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News of Caucasian Albania (Lezgistan)


Damn Asad! when will you push the last dictator?

Freedom Lezgistan!
Freedom Talyshistan!
Freedom Avaristan!
Freedom Tati!
Liberty Karabakh!
Freedom Caucasian Kurdistan
!Freedom of Caucasian Albania - Lezgistan!

Will you accept to live in a united country if a democratic state comes to work in Azerbaijan?
Damn Asad! when will you push the last dictator?

Will you accept to live in a united country if a democratic state comes to work in Azerbaijan?

dude) wait, I say.
1. it is true, our land and our country should be a Caucasian Albania (Lezgistan).
2. "Indians" in America live well and save their nation.
but in "Azerbaijan" - we are pressured and harassed. Subhan Allah.

Our nation requires: 1 of 2 conditions.

1. or "Azerbaijan" - completes a policy of friendship with Israel.
and completion of a pan-Turk (Auzubillyahi!).
creates Autonomy: Talyshistan, Lezgistan, Avaristan and others.
and we will live in peace and harmony!

BUT! there's nothing! We prohibit all! all suggestions are ignored!
We represiruyut. thrown into prison, and kill! Subhan Allah!
in "Azerbaijan" kyafirsky mode! "Baku" does not want to reform!

2. if the Autonomy does not create.
We will continue to destroy and assimilate. then we'll rise all
(Talysh, Lezgins, Lezghian group Avars, Tats, Kurds, etc.). we will find allies, and together with a united front, we overturn (crush kyafirsky this mode).
we will establish a civilized Muslim country!

people have run out of patience!
in the north of the "Azerbaijan" - appear Autonomy Jamaat Mujahideen (!) fact
if not create the Autonomy. it will exempt Jihad.

choice! choice dictator! or: Autonomy! or Jihad!

Autonomy / Jihad -- choice?!

will choose kyafirsky mode "Baku"?
Autonomy or jihad?
time passes and the patience of the people ends.
ps Dude, I wrote it quiet, it's true. I speak the truth Wallach! you can believe or not believe.
but I told the truth Wallach.

peace to all.
Russian forces (army) will be included in the "Azerbaijan" in 2013!
"Azerbaijan will incur more risk IF SOLVED start a war right now"

Russian political scientist: "Moscow has said the dispute over Karabakh approved"


Quotes Vesti.Az c political expert, head of the Russian Center for Economic Research of the Institute of Globalization and Social Movements Basil Koltashovym.

- Is Russia preparing for war in Karabakh?

- You must honestly admit that today the situation of Russian monopolies and economies are more risky than in the middle of 2008, when there was a brief war with Georgia. Against the background of many failures in the battle for the European gas market, political and social crisis in the country, a small conflict can see the ruling elite as useful.

Rigidity of Azerbaijan Moscow seems insulting.

If we remember the events of August 2008, we note that in Georgia there was a change in Russia's interest. More importantly, the U.S. side has given Moscow understand what will keep out of the minor disputes for themselves.

Now, when the acute Iranian issue, the United States hopes that the Islamist Iran fall under the weight of its internal contradictions. And this calculation is correct. There is no guarantee that it will fall to the feet is Washington. That is military allies against Iran are not important.

In this environment, Russia may feel more confident in the Caucasus than in the war with Georgia. And the military conflict in which it clearly is on the side of the enemies of Azerbaijan, is probable.

New conflict in Karabakh may even be beneficial in terms of reducing rival - Azerbaijan in the commodities market. Russian authorities carry out unpopular reforms, one after the other, and a distraction to a new military conflict, it may seem to them a convenient solution and from this point of view.

- How is it possible deployment of Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh?

- It is quite probable. And here again we must recall something else from the experience of 2008. War can have a positive impact on commodity prices, objectively speaking time counterbalance the pressure of the crisis. The U.S. is now pouring money into the international financial market, but the market just keep balance. They do not grow, and it is a very important signal. They may fall again, and this is for raw Russian economy will be a blow. The conflict between Russia and Georgia in the summer of 2008 worked as a limitation of price decline. The effect was temporary, but he was. Described points are important for the understanding of Moscow's foreign policy.

- Can Russia to put pressure on Azerbaijan, if he decides to shoot down Armenian aircraft in its airspace in the event of discovery of Khojaly airport?

- I think Russia will have on Azerbaijan pressure. The risks are great for him now. With Armenia, Russia has a large business projects. One of them - the mining of copper, for which there is a felling of ancient wild Teghut. Azerbaijan will put themselves at great risk if you dare to go to war right now.

- How do you see the further alignment of the situation on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the current year? What will be the impact of geopolitical players in the process?

- There is growing evidence that Moscow has said the dispute resolved. Azerbaijan's attempts to prove otherwise in words will be ignored. Attempts to prove in practice - to meet the response. Maybe it will be even military. In this situation, the EU could seriously affect the situation can not, and the U.S. seems to recede into the background.

- What will happen to Azerbaijan if he would support the West in a possible war against Iran?

