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Religion-based politics to go
Socialism, secularism to be revived


The volume of the reprint of the constitution, now with printer’s, will revive provisions of socialism and secularism and drop provisions that allow religion-based politics.
The reprint will revive the provisions empowering the government to enact any law for acquisition, nationalisation or requisition of any private property without compensation.
It will also revive the provisions to bring about changes in laws if they contain provisions for or have the effect of divesting the state of any property or of enhancing any compensation payable by the state, only by two-thirds of the total number of members of the parliament.
The original Article 10 of the constitution, which was substituted by the fifth amendment to the constitution, will, according to the
manuscript of the volume, be revived in the reprint, replacing the existing article.
The original article says, ‘A socialist economic system shall be established with a view to ensuring the attainment of a just and egalitarian society, free from the exploitation of man by man.’
The original Article 12, which was omitted by the fifth amendment, will be revived in the reprint.
It says, ‘The principle of secularism shall be realised by the elimination of — (a) communalism in all its forms; (b) the granting by the state of political status in favour of any religion; (c) the abuse of religion for political purposes; any discrimination against, or persecution of, persons practicing a particular religion.’
Article 2A of the existing constitution, inserted by the eighth amendment recognising Islam as the state religion will, however, be retained.
The existing Clause (20 of Article 25, inserted by the fifth amendment, will be omitted in the reprint of the constitution.
The existing clause says, ‘The state shall endeavour to consolidate, preserve and strengthen fraternal relations among Muslim countries based on Islamic solidarity.’
The proviso of Article 38, which was omitted by the fifth amendment, will be revived in the reprint.
It says, ‘Provided that no person shall have the right to form, or be a member or otherwise take part in the activities of, any communal or other association or union which in the name or on the basis of any religion has for its object, or pursues, a political purpose.’
The omission of Article 12 and the proviso of Article 38 by the fifth amendment had made the scope for forming and running political parties based on religion or in the name of religion.
The original Clause (2) of Article 42 will replace the existing Clause (2) and (3) in the reprint of the constitution, reviving the original provisions empowering the government to enact any law for acquisition, nationalisation or requisition of any private property without compensation.
The existing provisions do not allow the government to enact any law for acquisition, nationalisation or requisition of any private property without compensation.
The reprint of Clause (2) will read, ‘A law made under Clause (1) shall provide for the acquisition, nationalisation or requisition with or without compensation, and in a case where it provides for compensation shall fix the amount or specify the principles on which, and the manner in which, the compensation is to be assessed and paid; but no such law shall be called in question in any court on the ground that it does not provide for compensation or that any provision in respect of such compensation is not adequate.’
The existing Clause (2) and (3), substituted for the original Clause (2) by the fifth amendment, says, ‘(2) A law made under Clause (1) shall provide for the acquisition, nationalisation or requisition with compensation and shall either fix the amount of compensation or specify the principles on which, and the manner in which, the compensation is to be assessed and paid; but no such law shall be called in question in any court on the ground that any provision in respect of such compensation is not adequate.
‘(3) Nothing in this article shall affect the operation of any law made before the commencement of the Proclamations (Amendment) Order, 1977 (Proclamations Order No. I of 1977), in so far as it relates to the acquisition, nationalisation or requisition of any property without compensation.’
The existing Article 44, substituted by the fifth amendment, will be retained in the reprint.
It reads: ‘(1) The right to move the High Court Division, in accordance with clause (I) of Article 102, for the enforcement of the rights conferred by this part, is guaranteed.
‘(2) Without prejudice to the powers of the High Court Division under Article 102, Parliament may by law empower any other court, within the local limits of its jurisdiction, to exercise all or any of those powers.’
The original Article 44 had said, ‘(1) The right to move the Supreme Court, in accordance with Clause (I) of Article 102, for the enforcement of the rights conferred by this Part, is guaranteed.
‘(2) Without prejudice to the powers of the Supreme Court under Article 102, Parliament may by law empower any other court, within the local limits of its jurisdiction, to exercise all or any of those powers.’
The original article was substituted by Article 44 by the fourth amendment to the constitution that said, ‘Parliament may by law establish a constitutional court, tribunal or commission for the enforcement of fundamental rights.’
Article 47(2) says, ‘Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution the laws specified in the First Schedule (including any amendment of any such law) shall continue to have full force and effect, and no provision of any such law, nor anything done or omitted to be done under the authority of such law, shall be deemed void or unlawful on the ground of inconsistency with, or repugnance to, any provision of this Constitution;’
In the reprint, original proviso of Article 47(2) will substitute the existing proviso.
The reprint of the proviso reads, ‘Provided that nothing in this article shall prevent the modification or repeal of any such law or provision by Act of Parliament, but no Bill for such an Act, if it contains provision for or has the effect of divesting the State of any property, or of enhancing any compensation payable by the State, shall be presented to the President for assent unless it is passed by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of Parliament.’
The existing proviso, substituted by the fifth amendment, says, ‘Provided that nothing in this article shall prevent amendment, modification or repeal of any such law.’

