. The problem with the maintenance of the
F-7s caused their grounding last October. They were, however, cleared to resume flying following the assistance of the Pakistani Air Force.
I would request that let us keep them at bay. Lets not involve them here. This is just a humble beginning and lets celebrate this news among ourselves :)
Idk...we are an emotional and an impatient bumch of people, we draw conclusions too early. We should relish this moment but with humility and see how it develops....a trait to learn from our Chinese friends..

Where indian lobby threatning nigeria to stop grant :)..
Yahan in ka bas nahi chala..balkay bas nahi chali..
Jf-17 is a wonderful machine. Excited to see it in nigerian flag.
Is it really necessary?
PANA reports that Pakistani Air Force personnel are already in Nigeria working with their Nigerian Air Force counterparts on the maintenance of equipment. Specifically, two Pakistani pilots are in the base of the Chinese jet fighter fleet, the F-7NI and FT-7NI jets, providing technical assistance on the aircraft. They were brought in following the spate of crashes and loss of maintenance schedules on the fleet. The problem with the maintenance of the
F-7s caused their grounding last October. They were, however, cleared to resume flying following the assistance of the Pakistani Air Force.

Reminded me how PAF recovered C-130 fleet of SLAF back then and when the first recovered C-130 of SLAF left the ground, one high ranking official rejoiced the moment by saying we have now won the war and it did prove so. Also CAS NAF had been very vocal of support Pakistan and Pakistani equipment rendered during their fight againt BH, though he was just short of mentioning what kind of support NAF did get from PAF. But now we are having some glimpses here.Thanks to @Windjammer .
Nigeria ahould be our target market they have a good economy and a need to match they could be our partner for the long run if we play our cards right
And the crude oil they produce is of the highest quality. It is much easier to refine than heavy crude.
Its a great news for pakistan arm industry. I hope we can cover the african region and make our clients there. JF17 can provide the punch needed by airforce but in cheaper price.
hopefully Pakistan can make couple of more clients so that we can emerge in fighter industry
Although it looks promising, But the news coming out of Nigeria Oil rich South and rivers state is not good. There has been insurgent and warlords that have recently been active targeting Oil companies well heads and platforms as new government has stopped amnesty and reduced payments to these. There is also a call for separate Biafra State.

I am currently in Nigeria and the things does not look good. With oil prices so low and Oil production reduced from 2.5million barrels per day to 1.4 million barrels per day Nigeria is in a tight crunch.

I was at one of the Chevron installation where I am currently demobilized due to security threat and attacks to their facilities.

Just t get and idea Last year 1$=165Naira and yesterday 1$=365Naira

Although it looks promising, But the news coming out of Nigeria Oil rich South and rivers state is not good. There has been insurgent and warlords that have recently been active targeting Oil companies well heads and platforms as new government has stopped amnesty and reduced payments to these. There is also a call for separate Biafra State.

I am currently in Nigeria and the things does not look good. With oil prices so low and Oil production reduced from 2.5million barrels per day to 1.4 million barrels per day Nigeria is in a tight crunch.

I was at one of the Chevron installation where I am currently demobilized due to security threat and attacks to their facilities.

Just t get and idea Last year 1$=165Naira and yesterday 1$=365Naira

All the more reasons for increasing defence spending...

Yesterday there was news regarding Nigerian Space Program on CNN...So you see things are in motion towards safe and secure Nigeria. If you think that oil price is a cause of concern then also look towards the agriculture sector and its exports...
and what the heck has india to do with this thread?
He is right.
Many Indians were in delusion that there is personal friend ship between Nigerian President & Indian PM.
Hence he will use his links to sabotage this deal and later LCA will be bought to Nigeria .....
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