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News of Caucasian Albania (Lezgistan)

The attack on the leader of the party "Musavat" Isa Gambar!


On 13-1-2013, around 14.30 at the entrance to Lancon,тin the Talysh region of Azerbaijan was attacked
the leader of the party "Musavat" Isa Gambar and other leaders of the opposition group.


The purpose of their visit was to participate in an event dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the
*regional organization of the party.


However, the machines that were Gambar, Arif Hajili, Gulaga Aslanli Arzu Samadbayli, Sevinj Huseynov and
Valeh Gumbatoglu were poduchennyh attack from the locals!


According to Aslanli, several cars blocked the road for us.
"Left out of these people who attacked our car, insulted us.
They damaged our car and threatened death to us "- said Aslanli.
The crowd, in which there were women sent plainclothes police.
Aggressive crowd demanded the opposition leave Lancon (Lankaran)!


"They were thrown into our cars: stones, eggs and other items, and demanded to leave Lancon (Lankaran)" - added Aslanli.
Chief of staff of the party "Musavat" Arif Hajili regarded it as an attack on Gambari.

In his view, the attack on Gambar associated with the active participation of the party "Musavat"
in Saturday's protest in Baku against non-combat losses in the army!


Interior Ministry did not comment on what happened!


Note that on 4 January Qambar was nominated Majlis party "Musavat" candidate for the presidency
in the next presidential elections 16 October 2013

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Interesting sites are right (and others)
You should Google asif Ali Zardari, president of Pakistan he fits in too. @Shahin Vatani
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How do propose to get independence? Fighting won't work.

Maybe join politics?

I'll tell you one:

We have a policy/deputy (available in Russia and Dagestan)
(in Azerbaijan under pressure. tyrant state)
we have: Politicians, Sheikhs, Leaders, Soldiers.
we need - the moment - and we will achieve - freedom!

Independence - we solve the problem in:
international committees, conference, parliament, the Majlis, other.
but the "Azerbaijan" continued harassment, persecution, assimilation
(autochthonous peoples of Eastern Caucasus)!

we require - 1 or 2! :

1. Autonomy in "Azerbaijan".
if the Authority does not provide (not create)
we will solve the problems of efficiency and paramilitary.

2. under tyranny and assimilation! - We will fight, Liberty, and the Jihad.
and create a Caucasian Albania (Lezgistan) Insha Allah!

Justice - Win!

or 1 or 2 - "Azerbaijan" itself should be selected
(if make dosing errors - they will answer!)

-We will win insha Allah!
- For us right and true Alhamdullilahi!
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