Mobile user growth picks up again
Total subscribers reach 6.66cr in November

Aminul Islam

The growth in the number of mobile subscribers picked up again in November as the country’s six operators added 10.58 lakh new subscribers while the state-run Teletalk again went back to losing track.

The total number of active mobile subscribers increased to 66.62 million or 6.66 crore at the end of November from 65.56 million or around 6.56 crore in October, according to data released by Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission on Thursday.

The number of active mobile subscribers increased by only 4.23 lakh in October, whereas the six operators netted 16.70 lakh subscribers in September, 16.30 lakh in August and 18.60 lakh in July.

The leading operator GrameenPhone, which lost 1.67 lakh subscribers in October, added 3.56 lakh subscribers in November to take its subscribers base to 2.88 crore in the month from 2.85 crore in October.

State-run Teletalk, which added 41,000 subscribers in October to take its subscriber base to 12.24 lakh, lost 20,000 subscribers in November.

The second largest operator, Banglalink, continued to be leader in netting subscribers for the second month by adding 4.35 lakh customers in November after it added 3.01 lakh customers in October.

The total number of Banglalink subscribers reached to 1.88 crore in November from 1.84 crore in October.

An official of the BTRC said that the calculation of the number of mobile subscribers was based on the connections that were active. ‘The number of connections, however, does not necessarily mean that the country had 6.66 crore mobile subscribers as many of the consumers, especially young people, use multiple SIMs,’ he said.

He said that the addition of subscribers was low in October because of Eid festival.

‘The number of subscriber increased in November as the mobile operators went for vigorous campaign or advertisement ahead of the entry of Indian Airtel in the Bangladesh market,’ he said adding that the mobile operators had started competition to lure subscribers by giving bonus talk times, SMS and mobile phones.

The Bharti-Airtel officially re-branded Warid telecom to Airtel on December 20 after the Indian company acquired 70 per cent stake of Warid a few months back.

Airtel, previously Warid, added 1.31 lakh subscribers in November with its total number of subscribers reaching 37.97 lakh from 36.66 lakh in October.

Robi, the third largest operator, added 2.14 lakh subscribers to take its subscriber base to 1.20 crore.

The lone CDMA operator, Citycell, however, lost 60,000 subscribers in November when its total number of clients reached to 18.73 lakh from 19.33 lakh in October.
Govt to appoint 10 NGOs to conduct survey on beggars

Govt to appoint 10 NGOs to conduct survey on beggars

The government has decided to appoint 10 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to carry out a survey to find out the exact number of beggars for their rehabilitation by providing them with jobs and other amenities, officials said Thursday, reports BSS.

A 10-member core committee, which was formed under Beggar Rehabilitation Programme of Social Welfare Ministry is now working for selection of 10 efficient NGOs with a target to complete survey in the country's 10 zones.

