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Mahmudur released after 9 months

Thu, Mar 17th, 2011 1:02 pm BdST

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Gazipur, Mar 17 (bdnews24.com) — Mahmudur Rahman, acting editor of Bengali daily Amar Desh, has been released from jail after nine months.

He stepped out from the Gazipur District Jail around 11:30am on Thursday after serving jail-term in a contempt of court case.

His relatives and a number of BNP leaders received him at the jail gate.

Former prime minister Khaleda Zia's energy adviser Mahmudur was arrested on June 2 last year on charge of contempt of court.

The Supreme Court on August 19 sentenced him to six months imprisonment and fined Tk 1 lakh, saying that he needed to serve one month more in prison in case of failure to pay the fine.

As Mahmud did not pay the fine, he had to serve seven-month imprisonment.

A good number of defamation cases were also filed against him.


Great that he served his time. I hope he will not indulge to falls news reporting next time and keep himself in good faith with ordinary citizen.
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Listen brother,Jaamat e Islami people raped and killed civilians during 1971.My question to you:
Can a muslim rape??
Can a muslim kill an innocent irrespective of what religion he follows??
But Jaamatis did these things.Now only Allah knows best what should we call them.
They are war criminals and they will pay for it Inshallah.

About BD-PAK relations,we hope it will strengthen as there are democratic Govt. on both sides.

Your so-called 'war criminals' have been in custody for quite some time now but the AL govt. has not been able to produce any credible evidence of their war crimes, all it has produced is accusations like yours.
Bankrupt diplomacy of Bangladeshi government

by Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
April 6, 2011

Following the latest court decision from Bangladesh Supreme Court on Nobel winning Dr. Mohammad Yunus, Robert Blake, the assistant secretary of state for South Asia, said the United States had a "strong interest in maintaining close relations" with Bangladesh, which he called "a democratic and moderate Muslim country."

But he said he raised concerns during a visit last month to Dhaka over the treatment of Yunus, who was removed from the helm of Grameen Bank after a feud with the government.

"I warned that a failure to find a compromise that respects Dr. Yunus's global stature and maintains the integrity and effectiveness of Grameen could affect our bilateral relations," Blake told a congressional hearing.

Meanwhile, in a letter to Dr. Yunus, French President Nicolas Sarkozy has said his government will closely monitor the developments regarding Prof Muhammad Yunus' removal from Grameen Bank and take up the issue with the Bangladesh authorities in the next few days.

Romano Prodi, former president of European Commission, has written to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, expressing hope she would be able to reach an amicable solution to Prof Muhammad Yunus issue.

In the letter, 71-year-old Prodi voiced support for the Nobel laureate and his visionary work in eradicating poverty from the country, reads a statement of the Grameen Bank.

The letter from the two-time former prime minister of Italy came as several governments including France and Spain have expressed concern about Yunus' removal by Bangladesh Bank from the position of Grameen Bank managing director.

The international outcry in favor of Dr. Yunus is well expected as he has been able to establish a huge personal image internationally due to his work in promoting micro-credit globally showing the example of his Grameen Bank. But of course, while claiming series of his 'grand successes' in upbringing Grameen Bank to today's structure, Dr. Yunus and his well-trained PR team has been very successful in projecting bunch of lies to further glorify the image of the founding father of Grameen Bank. Some of these lies include, claiming Sufia Begum to be a model borrower of Grameen Bank, though this woman died of extremely poverty few years back. Dr. Yunus even showed a building at Jobra Village [where Grameen Bank started its journey], claiming it to be owned by Sufia Begum. But, later it was revealed in a number of investigative reports and documentaries that, this was actually a gross forgery of information by Grameen and Yunus. Many of such irregularities were also well documented in Tom Heinemann's documentary, which was aired on Norwegian television.


I am sure, French President Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy or Mr. Robert Blake and others may not be fully aware of these irregularities and virtual corruption of Dr. Yunus inside Grameen Bank. Most surprisingly, Bangladeshi embassy in Washington or Paris must have miserably failed to play any minimum role in at least communicating the other sides of the coin, when Dr. Yunus and his entire team are active in pursuing the international community with their own version of statement, mostly aimed at labeling the removal of Dr. Yunus from the post of Grameen Bank's managing director as mere 'political feud' between him and 'corrupt politicians' in Bangladesh.

Personally I believe Dr. Yunus enjoys a very high status in the eyes of many influential leaders in the world. He has long-time relations with Clinton family in United States as well as good relations with President Barack Obama for years. A number of Senators and members of US Congress, mostly Democrats, are actively lobbying in favor of Dr. Yunus for many obvious reasons. The latest statement of Mr. Robert Blake is just result of such strong persuasion inside Capitol Hill by a large number of friends of Dr. Yunus.