- Nothing but the deterioration of relations with Iran. West is at war with this country in words and economic decisions. Crisis in Iran intensified. The population is impoverished and irritated by their government. His propaganda is less work. In the United States knows about it and the service needs of Azerbaijan so far only in the form of verbal readiness assistance, and for that many do not pay. War with Iran is to conduct no hurry, remembering how difficult was the conflict of Iraq and Iran in the 1980s.

- How likely solution to the status of the Caspian Sea in 2013?

- I think that this issue will remain suspended. In 2013, hardly anything will change in this matter.




Interesting sites are right (and others)

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Freedom Avaristan!
Freedom Tati!
Liberty Karabakh!
Freedom Caucasian Kurdistan
!Freedom of Caucasian Albania - Lezgistan!



Political challenge to incumbent President of Azerbaijan throw all the new shapes.
Recently, well-known Azerbaijani screenwriter Rustam Ibragimbekov initiated the
creation of a new opposition movement. In an interview with radio "Liberty", he
confirmed this information. The film is set almost to the script of the film "White
Sun of the Desert", from the pen of Ibrahimbeyov.

Opposition playwright

The official announcement of the creation of a new political movement, he said, will
be held in two weeks. It is assumed that the movement will include many community
organizations and youth groups, both in Azerbaijan and abroad.

With regards to the members of the movement at this point is ready to be called
Rustam Ibragimbekov popular among the people of the former adviser to
President Heydar Aliyev, Eldar Namazov, a native of Armenia, adhering to the middle ground.

Goal of the movement is to unite all the opposition forces in the country to prevent
fraud in the upcoming presidential elections in Azerbaijan. For this Ibragimbekov
intends to personally engage the ideological preparation of the organization.

He also mentioned the need for political activity of the Azerbaijani society on the
eve of the presidential election. Azerbaijani authorities responded immediately.
January 18 tax police raided the offices of Rustam Ibrahimbeyov.

Rustam Ibragimbekov was born in 1939 in Baku in the family who came from
the ancient city Lezgin Shamahyur, which is now in Azerbaijan called Shemakha.
However, he is not representative of the so-called "Nakhichevan-erazskogo"
political clan, who with 60 years of the last century manages Azerbaijan.

Ibragimbekov is the chairman of the Confederation of the Union of Cinematographers
of the CIS and Baltic states. At various times he played a screenwriter known
for such films as "The White Sun of the Desert," "The Barber of Siberia"
and "Burnt by the Sun."

Clinch with authorities

The election for the post of President of Azerbaijan must pass October 16, 2013,
the expiration of the term of office of the incumbent President Ilham Aliyev.
The ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan" pushes away the election the incumbent
president Ilham Aliyev.

Influential opposition party Musavat nominated as a presidential candidate
of their leader Isa Gambar. In general, the opposition has not yet been able
to come to a common denominator in the choice of candidate.

Probably, this time pointing to the fragmentation of the opposition forces,
Azerbaijan and led Rustam Ibragimbekov initiate similar. On the difficult relationship
of power to Ibragimbekova clearly demonstrates article in the newspaper
"Yeni Azerbaijan", owned by the ruling New Azerbaijan Party.

Turnovers, which are used in relation to Ibragimbekova Namazov and his
associates in this article, are very common. Thus, this article Ibragimbekov
called "businessman", "liar" and "fraud" and Namazov - "renegade."

Azerbaijan starts to boil

Recently there has been a sharp rise in opposition sentiment in Azerbaijani
society, as evidenced by frequent meetings in Baku, invariably ending with
police intervention and disperse the demonstrators with administrative and
criminal prosecution of the manifestations.

In turn, the repressive measures of the "dialogue" of power to the opposition
only add fuel to the fire of public discontent in the Land of Fire. Indeed, the
malcontents in the country quite a lot, and in general the formation of
protest quite diversified.

This is the Muslim community, dissatisfied with government pressure on
religious freedom and democratic forces, the absolute power of the Aliyev
clan angry and authoritarian management incumbent.

Growth of opposition sentiment in the country is a result of neglect by the
authorities of Azerbaijan public opinion. The authorities seemed to meet their
own rosy forecasts and noting the often inflated positive trends in a particular area.

Declared from high tribunes economic growth in the country has no effect on the
improvement of the living conditions of the population, as evidenced by the steady
migration from the country. All this can not go unnoticed. Any resources have
a limit, including administrative ones.

Activating Lezgins

All these problems are not the majority of the Azerbaijani population, but our fellow
Lezgins living in this country.

But Lezgins Azerbaijan, unfortunately, do not participate in the broader social
process of Azerbaijani society that greater democratization of the country,
the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.

But Lezgin community of the country - it is a huge social force, with about
a million people. In addition, the desire for freedom and justice has historically
been embedded in culture and psychology Lezgin people.

It seems that our compatriots in Azerbaijan should respond to the call of the
democratic forces, and stand at the forefront of an emerging country wide
public movement in the struggle for their rights and freedom.

FLNKA closely monitoring the situation in Azerbaijan.

Abdullah Magomedov.
Correspondent Corps FLNKA



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From Azerbaijan have increasingly news of more and more people clashes with the police.
So, at the weekend in a clash of vendors from the Trade Center, "Bean"
at Baku was detained about 100 people.
The frequency of mass protest, not a political, socio-economic issues is growing.
This shows the growing instability in the Azerbaijani society. A stiffness official response
to such displays of public discontent, as the number of detainees,
talk about the growing power of nervousness ahead of the presidential election.