Iqbal Hossain, cell chief of the Beggar Rehabilitation Programme, told the news agency that Tk 140 million (14 crore) has been earmarked for the five-year programme.

Hossain said a process is underway to complete selection process of NGOs by this month and conduct the planned survey by June 30 next.

He said around 2,000 beggars would initially be rehabilitated under a pilot project and upon its successful completion steps would be taken to go for a large scale rehabilitation of beggars.

Social Welfare Minister Enamul Haque Mostafa Shahid said the main objective of the survey is to find out exact number of beggars and know their physical condition. "Our target is to make the country beggar free," he said.

Under the programme, interest-free and low interest loans would be provided to beggars, who are willing and able to run small businesses.

Eight rehabilitation centres with dormitories would also be set up for physically challenged and aged beggars while male and female beggars will be rehabilitated in separate centres, the ministry sources said.
Top Eleven Cloud Predictions for 2011: Bangladesh Leads the Way

Global Development Continues, with Mass Confusion in the Air

Without fear or favor, I present my obligatory Top 11 2011 Cloud Computing Predictions:

1. Bangladesh emerges as the new Information Society hotspot. Cloud Computing features in the government's development strategy.

2. India and Taiwan start putting major major data centers online. They will work with major US service providers to deliver PaaS and IaaS.

3. Northern Africa also emerges as an IT and Cloud hotspot.

4. People scramble to Google maps to learn where Senegal is located.

5. The European Union develops new, tougher privacy guidelines for handling private data. It sues major US companies for violating them.

6. The new Euro guidelines and the issues they raise are utterly ignored in the US.

Flydubai launches flights to Bangladesh
Dubai: 2 hours and 25 minutes ago


Flydubai, Dubai’s first low cost airline, has launched service to Chittagong, the second largest city in Bangladesh, marking its first entry into the country.

“Adding a new dimension to the flydubai network, flights to Chittagong will not only cater to the Bangladeshi workforce in the UAE, but also be instrumental in increasing trade and business between our two nations,” said Ghaith Al Ghaith, CEO, flydubai.

“The picturesque city of Chittagong boasts a busy international seaport and is an important economic and commercial hub of the country. Located in the midst of green forests, the city is a popular tourist attraction which offers both hilly terrains and sandy beaches.”

“After an eventful year filled with many highlights, it is with great pleasure that we wrap up 2010 with the announcement of this new exciting destination. Bangladesh offers a wealth of historical and cultural options for travellers to explore and we are certain this new route will be immensely popular,” he added.

The airline will fly from Dubai to Chittagong beginning on January 17, 2011 with service on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. The route will operate daily starting March 27, a statement said. – TradeArabia News Service.


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Bangladesh to Receive UN Food Relief Aid for Another Year
Published: December 31, 2010

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has decided to extend its country programme in Bangladesh until the end of 2011 to provide support to 2.1 million hungry, vulnerable and malnourished people in the South Asian nation.

The operation includes programmes to reduce malnutrition and improve the food security of extremely poor households in the country, WFP stated in a news release.

Support will also continue to be extended to enhancing the resilience of disaster-stricken communities through food-for-work and cash-for-work schemes, as well as towards a gradual handover of the school meals programme to the Government, the agency added.

"The one-year extension of the ongoing country programme will not only strengthen our partnership with the Government but also support Bangladesh in achieving its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)," said Christa Räder, WFP Representative in Bangladesh.

The MDGs are targets set by world leaders to slash extreme poverty and hunger, maternal and infant mortality, a host of diseases, and lack of access to education and medical care, all by 2015.

As part of its efforts in Bangladesh, WFP has supported the Government's Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) programme, the largest safety net scheme in the country, for 30 years.

Under its new country strategy, WFP's food distribution programme under VGD will be phased out by the end of this year. The Government has increased its own food and cash contributions to VGD and will cover the needs previously met by WFP.