But, traditionally, Bangladesh has always been ignoring any such international outcry or opinion of international community, just because, policymakers here and their sycophants fail to understand the ultimate consequence of ignoring the opinion of the international community. I have personal experience in this case since 2003.

At least a few dozens of US Congress members wrote to Bangladesh government on my behalf since I was arrested on a false case brought against me by BNP-Jamaat government in 2003. The US Congress passed a resolution with 406 votes [HR 64], which was introduced in the house by Congressman Mark Steven Kirk [now Senator from Illinois] and Congresswoman Nita Lowey. Senator Kirk is from Republican Party, while Ms. Nita Lowey is from Democrats. But, such strong bi-partisan resolution is till date totally ignored by the Bangladeshi government, and they are rather continuing to try me in Dhaka Court for criticizing Jihadists and for writing on rise of Islamist militancy inside madrassas. Dhaka's ignorance towards the resolution passed in the US Congress in 2007 is one of the reasons behind Bangladesh's not getting Free Trade Agreement [FTA] for its textile products in the US market. Have any of the Bangladeshi policymakers or their sycophants or those diplomats in Bangladesh mission ever tried to assess this issue? Nah! I can assure, the latest issue of Dr. Yunus will bring nothing good for Dhaka anymore. Bangladesh has already lost the battle internationally in showing any justification of removing him from the position of managing director of Grameen Bank. International community has already accepted the briefs of Dr. Yunus, whatever it is. And of course, it is another failed diplomacy of Dhaka.

Bangladeshi government now needs to come up with a respectable settlement with Dr. Yunus, without wasting any further time, for the sake of greater interest of the country. Continuation of feud with Dr. Yunus will not bring anything good for this nation - anymore!

Bankrupt diplomacy of Bangladeshi government :: Weekly Blitz

The Awami League's strategy is basically no strategy. Their business proxies, MPs and ministers just want to make money. And of course, taking shots at people they deem unfavorable. Muhammad Yunus is one of them.

Similar story with BNP/Jamaat.
Why Zee TV (Hindi ) is airing Bangla Natok in Bangla language now? Just tune to Zee TV Hindi Right now.

Why Zee TV (Hindi ) is airing Bangla Natok in Bangla language now? Just tune to Zee TV Hindi Right now.


Thats weired.. Is it a Bangaldeshi Natok or Indian Natok?
I think India is thinking of changing theri National Language to Bangla.. LOL
That was a Bangladeshi Natok (serial, I saw two days ) by Bangladeshi actors in Bangla language on Zee TV Hindi. It could be repeated tomorrow at noon BD time again.
Are those the crappy ATN stuffs or the classy RTV ETV stuffs?
Are those the crappy ATN stuffs or the classy RTV ETV stuffs?

Village story. I saw only 2 mins. I think you will not like that................ I searched at lot in net for clips to post here......but not not available.......I could not believe in first day.....then I saw again today... you can ask any one if he saw Zee TV Hindi from 10.30 - 11.00 PM BD time.
That sucks..... its better if I don't watch it. Might give me some cardiac shocks.
17 May 2011 Last updated at 16:46 GMT

Bangladeshi companies launch Africa farm lease plan
By Anbarasan Ethirajan
BBC News, Dhaka

Bangladeshi companies say they have leased thousands of hectares of farmland in Africa as part of their efforts to avoid future food shortages.

Two Bangladeshi companies have already signed deals to lease unused cultivable land in Uganda, Tanzania and Gambia.

Another agreement to lease around 30,000 hectares for 99 years will be signed with the Tanzanian government later this week.

Officials say African countries have huge amounts of unused cultivable land.

At the same time they say that Bangladesh has the manpower and expertise to produce staple crops all year round.
'Food security'

Under the plans, the Contract Farming System will enable Bangladeshi companies to get at least 60% of the produce.

In return Bangladesh will train African farmers in rain-fed rice cultivation, seed conservation and irrigation.

It is hoped that the new arrangement will increase food productivity and enable the country's expanding workforce to be deployed in Africa's farming sector.

"Basically this idea is mainly for proper management of our food security," said Wahidur Rahman, a senior Bangladeshi foreign ministry official.
Continue reading the main story
S Korea 'in Tanzania land deal'

"We are thinking of expanding our agriculture, but we do not have enough land to cultivate. Because of this we are thinking Africa may be the destination for our agriculture production."

Bangladesh is the world's fourth largest producer of rice and it harvested around 34 million tonnes last year.

Although the country produces enough to feed its population of 160 million people, it faces shortages at times because of natural disasters.

Officials say apart from rice there is also scope to cultivate other crops such as wheat and cotton in Africa.


Bangladesh is the world's fourth largest producer of rice

BBC News - Bangladeshi companies launch Africa farm lease plan
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