Heart of the matter

Thus, the Caucasian media reported on the incident, in shopping center "Bina"
held a spontaneous protest sellers
that displease the sharp rise in prices for rent and other fees.

On January 19, after raising the rent for a unit of retail space by 25%, they began to march on the way to Baku.
The rally was dispersed by the police, who used rubber bullets and tear gas.
About 100 people were detained.

The administration of the shopping center "Bean" (Baku), today announced the tenants
of premises that starting this month, the rent for the outlets will be increased
from AZN 1,000 per month to 1,250 manat.

January 19 morning disgruntled sharp rise rental vendors started walking in the direction of Baku. Police went to
meet them, blocking the way of the protesters. In response, vendors mall "Bina" blocked the highway "Salyan-Astara."

Cobbles, as the argument

"So we decided to hold a protest. We have no political claims.
We want to hear President Ilham Aliyev and assisting
us in solving our problems, "- said on condition of anonymity Caucasian Knot one of the traders.

Police began to encourage the protesters to disperse, warning of the use of force.
Between the marchers and the police who blocked their way, there was a confrontation.

In response, the police threw stones from the protesters. In turn, the police responded
with rubber bullets, tear gas is also applicable. There are wounded on both sides.

The move by the protesters, who decided to cast stones at the police in an
authoritarian state, says a lot.
He says that people are losing their fear of the repressive machinery of the state.
That starts with all the recent unrest in the Arab world.

Management response and authorities

Arrived on the scene the director of shopping center "Bean" Kyabirya Mammadov.
To disperse the spontaneous meeting in place rapid response regiment arrived MIA AR.
Journalists were not allowed to take pictures of what is happening.

According to official data of the security forces have 10 wounded.
Detained protesters were taken to the
district Karadag RUE. From there began to be reports that detainees have been beaten.

Press service of the Interior Ministry said that the police did not use lethal
weapons to disperse shares.
However, when analyzing the situation it appears that the authorities have
banned journalists knowingly
conduct videotaped events.

In a video posted to the video sharing Youtube clearly shows that not only
that was used tear gas, the police even beat protesters with batons,
no resistance. Not to mention the kicks and other "charms" of force.

Desperate people

Businessmen closed their shops.
This step was taken as a sign of protest against the establishment of the center
of the administration charge.
Management is currently shopping center is negotiating with shopkeepers.

Section of the road leading to the shopping center "Bina" in Shih village and surroundings,
take control of the enforcers.
Vehicular traffic in the direction of the shopping center is limited. Police officials said that
this step was taken in view of safety.

Merchants in despair last drop of patience which was to raise the rent.
On condition of anonymity, one of the
sellers said that the shopping center has a high rent for more established
and extremely high fees for energy consumption.

This fee is 90 manats per month from the tenant. And install counters were
forbidden. If such an outrage going
on in the capital, in front of everyone, in one of the largest shopping centers
in the country, what happens in the suburbs?

You can not always persist

Azerbaijani public is also not left out. Interest in the incident showed the opposition political forces.
The leader of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA)
Ali Kerimli on Twitter wrote that "the protesters
had to listen, and not to destroy."

According to Kerimli need for action against the management of the shopping
center and the "Bean", which imposes a merchants "baseless charges".
This new hassle residents with the police, emerged
seemingly out of the blue, and bloggers responded.

"You can not, just can not always increase the pressure.
Be sure somewhere something will crack.
Yes, there was no political demands.
Yes, this is not the party activists and organizations.
But it is all the more significant and that the common people demanded the protection of their rights, "
- commented the events blogger Gorgud, Azerbaijan, Baku in his diary on the" Caucasian Knot ".

As previously noted FLNKA, protesting formation in Azerbaijan is not only expanding, it is also diverse
in its composition. This time, the indifferent attitude of the state to the state of ordinary merchants
put up against their government.

A very tough police response to a social (not political) protest, examines how power is the state of
nervousness ahead of the upcoming presidential election.

All the recent events illustrate the existing contradictions in the Azerbaijani society.
However, Ilham Aliyev, who cry out to some of the protesters for justice in solving their problems, there is a chance.

This is a chance to show their will to victims specifically in this sensational case.
Let's see whether it implements at least now his duties as guarantor of the rights and freedoms of the people of Azerbaijan ...

Abdullah Magomedov, a political scientist.
Correspondent Corps FLNKA


Interesting sites are right (and others)

Freedom Lezgistan!
Freedom Talyshistan!
Freedom Avaristan!
Freedom Tati!
Liberty Karabakh!
Freedom Caucasian Kurdistan
!Freedom of Caucasian Albania - Lezgistan!
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Arson in Ismailli. "Arab spring" CLOSER TO BAKU


Several thousand people rioted in the Azerbaijani Ismayilli district center. The unrest occurred there on the night of January 24. Protesters set fire to a hotel "Chirag" (belonging to the family of the head of the district). Then they were going to set fire to the house of the head region, but ultimately limited, and burning down the premises of nearby cars.