Meanwhile, WFP will continue to focus its community nutrition efforts on areas with high child undernutrition. With the necessary funds, it aims to reach 125,000 acutely undernourished women and children, including 82,000 children under five, 31,000 pregnant and nursing women and another 12,000 children aged 6-24 months, who will receive specialized blended food fortified with micronutrients at certain times of the year.

Source: United Nations

Bangladesh News - Media Monitoring Service by EIN News
Malaysia to reopen labour market for BD workers

Malaysia to reopen labour market for BD workers
A delegation of senior Malaysian government officials will visit Bangladesh from January 8 for talks on resuming import of Bangladeshi manpower to Malayasia, reports bdnews24.com.

Malaysian Deputy Home Secretary Gen Dato Azahar Bin Raja Abdul Manap will head the delegation during its three-day visit to Bangladesh, officials said.

The Malaysian delegation would include Home Ministry under-Secretary Dato Rosly Bin Saad, Human Resource Ministry Principal Under-Secretary Asri Bin Abdur Rahman, Manpower Ministry Director Yusuf Bin Harun and Foreign Labourers Control Department Assistant Secretary Noor Hisam Bin Mohammad Noor.

Labour Secretary of Bangladesh High Commission in Malaysia Montu Kumar Ghosh Tuesday told the agency that the delegation would also observe the steps taken by Bangladesh to regulate export of Bangladeshi workers into Malaysian labour market.

They would also meet officials of Bangladesh's home ministry and Expatriates Welfare Bank, Ghosh said.

Malaysia decided to reopen its labour market for Bangladeshi workers during the visit of Expatriates Welfare Minister Khandker Mosharraf Hossain to that country on December 12.

Exporting manpower to Malaysia was restricted in 2009 due to abnormally high entry of Bangladeshi workers into that country in 2007 and 2008.

Another report adds: Malaysia will be sending back around 350,000 Bangladeshi expatriates, who had either migrated through illegal process or have overstayed their visas, Expatriates' Welfare Minister Khandker Mosharraf Hossain said.

He was speaking at a meeting with Bangladesh Chamber of Industries (BCI) delegates at the Secretariat Wednesday.

"The workers have put the government in a dilemma", he added, "Some of these workers went to Malaysia on three-year contracts; many earned two-year extensions. However, they will now have to return as they have overstayed their visas."

Mosharraf went on to say, "These workers can go to Malaysia in future if their employers want them back. The government will also assist them."
Bangladesh named ‘best Haj manager’ in S Asia

Gulf Times ? Qatar?s top-selling English daily newspaper - SriLanka/Bangladesh

By Mizan Rahman

Bangladesh has been named ‘best manager of Hajj pilgrims’ among the South Asian countries for the last Haj by Muastefa Junub Asia, an approved organisation of Ministry of Haj of Saudi Arabia.
According to the organisation, Bangladesh received maximum points among South Asian countries in operating Haj flights in due time as well as in managing pilgrims’ facilities including their accommodation. This was disclosed in Dhaka yesterday at a press briefing by the civil aviation and tourism ministry after a meeting on Haj flights.
Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister G M Quader said it was a huge success for all organisations involved in handling Haj pilgrimage safely. Some 91,823 Bangladeshis went on Haj
last year.
“We ranked top among the South Asian nations and also received a certificate from Makkah for our success in managing pilgrims properly,” he said.
The minister said almost all except 1,000 pilgrims have already returned from Saudi Arabia. The remaining pilgrims are their way home. “It has proved wrong the apprehension that many pilgrims won’t return home this year,” he added.
Number of pilgrims almost doubled in 2010 compared to the numbers in 2009.
For the first time, the government involved eight more airlines as the third carriers apart from Biman Bangladesh Airlines and Saudi Arabian Airlines for carrying Hajj pilgrims. Among the devotees Biman carried 44,616, Saudi Airlines 19,781 while the third carrier ferried 27,426.
“As per our agreement with the third carrier Biman will get $150 for each passenger from the third carrier which is $4.1mn (290.6mn taka),” the civil aviation minister said.
04 January 2011
New Australian work and holiday agreement with Bangladesh

New Australian work and holiday agreement with Bangladesh

Young people from Australia and Bangladesh will now be able to travel to each other’s countries through a work and holiday arrangement.

