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Pakistan seeks world action against India on ‘false flag’ Pulwama attack

Tell that to the idiots
The problem is that Yellow Men are fighting with each other. White Men jump in because yellow men give them that opportunity. Presumption that yellow get instigated by white in these days is far fetched. Sounds good only for the sake of argument. Nothing more.
Let’s assume that white are able to instigate. Are they able to do that only with Indians? Chinese, Pakistanis and others are immune to that and Indians more vulnerable?
PAkistan should lobby international community to declare India as a terrorist and rouge country
Rouge as in Moulin Rouge?
Fear of chinese threat have made them treat people they considered even beneath their dogs as humans so I can't see why won't they listen to a country who has been victim of vicious propaganda of a fascist regime since decades.
Pic might be related.
View attachment 707973
You people and Simla. Some cosmic connection
are you all insane or just dumb?

* Pulwama attack was on Feb 14 2019
* Balakot strike was on Feb 26th 2019

So how does Goswami & company texting on Feb 23rd (9 days AFTER the Pulwama attack) change that into a false flag op?
indians are a special people.
Finally you understand and accept it. Thanks.
I am sure if other nations in the neighbourhood also tried hard, would also reach there someday.
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It was about Pulwama false flag too..
Yeah, if you have read it clearly, he was talking about the exclusive images/clips he got before every news channels. Which did contribute a lot to the TRP. What else is there?
What is the story about Republic TV being at the site of the Pulwama blast 20 mins before the blast happened? Or was it 20 mins after the blast but before other media?
No genius, they got exclusive images of the attack 20 minutes before every other channel.
oh .. you have lost... that is am convinced . It just fun watching people live in denial
That's what every other Pakistani these days comes to terms when their propaganda doesn't conform with reality, the other person lost it not you.
shameless ... celebrating over their own deaths..

may be they were lower caste hindus?

Yo are actually right they were lower caste hindus, always used as a cannon fodder for hinduvta inspired high caste hinuds.

That's what every other Pakistani these days comes to terms when their propaganda doesn't conform with reality, the other person lost it not you.

I have frequently encountered shameless Indians on this forum but you are one of a kind. :omghaha:

Certainly reflects your values, education, up bringing and nationality. In that context Indians never surprise me :hitwall:
The problem is that Yellow Men are fighting with each other. White Men jump in because yellow men give them that opportunity. Presumption that yellow get instigated by white in these days is far fetched. Sounds good only for the sake of argument. Nothing more.
Let’s assume that white are able to instigate. Are they able to do that only with Indians? Chinese, Pakistanis and others are immune to that and Indians more vulnerable?
Why does Brown man thinks he will not be at business end of AR-15 once white man is done with yellow man?
Brown man thinks
I don’t believe in this brown vs white vs yellow theory. Most of the countries with even very basic capability should be able to manage their affairs within the means available to them without depending on colour of the skin. Same goes for religion, height, weight, shape of eyes and many other physical parameters.

Claiming a certain colour is more capable than others is nothing but racist outlook displaying a persons own handicap and perception. Sadly, a large number of FMs here are obsessed with these racial parameters. To them certain religions, colour of skin etc etc is the main content of their posts. That is the primary basis of their argument. Funniest part is when these very people call others fascist, racist and similar terms in the same breath.

What end of stick and to what means depends on clout of a country which in turn depends on economy and military. Economy first and military later. Economy being the primary driver.
Yeah, if you have read it clearly, he was talking about the exclusive images/clips he got before every news channels. Which did contribute a lot to the TRP. What else is there?

He was happy with no empathy and remorse for the 44 CPRF men killed, ' this attack we've won like crazy' cannot be said by anyone with some humane sentiments, points to being planned and Arnab G. knowing about it and waiting for the 'elated'events to follow.

More TRP's due to 'breaking news', developing story here means more electorate votes for Modi....they are interlinked here, the main point.
He was happy with no empathy and remorse for the 44 CPRF men killed, ' this attack we've won like crazy' cannot be said by anyone with some humane sentiments
So, he is an asshat. As I said, all his enjoyment seems to be about the exclusive news he got, there is nothing that shows it's a false flag or a conspiracy of the highest order. Also, this whole affair shows how little it takes to excite the Pakistani awam and its government. Why so desperate?
What kind of "action" is Pakistan looking for from everyone else this time?

If you now have all the evidence yourself, just lunch an air strike on Pulwama and claim it you took out a Hindu Extremist training base.
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