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Next False Flag 'Planned' to be Blamed on Pakistan

The next false flag is not so far ....witin 2 to 3 months at most......If it is delayed too much then it wont go farther than October 2011.....so be ready by October 2011 at most......cuz pplz in US already got alerted there for this happening......:eek:
You clearly haven't seen the movie "Salt".:lol:

You have seen it and that should be good enough. Pakistan cannot be responsible for all the nuke material stolen, lost, wasted and sold by the Russian unemployed nuclear scientists and all of the choas that wasin all of X-USSR States.
It seems the thread started had lost his job in Rupee News. If US wants to bomb/destroy Pakistan, there are many easy ways. But at any point of time US is not going to go with war with Pakistan. Little , tiny bit of common sense should prevail when creating conspiracy theories. Why would we bomb our own country to invade Pakistan. Instead we can tell that terrorist to drop the same bomb in your country. Job done. I don't know when Pakistanis will shun creating/believing conspiracy theories and come to the real world. For everything you people have a conspiracy theory. I think at one point of time, you may create a theory saying that Kayani is a CIA agent, your president is a RAW agent and your prime minister is a Mosad agent and they have all collaborated to destroy Pakistan. I don't know where to put ISI chief Pasha?
Conspiracies are apparently the national sport of Pakistan, well ahead of football or cricket. :(

I laugh especially at all the so-called "9-11 prophetic imagery" in all these stupid videos... as if the writers of "The Simpsons" or "Seinfeld" were actually privy to some false-flag 9-11.

Illuminati/World Jewry/CIA: "Psst. Simpson's writers... we're going to attack NY on 9-11 and blame terrorists. What say you sprinkle hidden 9-11 images in your shows? Won't that be a hoot? Come on by, we'll brief you in... but you can't tell anybody. This'll be our little secret. He he heh." :rolleyes:
Conspiracies are apparently the national sport of Pakistan, well ahead of football or cricket. :(

I laugh especially at all the so-called "9-11 prophetic imagery" in all these stupid videos... as if the writers of "The Simpsons" or "Seinfeld" were actually privy to some false-flag 9-11.

Illuminati/World Jewry/CIA: "Psst. Simpson's writers... we're going to attack NY on 9-11 and blame terrorists. What say you sprinkle hidden 9-11 images in your shows? Won't that be a hoot? Come on by, we'll brief you in... but you can't tell anybody. This'll be our little secret. He he heh." :rolleyes:

what happened chogy? Your posts used to be way better than this.........................Has your ID been hacked?
It seems the thread started had lost his job in Rupee News. If US wants to bomb/destroy Pakistan, there are many easy ways. But at any point of time US is not going to go with war with Pakistan. Little , tiny bit of common sense should prevail when creating conspiracy theories. Why would we bomb our own country to invade Pakistan. Instead we can tell that terrorist to drop the same bomb in your country. Job done. I don't know when Pakistanis will shun creating/believing conspiracy theories and come to the real world. For everything you people have a conspiracy theory. I think at one point of time, you may create a theory saying that Kayani is a CIA agent, your president is a RAW agent and your prime minister is a Mosad agent and they have all collaborated to destroy Pakistan. I don't know where to put ISI chief Pasha?

Is British MI6 Agent...:what:
This world is not that simple as it appears to be...! So any innocent guy who claims that world is as straight and simple as it appears to be is nothing but a fool or may be smart if he convince others on his/her point of view.
All evidence against 9/11 are always shunned away by calling it conspiracy?
Believe me, stupid rant of 'Conspiracy Conspiracy' etc now won't work. What Raymond Davis was doing was revealed later but before it was all conspiracy theories for most Americans and obviously Indian. USA let Osama to run away from toorabora? A consipracy? Picture of world's most wanted person not revealed to the world? A conspiracy theory? and a stupid reason that it will be gruesome? Ah... Thousand of muslims are killed on daily basis by US and Allied force example 52 Civilians including women and children killed just recently in an Nato attack, we are used to see body parts because of America, how can Osama's picture be gruesome? Everything question raised is a conspiracy for Americans.

I certainly believe a case is being developed slowly against Pakistan by USA.
what happened chogy? Your posts used to be way better than this.........................Has your ID been hacked?

No. When I first became a member, we had some great discussions on aviation, fighter jets, the JF-17, Pakistan at Red Flag, etc. 8 months ago, PDF felt like a different place.

Now, it seems to be overwhelmed with bizarre conspiracies, some really extreme anti-americanism (which I can handle, if based upon truth), and stuff like this thread.

I can't sit by and not respond when I see my nation being blamed for everything, from earthquakes, to floods, to "They're gonna steal our nukes!" and "The moon landings were faked", on and on. Would you respond differently?

When 9-11 is declared to be a false flag and the "proof" is 9-11 images in a cartoon... what does that say?

Believe me, I'd much rather talk aerospace stuff, but no one wants to. It's apparently more interesting to talk about bin Laden or HAARP conspiracies. I'm simply going with the flow here. :sick:
No. When I first became a member, we had some great discussions on aviation, fighter jets, the JF-17, Pakistan at Red Flag, etc. 8 months ago, PDF felt like a different place.

Now, it seems to be overwhelmed with bizarre conspiracies, some really extreme anti-americanism (which I can handle, if based upon truth), and stuff like this thread.

I can't sit by and not respond when I see my nation being blamed for everything, from earthquakes, to floods, to "They're gonna steal our nukes!" and "The moon landings were faked", on and on. Would you respond differently?