Australian economy

A new Australian work and holiday visa agreement has been signed with Bangladesh.

The Australia work and holiday visa program is now open, the Australia immigration department said.

University-educated Australian and Bangladesh travellers who are aged between 18 and 30 will now be able to work and holiday in the other country for up to 12 months.

The work and holiday visa differs from an Australian Working Holiday Visa as it requires applicants to have the support of their government, have or be studying towards tertiary qualifications and to speak functional English.

Bangladesh joins a number of other countries already participating in the Australian work and holiday visa program including Chile, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey and the United States.

There will be an annual limit of 100 work and holiday visas for both countries but this figure will be reviewed each year.

The Australian Immigration department expects that these places are likely to be filled quickly.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Front Page
Addict kills boy
Stabs the 10-year-old's father in bid to rob him;
criminals kill trader at Kamrangirchar

Addict kills boy


Dipto Das Shuvo Staff Correspondent

A drug addict allegedly drowned a boy in a water drum and stabbed the boy's father while trying to rob him in an apartment in the capital's Gendaria area yesterday.

Bibhuti Ranjan Das, 45, a rawhide trader in Lalbagh, was rushed to Dhaka Medical College Hospital with neck injuries while the body of his ten-year-old son Dipto Das Shuvo, a class-IV student, was sent to the hospital morgue for an autopsy.

The prime suspect, Shakil alias Sagar, 30, escaped the scene.

Sagar, who lives on the third floor of a six-storey building on KB Road, started banging Bibhuti's apartment door on the fourth floor in the same building at 12:30pm. But Bibhuti waited until Sagar broke a portion of the door.

When a panicked Bibhuti let Sagar in, he attacked the trader and tied his hands and legs. Sagar then took away Shuvo from the room, sub-inspector Qaiyum Ali of Gendaria Police Station quoted Bibhuti as saying.

With Bibhuti crying for help, Sagar brought a knife from the kitchen and stabbed him in the neck.

Bibhuti's relative Swapan Kumar Roy said residents of an adjacent building noticed the incident and informed police and locals.

Sensing the presence of people near the front door, Sagar climbed down a sewer pipe at the back of the building and fled the place.

Swapan said locals later entered the apartment and found Bibhuti groaning in pain.

“But we could not trace Shuvo. We looked for him in the bedroom and kitchen. Then we noticed that the bathroom was locked from outside,” he said

“We found a water drum in the bathroom. When we removed its lid, we found Shuvo inside the drum with his hands and legs tied,” Swapan said.

The two were whisked off to the DMCH, where doctors declared Shuvo dead.

Bibhuti's wife Sheuli Rani Das, a high school teacher, had left for school at Sirajdikhan in Munshiganj shortly after 6:00am, he said.


Criminals killed a trader and hung his body from the ceiling of his shop early yesterday at Pakapool Bazar in the city's Kamrangirchar area.

The deceased was identified as Abul Kashem, 42, proprietor of a cement store called Usha Traders.

Police recovered the body, which was hanging from the ceiling of the shop at about 10:00am said Abdul Karim, sub inspector of Kamrangirchar Police Station.

The victim's body bore several marks of injury on his chest and his mouth was gagged while both his hands were tied with a wire, he added.

The victim's wife Momtaz Begum Shanu told The Daily Star that Kashem returned home at 8:00pm on Friday and received a call on his cell phone an hour later.

Quoting the deceased, she said the unidentified caller claimed he had been paid Tk 2 lakh to kill Kashem. However, the caller said he would spare Kashem if he paid him Tk 5 lakh, she added.

He went to his shop again that night and was seen there till 11:00pm, according to sources.

“I called him after midnight but no one answered the phone,” said Shanu.

Yesterday, at around 6:30am one Hanif brought the news of Kashem's death by hanging himself, after which his mother, Marjina Begum along with some locals broke open the shop's shutters and found his lifeless body, she said.