By morning the excitement had died down, but then resumed again. Several hundred people gathered in front of the local administration and demanded the resignation of the Nizami Alekperov. They said no to the demands of the police to disperse and began throwing stones at police. For Azerbaijan - This is the second such excitement with arson after the events in the Cuban area.

Progress unrest

It should be noted that in Ismayilli but Azerbaijanis has a large number Lezgins and Iranian Lahidzhi. Lezgins live here not only in the district center, but also in their own separate villages.

With regard to violence, then that policy to disperse the protesters and used water cannons tear gas. Rally participants drove from the administration building to two kilometers, but they refused to disperse. They chanted. "Resign!" And "freedom."

Several dozen people are reported to have been detained. On the streets of the city are police patrols. As the local residents, the city resembles the place where the state of emergency.

Version with the head of the district

The reason for the riots was the behavior of a Ismayilli participant accident, offend the locals. Version of the identity of the man apart. According to some media reports, got into an accident a car driven by a nephew of the head of the district and the son of the Minister of Labour Vugar Alekperov.

"Alekperov out of the car and began to insult the people who were in the other car. Information about this area began to spread and angry locals gathered, began to smash commercial facilities Alekperov family "- according to news reports.

The authorities, in turn, has denied involvement in the district head relative to the incident. Police said that the dissatisfaction of local residents called speech is Alekperov, and director of a local hotel "Chirag" Emile Shahmardanova

Version with the hotel manager

Thus, according to information provided by the APA police chief Ismayilli Gojayeva Nizami, the cause of the mass protest was the incident with the hotel manager, "Chirag" Emile Shahmardanova operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated.

"Car Shahmardanova crashed into a pole, and then got into a dispute with local residents. Ismaillintsy he expressed his displeasure, and the hotel manager, in turn, has become so sharply answer. The incident began to grow, and then it all ended with arson hotel and car.

According to Nizami Gojayeva information about involvement in the incident, son of the Minister of Labour and Social Electrical safety protection Fizuli Alekperov's not true. "He did not have today in the area. The mention of his name in this context, erroneously, "- said the chief of police.

Arson at home and the district head

Recall that in spite of the presence of the protesters managed to enter the hotel, "Chirag", which as reported by several media outlets owned by the Chief Executive N.Alekperovu area.

As a result, the hotel rooms were destroyed, and the building was set on fire. For a long time firefighters could not get access to the object, the building was blocked by protesters.

Were also torched three cars (one and two Hummer Chevrolet), located on site. After that, the protesters went to the house of the Chief Executive. It was set on fire by a small building in the yard, but the protesters did not burn the house chapter IV, "- said Gojayev.

Scraping Ismayilli

According to our correspondent, in front of Chapter IV had gathered crowd, which demanded his resignation. At the scene were sent to the police and military equipment. According to some reports in the area also came interior troops.

In the morning the police and internal troops began to disperse in Ismayilli protesters demanding the resignation of the head of the district administration. By morning it was aware of five patients (four protestors and one police officer).

They were hospitalized. In connection with an event prosecuted. Director of the hotel, which police believe the culprits disorder detained. Obvious to any observer as two mirror-like incident - now in Ismayilli and happened last year excitement in the Cuban area.

The repetition of the Cuban scenario

Then, we recall, the people took to the Guba region mass protest morning of March 1, 2012. According to different sources of information to 10 thousand people gathered in front of the executive authorities of Cuba.

Gathered district residents were angered by offensive words of the Chief Executive Khabibov Rauf, who said that the Cubans "sold their area and themselves," and demanded his resignation.

Cubans supported in adjacent neighboring Russia, Khachmaz and Qusar areas that in the vast majority are also Lezgins. Individual sources reported that in these areas has been disconnected the Internet, and mobile communications.

Prerevolutionary Azerbaijan

Recall that then, in March 2012, the protesters in the Cuban area stoned town hall, and then broke into it. The city was transferred police personnel from all the surrounding areas, introduced a convoy of 10 trucks with internal troops, three water-jet machines, three armored personnel carriers and three armored vehicles.

Between internal forces and protesters clashes against people was to use tear gas. Police have detained 22 protesters. Was also set on fire house of the head of administration and blocked the entrance to his fire trucks, bringing the house is completely burnt out.

Today Azerbaijani authorities can no longer be hidden from the media and his own people, as far as the intensity of disturbance increased lawlessness citizens of the republic by the authorities. Reigning Nakhichevan clan has long exhausted the resources of the people's trust. This is obvious to anyone who walks the streets of the cities of Azerbaijan and talk to people.

Obviously, the speeches and unrest will continue to repeat until the power will not change the relationship to his people. Otherwise, Azerbaijan expects revolution desperate and hungry for justice for the citizens of the "Arab scenario".

A correspondent in Baku FLNKA



Interesting sites are right (and others)

Freedom Lezgistan!
Freedom Talyshistan!
Freedom Avaristan!
Freedom Tati!
Liberty Karabakh!
Freedom Caucasian Kurdistan
!Freedom of Caucasian Albania - Lezgistan!
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In Dagestan RELIABLE bayonet?

in the 90s in the Caucasus
Muslims waged jihad (Sufi Ahl al-Sunnah) !

in the Caucasus today is terorizm Wahhabi.