When 9-11 is declared to be a false flag and the "proof" is 9-11 images in a cartoon... what does that say?

Believe me, I'd much rather talk aerospace stuff, but no one wants to. It's apparently more interesting to talk about bin Laden or HAARP @ conspiracies. I'm simply going with the flow here. :sick:


The average age @ Forum has come down !

Which on one hand signals that the young want to speak out, and do some thing about what is going on.

On the other hand, it spoils the taste @ Forum.
No. When I first became a member, we had some great discussions on aviation, fighter jets, the JF-17, Pakistan at Red Flag, etc. 8 months ago, PDF felt like a different place.

Now, it seems to be overwhelmed with bizarre conspiracies, some really extreme anti-americanism (which I can handle, if based upon truth), and stuff like this thread.

I can't sit by and not respond when I see my nation being blamed for everything, from earthquakes, to floods, to "They're gonna steal our nukes!" and "The moon landings were faked", on and on. Would you respond differently?

When 9-11 is declared to be a false flag and the "proof" is 9-11 images in a cartoon... what does that say?

Believe me, I'd much rather talk aerospace stuff, but no one wants to. It's apparently more interesting to talk about bin Laden or HAARP conspiracies. I'm simply going with the flow here. :sick:

We dont blame u ....
but the reality is that in Pak ...nobody is even trusting his shadow....cuz the situation is going like that...regarding all facts and figures...pplz/govts/agencies are lying for their own benefits.... they dont care about the life of common pplz...so its obvious nobody gonna believe their created stories......:azn:
Pakistan has such potential and I understand there is a lot of animosity vs. the U.S. right now. This entire terrorism issue is a real problem for everybody. Despite all the conspiracies, there is exactly one reason we entered Afghanistan and asked Pakistan for help, and that was 9-11, and all of the attacks that led up to it, which seem to be conveniently ignored.

I hate to put it this way, but Pakistan has more at stake with extremism than we do. 9-11 sucked, but we'll survive. But the very foundation of Pakistani society is at stake; Pakistan has more to lose in this conflict, IMO, and if we cannot cooperate, then the future won't be pretty. You guys need to decide what sort of a nation you want, and if it isn't what LeT or other extremists have in mind, we must not get distracted by the bizarre theories that I am confident are promulgated by the enemies of Pakistan, who want to see a Taliban-flavored rule of law.

Maybe that's simplistic - I don't know, it's definitely enormously complicated, but I am discouraged by the animosity, the suspicion, and above all, by countless conspiracies that have zero basis in fact. The same people who blow up women and kids, who trashed your P-3 Orions, love to see a wedge driven between the U.S. and Pakistan, and probably applaud every thread that declares "bin Laden is alive and living in Washington" and similar.
Look at all the recent news articles directed against Pakistan, about how terrorists will take over our nukes.

Leon Panetta's assertion rejected: Pakistan's strategic assets safe: FO | Business Recorder

Pakistan on Thursday rejected US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta's assertion that its nukes might fall in terrorists' hands, saying that the strategic assets are safe under a strong command and control system. Foreign Office spokesman Moazzan Ahmad Khan while responding to media queries in the weekly press briefing stated in categorical terms that world should not have concerns about safety of Pakistan's nuclear assets as elaborate measures are in place to secure them.

"Let me tell you very clearly that Pakistan's strategic assets are safe and we've a robust command and control in place...so nobody should worry about the safety and security of our nuclear assets. They are in safe hands and all measures have been taken in this regard", he stated in categorical terms. US defence secretary had expressed the fear that there was a danger of Pakistan's nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists if the menace of terrorism is not controlled.

AFP: US confident of Pakistan nuclear security

Now take a look at this; Pakistan: Maybe Not the Best Country in Which to Store Nuclear Weapons - Jeffrey Goldberg - The Atlantic

The ATLANTIC is reporting on this, and look how they stated the title, which will gain the attention of the auidence and shift their opinion of Pakistan as a weak uncapable state.

And take a look at the name of the article's head; Jeffery Goldberg. That's right. He's the same person to post this article; The Ally From Hell - Jeffrey Goldberg and Marc Ambinder - The Atlantic

Goldberg is an Israeli Zionist Jew.

Here he is, as he's always been doing, making Pakistan look negative in the spotlight.

Jewcy - Jeff Goldberg Lecture #1 - Jewish American Story - YouTube

Now, take a look at this;

Main site:Order of the illuminati - Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria - Home of the Enlightened


EU version: http://academy.illuminatiorder.eu/ login:user pass:user:user

2004 version: Illuminati Arising -- _/\_._()_.i.i. -- in honorem ORDO ILLUMINATI - Vivat, crescat, floreat!

A very strange count down is going on at a website called "illuminati order" and is to end September 9th 2012 at 13:23:33. No one on YT who has posted about this knows what it is counting down to, yet is causing a small stir on the internet. Feel free to leave a comment of what you may think this is about. The first page shows a disk with "Academia Omni LVX" and what seems to be a count down and a puzzle combination.
Here are the links to the webpages in question:

They are planning a setup for Pakistan.
Wow, now Pakistani conspiracy theorists have evolved. Earlier they use to just explain away facts. Now they are planning for the future. Looking around, they fear that Pakistan will mess up some or other thing definitely tomorrow. So now they are already building a theory about upcoming sh*tstorms, which if and when they occur, the theorists can say 'I told you so'.

If they invested half this brain in Physics or something, they would win a Nobel prize.

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