Until the head of Dagestan Magomedsalam Magomedov tried to clarify his fate in Moscow,
his republic was in good hands.
More precisely - in good bayonets.
There were versions of that in the past, troops from Chechnya and Novorossiysk were
moved there precisely in order to ensure a bloodless change of power.

However, the willingness expressed only rebel People's Assembly but district officials.
Therefore, the basic version of stay of troops in Dagestan is the Olympics.

Dagestan finally got the answer to heshteg "ImeemPravoZnat" on Twitter.
The fate Magomedsalam Magomedov was in the air for almost a week after the anonymous
source in the Russian government notified the media about the impending resignation.

The head of Dagestan waited a couple of days and drove to Moscow to find out what kind of information leakage: the Kremlin or the camp of political rivals?
Late last night, as reported by sources in the administration head of Dagestan,
he met with Putin, who left him at the post.

Monday in Dagestan public servants and state employees soul was not in place:
Rent "boss" or not.
They expressed their concerns publicly at an extraordinary meeting of MPs and local
chapters. "The political elite" of Dagestan proposed to convene an extraordinary session
of parliament to adopt a resolution in support of Magomedov.

Head of the republic is estimated zeal, but a spokesman asked to trust the president,
Vladimir Putin, and "not to use the developing situation to destabilize the situation."

However, a small rally in Makhachkala area, which, according to observers,
was attended by some "budget unfortunates" destabilization not name.
According to human rights activist Omar Dzhavtaraeva of NGO "Alternative to Violence",
this action was "mestyachkovoy" and went unnoticed by most people in the country.

So to talk about some of popular unrest is not necessary.
"We always have a change of government is without shocks, and now if the head of the
republic changed, no rebel would not - he assured the correspondent of" Big Caucasus ".
*- In general, Magomedov as worked and will work. No it does not send down. "

When asked whether it was due to a desire to change the leadership of Dagestan
to the fact that it can not cope with extremism and terrorism,
and on the noseOlympics Dzhavtaraev answered another question:
"Did someone cope?".

This week obscurity in Dagestani society, a version that regime change
was planned last year, when in Dagestan were deployed military units from Chechnya.
Reported 20-25 thousand bayonets.
This happened in the spring, after the presidential elections in Russia.
Even then, the transfer of supreme power in the country has generated talk
of the fact that Vladimir Putin could not leave his post Magomedsalam Magomedov.

Nominations for the Dagestani leaders always agreed in the presidential
administration with powerful local clans and oligarchs Dagestani origin.

If Suleiman Kerimov Magomedsalam quite satisfied, the business Ziyavudin
Magomed Magomedov and would like to see at the head of the Republic,
for example, his son-Umahana Umakhanov or chapter Khasavyurt Sagidpashu Umakhanov.
But talk then remained talk.

In the fall of the already plump troops in Dagestan augmented by another six thousand stormtroopers paratroopers from Novorossiysk.
However, they relocated before the large-scale military exercises "Caucasus-2012",
held in the South of Russia.
The soldiers had to go back. But by October, there is information on the
participation of military units in military operations against extremists in Dagestan.
People anxiously awaited the start of the "third Chechen," or, even worse,
the intervention in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict or vnutrigruzinskie case.

No full-scale war since then has not happened. The change of power,
as the present, too, has not occurred.
The only task of the troops entered in Dagestan, is to ensure security
ahead inevitably approaching Olympics in Sochi.
Sweep of militants in Dagestan is in full swing.
If you believe the experts, compared to about a thousand criminals
are about 50,000 law enforcement and military.

Results of the 2012 is not let down, but for 11 months of the past year
in the republic killed 217 members of illegal armed groups,
detained 194 and another 21 surrendered.
FSB head of Dagestan Andrei Konin said that security forces broke
Sergokalinsky, Izberbash, Kizlyar and Caspian gang, but the terrorists
are still active in Khasavyurt, Buinaksk Untsukulsky areas.

For the full year registered 262 crimes of this nature, while in 2011,
over the same period, only 220 attacks and clashes with militants.
Instead of pre-Olympic stabilization Republic notes the growth of terrorist activity.

It turns out a paradox: the more troops in Dagestan, the tougher acts
of law enforcement, the more attacks.
Elimination of some bandit groups leads to the other.
This can partly be attributed to the network nature of religious criminal communities.
But the main reason, I think, is that by eliminating perpetrators
of terrorist acts, the military and the police did not destroy the
sources of financing of the underground.

According to the results of sociological research Department
of National and Federal Relations of the Russian Academy
of National Economy and Public Administration under the President
of the Russian Federation, 30 percent of respondents in Dagestan
believe that the attacks pay Republican officials, another 37 percent
say extortion as the source of the existence of illegal armed groups,
and only 20 percent indicate on foreign capital flows.

Entrepreneurs and even officials prefer to pay off, and not to declare
to the police or the FSB.
It's a matter of trust in law enforcement, which will not solve the troop increase,
or change the head of the republic.

Svetlana Bolotnikova
Greater Caucasus

in the 90s in the Caucasus Muslims waged jihad (Sufi Ahl al-Sunnah).
in the Caucasus today is terorizm Wahhabi.



Interesting sites are right (and others)

Freedom Lezgistan!
Freedom Talyshistan!
Freedom Avaristan!
Freedom Tati!
Liberty Karabakh!
Freedom Caucasian Kurdistan
!Freedom of Caucasian Albania - Lezgistan!
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"The Russian army is preparing for the invasion of Azerbaijan?" - Alarmed media


Russian forces (army) will be included in the "Azerbaijan" in 2013!
"Azerbaijan will incur more risk IF SOLVED start a war right now"

Russian political scientist: "Moscow has said the dispute over Karabakh approved"

"The Russian army is preparing for the invasion of Azerbaijan?" - Alarmed media

Concentrated in Dagestan military units in the spring will begin large-scale anti-terrorist operation,
which will cover the northern regions of Azerbaijan.

To the Editor of the newspaper "Yeni Musavat" received disturbing information regarding the discussed for a long time,
Russia's plans against Azerbaijan. According to a diplomatic source in Baku, referring to the military-intelligence,
the Russian military units that focused since last summer on neighboring Dagestan and Azerbaijan,
will start in the spring a massive operation on the pretext of clearing the North Caucasus from terrorist groups.

At the same time, will be "organized" transition of persecuted by armed groups on the territory of Azerbaijan,
followed by the invasion of Russian troops under the pretext of fighting terrorism.

According to the source, on the eve of the operation is planned to create the tense situation in Azerbaijan,
including in the northern areas bordering Russia. It is possible that during this period in these regions are
activated, controlled from the North Caucasus militant groups and radical religious elements.
It should be noted that Russia is pursuing a particularly aggressive policy towards the government of Azerbaijan
and this coincided with the holding of presidential elections in the country, which is suggestive.

The report said that if Azerbaijan will counter the military plans of Russia, it will only cause even more aggressive Moscow.
It is a part of Russia's plans aimed at the establishment of Russian control over the entire South Caucasus.
The source reports that the issue is serious.

Since the summer of last year, "Yeni Musavat" referring to the Russian sources wrote of continuous concentration
in Dagestan, Russian military units equipped with the most modern weapons. The inhabitants of Dagestan,
Russian experts and analysts find it difficult to explain why it took such a high concentration of troops in
the North Caucasus. Because the concentration of tens of thousands of troops, including Tula Airborne Division,
which was introduced in January 1990 in Baku, high-precision ballistic missiles that could cover targets on land
and sea within a radius of 300 km, thousands of armored vehicles against acting on the territory of Dagestan,
armed groups, numbering only a few hundred fighters, seems pointless.


Military experts, sources in the Russian Defense Ministry explain the concentration of the troops that
"Russia should Russia be ready for a large regional war." Russia must be ready for the situation in the region,
which has developed in the region after a possible U.S. invasion of Iran, they say. However, the agenda of the
United States has no plans to invade Iran. But, apparently, Russia intends to begin the plan to establish full
control over the Caucasus, without waiting for the U.S. war against Iran.

It is obvious that the Kremlin's plans are not purely military. Since last autumn, Russia began to leverage
indirect impact on the political process in Azerbaydzhane. Loyal protege of President Vladimir Putin Soyun
Sadigov openly warned that the forthcoming elections will not be easy for the Azerbaijani government.
"Russia will support the candidate who is a supporter of the idea of ​​the Eurasian Union, to maintain the
strategic partnership with Russia," - he said.

Last month, "Yeni Musavat" wrote on the distribution of Russian businessmen of Azerbaijan origin of
rumors that "Putin is preparing a coup in Azerbaijan (in the summer)." However, while it was still not clear
- why the implementation of these plans is to begin in the summer? Obviously, the rumors are not
accidental, they are backed by Russia's plans of operation, which will start in Dagestan, and then
will be transferred to Azerbaijan.

It is worth noting that the coming to power in Georgia government Ivanishvili increased Russia's chances
to take control of this "rebellious" Caucasus republic. Armenia and so under its control. Hence, all the
attention and Russia's effort will be directed against Azerbaijan. It is assumed that Russia was not ready
for Azerbaijan occupation in the classic sense - at the same time it intends to bring to power in his man
and turn the course of the country to the north.

It is obvious that the Azerbaijani leadership is aware of the plans of Russia. But the question is:
whether the West, which puts Azerbaijan, Russia's plans to prevent this? Proceeding from the
experience of the events in the Caucasus in August 2008, is not ...



Interesting sites are right (and others)

Freedom Lezgistan!
Freedom Talyshistan!
Freedom Avaristan!
Freedom Tati!
Liberty Karabakh!
Freedom Caucasian Kurdistan
!Freedom of Caucasian Albania - Lezgistan!
"The Russian army is preparing for the invasion of Azerbaijan?" - Alarmed media


Russian forces (army) will be included in the "Azerbaijan" in 2013!
"Azerbaijan will incur more risk IF SOLVED start a war right now"

Russian political scientist: "Moscow has said the dispute over Karabakh approved"

"The Russian army is preparing for the invasion of Azerbaijan?" - Alarmed media

Concentrated in Dagestan military units in the spring will begin large-scale anti-terrorist operation,
which will cover the northern regions of Azerbaijan.

To the Editor of the newspaper "Yeni Musavat" received disturbing information regarding the discussed for a long time,
Russia's plans against Azerbaijan. According to a diplomatic source in Baku, referring to the military-intelligence,
the Russian military units that focused since last summer on neighboring Dagestan and Azerbaijan,
will start in the spring a massive operation on the pretext of clearing the North Caucasus from terrorist groups.

At the same time, will be "organized" transition of persecuted by armed groups on the territory of Azerbaijan,
followed by the invasion of Russian troops under the pretext of fighting terrorism.

According to the source, on the eve of the operation is planned to create the tense situation in Azerbaijan,
including in the northern areas bordering Russia. It is possible that during this period in these regions are
activated, controlled from the North Caucasus militant groups and radical religious elements.
It should be noted that Russia is pursuing a particularly aggressive policy towards the government of Azerbaijan
and this coincided with the holding of presidential elections in the country, which is suggestive.

The report said that if Azerbaijan will counter the military plans of Russia, it will only cause even more aggressive Moscow.
It is a part of Russia's plans aimed at the establishment of Russian control over the entire South Caucasus.
The source reports that the issue is serious.

Since the summer of last year, "Yeni Musavat" referring to the Russian sources wrote of continuous concentration
in Dagestan, Russian military units equipped with the most modern weapons. The inhabitants of Dagestan,
Russian experts and analysts find it difficult to explain why it took such a high concentration of troops in
the North Caucasus. Because the concentration of tens of thousands of troops, including Tula Airborne Division,
which was introduced in January 1990 in Baku, high-precision ballistic missiles that could cover targets on land
and sea within a radius of 300 km, thousands of armored vehicles against acting on the territory of Dagestan,
armed groups, numbering only a few hundred fighters, seems pointless.


Military experts, sources in the Russian Defense Ministry explain the concentration of the troops that
"Russia should Russia be ready for a large regional war." Russia must be ready for the situation in the region,
which has developed in the region after a possible U.S. invasion of Iran, they say. However, the agenda of the
United States has no plans to invade Iran. But, apparently, Russia intends to begin the plan to establish full
control over the Caucasus, without waiting for the U.S. war against Iran.

It is obvious that the Kremlin's plans are not purely military. Since last autumn, Russia began to leverage
indirect impact on the political process in Azerbaydzhane. Loyal protege of President Vladimir Putin Soyun
Sadigov openly warned that the forthcoming elections will not be easy for the Azerbaijani government.
"Russia will support the candidate who is a supporter of the idea of ​​the Eurasian Union, to maintain the
strategic partnership with Russia," - he said.

Last month, "Yeni Musavat" wrote on the distribution of Russian businessmen of Azerbaijan origin of
rumors that "Putin is preparing a coup in Azerbaijan (in the summer)." However, while it was still not clear
- why the implementation of these plans is to begin in the summer? Obviously, the rumors are not
accidental, they are backed by Russia's plans of operation, which will start in Dagestan, and then
will be transferred to Azerbaijan.

It is worth noting that the coming to power in Georgia government Ivanishvili increased Russia's chances
to take control of this "rebellious" Caucasus republic. Armenia and so under its control. Hence, all the
attention and Russia's effort will be directed against Azerbaijan. It is assumed that Russia was not ready
for Azerbaijan occupation in the classic sense - at the same time it intends to bring to power in his man
and turn the course of the country to the north.

It is obvious that the Azerbaijani leadership is aware of the plans of Russia. But the question is:
whether the West, which puts Azerbaijan, Russia's plans to prevent this? Proceeding from the
experience of the events in the Caucasus in August 2008, is not ...

" ?" -
- - -


Движение Свободный Лезгистан | Движение Свободный Лезгистан
- - -
" "
XOCALI: A show of unseen forgery and falsifications
НСС МСК "Бергман-Возрождение" RIGHT Caucasiаns
Lezgistan is not Azerbaijan | Facebook
Interesting sites are right (and others)
Imam Yaraliev Dagestanis Derbent 5000 years (!)
Великий имам Шамиль. Тарикатский шейх и ученый, полководец и политик | islamdag.ru

Freedom Lezgistan!
Freedom Talyshistan!
Freedom Avaristan!
Freedom Tati!
Liberty Karabakh!
Freedom Caucasian Kurdistan
!Freedom of Caucasian Albania - Lezgistan!

what do they exactly want from azerbaijan?

"The Russian army is preparing for the invasion of Azerbaijan?" - Alarmed media


Russian forces (army) will be included in the "Azerbaijan" in 2013!
"Azerbaijan will incur more risk IF SOLVED start a war right now"

Russian political scientist: "Moscow has said the dispute over Karabakh approved"

"The Russian army is preparing for the invasion of Azerbaijan?" - Alarmed media

Concentrated in Dagestan military units in the spring will begin large-scale anti-terrorist operation,
which will cover the northern regions of Azerbaijan.

To the Editor of the newspaper "Yeni Musavat" received disturbing information regarding the discussed for a long time,
Russia's plans against Azerbaijan. According to a diplomatic source in Baku, referring to the military-intelligence,
the Russian military units that focused since last summer on neighboring Dagestan and Azerbaijan,
will start in the spring a massive operation on the pretext of clearing the North Caucasus from terrorist groups.

At the same time, will be "organized" transition of persecuted by armed groups on the territory of Azerbaijan,
followed by the invasion of Russian troops under the pretext of fighting terrorism.

According to the source, on the eve of the operation is planned to create the tense situation in Azerbaijan,
including in the northern areas bordering Russia. It is possible that during this period in these regions are
activated, controlled from the North Caucasus militant groups and radical religious elements.
It should be noted that Russia is pursuing a particularly aggressive policy towards the government of Azerbaijan
and this coincided with the holding of presidential elections in the country, which is suggestive.

The report said that if Azerbaijan will counter the military plans of Russia, it will only cause even more aggressive Moscow.
It is a part of Russia's plans aimed at the establishment of Russian control over the entire South Caucasus.
The source reports that the issue is serious.

Since the summer of last year, "Yeni Musavat" referring to the Russian sources wrote of continuous concentration
in Dagestan, Russian military units equipped with the most modern weapons. The inhabitants of Dagestan,
Russian experts and analysts find it difficult to explain why it took such a high concentration of troops in
the North Caucasus. Because the concentration of tens of thousands of troops, including Tula Airborne Division,
which was introduced in January 1990 in Baku, high-precision ballistic missiles that could cover targets on land
and sea within a radius of 300 km, thousands of armored vehicles against acting on the territory of Dagestan,
armed groups, numbering only a few hundred fighters, seems pointless.


Military experts, sources in the Russian Defense Ministry explain the concentration of the troops that
"Russia should Russia be ready for a large regional war." Russia must be ready for the situation in the region,
which has developed in the region after a possible U.S. invasion of Iran, they say. However, the agenda of the
United States has no plans to invade Iran. But, apparently, Russia intends to begin the plan to establish full
control over the Caucasus, without waiting for the U.S. war against Iran.

It is obvious that the Kremlin's plans are not purely military. Since last autumn, Russia began to leverage
indirect impact on the political process in Azerbaydzhane. Loyal protege of President Vladimir Putin Soyun
Sadigov openly warned that the forthcoming elections will not be easy for the Azerbaijani government.
"Russia will support the candidate who is a supporter of the idea of ​​the Eurasian Union, to maintain the
strategic partnership with Russia," - he said.

Last month, "Yeni Musavat" wrote on the distribution of Russian businessmen of Azerbaijan origin of
rumors that "Putin is preparing a coup in Azerbaijan (in the summer)." However, while it was still not clear
- why the implementation of these plans is to begin in the summer? Obviously, the rumors are not
accidental, they are backed by Russia's plans of operation, which will start in Dagestan, and then
will be transferred to Azerbaijan.

It is worth noting that the coming to power in Georgia government Ivanishvili increased Russia's chances
to take control of this "rebellious" Caucasus republic. Armenia and so under its control. Hence, all the
attention and Russia's effort will be directed against Azerbaijan. It is assumed that Russia was not ready
for Azerbaijan occupation in the classic sense - at the same time it intends to bring to power in his man
and turn the course of the country to the north.

It is obvious that the Azerbaijani leadership is aware of the plans of Russia. But the question is:
whether the West, which puts Azerbaijan, Russia's plans to prevent this? Proceeding from the
experience of the events in the Caucasus in August 2008, is not ...



Interesting sites are right (and others)

Freedom Lezgistan!
Freedom Talyshistan!
Freedom Avaristan!
Freedom Tati!
Liberty Karabakh!
Freedom Caucasian Kurdistan
!Freedom of Caucasian Albania - Lezgistan!

what do they exactly want from azerbaijan?
what do they exactly want from azerbaijan?
what do they exactly want from azerbaijan?

1. Russia will not allow the entry ("Azerbaijan") and the construction of NATO bases in Baku!
2. Russia demands respect.
3. Russia calls for respect for the Talysh, Lezgins, Avars and other Indigenous autochthonous peoples "Azerbaijan".

construction of a NATO base in Baku.
who started the topic speak of free masons nd u want freedom but play into their designs with these notion while they laugh at you.kavkaz you say but at each others throats its such a mess of the world with bloodshed. have sense and end with the confusion
who started the topic speak of free masons nd u want freedom but play into their designs with these notion while they laugh at you.kavkaz you say but at each others throats its such a mess of the world with bloodshed. have sense and end with the confusion

you criticize me? my people? and my region?

Look at yourself and your country.

Russia is afraid to participate in politics!
Russia does not protect its allies and partners!
Russia does not protect even their own people (150 people / nationality)!
Russia fears Turkey!
Russian fears Azerbaijan!

you continue to criticize me?

Russia can be a strong = Rusi (Slavic) + North Caucasians = strong Russia! :tup:
is Lezgin dialect very much different from Azari Turkish and Chechen?

forgive me for my ignorance

i have seen YouTube videos on Kavgaz region. Beautiful people, lovely natural environment. Not an area I wish to have more wars and violence

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