Family feud over property may have been the cause of his death, alleged the victim's wife.

Police sent the body to Sir Salimullah Medical College morgue for an autopsy.
Huh nice...
She will be another Pamela Anderson of Bangladesh.. LOL

She will??? Is she not right now... ;).... even her news came in to the news paper of canada and us... about whats about another??? is there any other pamela anderson in bd that I am not aware of... :woot:
January 11, 2011 20:27 PM

Working Women In Bangladesh To Enjoy 6 Months Of Paid Maternity Leave

BERNAMA - Working Women In Bangladesh To Enjoy 6 Months Of Paid Maternity Leave

DHAKA, Jan 11 (Bernama) -- Working women in Bangladesh will enjoy six months of paid maternity leave, spokesman of Bangladesh's Ministry of Women and Children Affairs Mohammad Abul Khair said.

The government issued a gazette notification Tuesday implementing six-month maternity leave with effect from Jan 9, reports China's Xinhua news agency.

He said the government had earlier decided to enhance the duration of maternity leave for working women as part of its efforts to combat malnutrition in the country and to ensure the newer generation grows up to be much healthier both physically and mentally.

Some two million children aged between six months and five years suffer from acute malnutrition in Bangladesh, according to a survey jointly conducted by the World Food Programme, UN Children's Fund and Institute of Public Health Nutrition of Bangladesh.

The survey, which was undertaken throughout the whole country from November 2008 to January 2009, found that 37.4 percent of the same age group is also underweight.

Officials said around 12 million employed women will be entitled to the leave so that their infants can be exclusively breastfed for six months as prescribed by child experts.

A working woman in Bangladesh was entitled to a maternity leave for four months before or after delivery in line with the country's Labour Act 2006 previously.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Front Page
9 cops die as truck rams van

9 cops die as truck rams van


A police van lies badly mangled after being hit by a speeding truck on Dhaka-Sylhet Highway in Narsingdi yesterday. The vehicle was carrying policemen to Shibpur in the district.Photo: STARStaff Correspondent

Nine police personnel were killed as a truck rammed their van on Dhaka-Sylhet highway in Narsingdi yesterday.

The accident occurred around 10:45am leaving all the nine dead on the spot, and another injured.

The cops, who were from Belabo Police Station in Narsingdi, were on their way to Shibpur upazila to attend a briefing on the law and order ahead of tomorrow's municipal polls.

The truck driver managed to flee while police seized the vehicle.

The victims are officer-in-charge Faruk Ahmed Khan, 45, inspector (investigation) Ziaul Huq, 42, sub-inspector Kongkan Kumar Mondol, 42, and constables Bazlur Rahman, 50, Krishna Kanta Barman, 50, Rezaul Karim, 40, Masud Parvez, 42, Narayan Chandra, 45, and Reaz Uddin, 40. Their bodies were later taken to the district hospital.

Constable Priyotosh, 50, the injured, was admitted to Combined Military Hospital in the capital.

Namaz-e-janaza of the dead was held at Narsingdi Police Lines in the afternoon. Their bodies were handed over to relatives.

Later, Inspector General of Police Hassan Mahmood Khandaker granted Tk 50,000, and Akkasuddin Bhuiyan, Narsingdi superintendent of police, Tk 10,000 each for the families of the deceased from the central and local police funds.

In a condolence message, President Zillur Rahman prayed for the departed souls and asked the authorities concerned to ensure proper treatment of the injured cop, reports BSS.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed deep shock at the deaths and conveyed sympathy to the bereaved families.

In a press release, Bangladesh Police Service Association leaders condoled the tragic death of their colleagues while on duty.

Chief Election Commissioner ATM Shamsul Huda condoled the deaths, and wished fast recovery of the wounded constable.

Contacted last night, Narsingdi Superintendent of Police Akkas Uddin Bhuiyan said a three-member committee headed by Additional Superintendent Bijoy Boshak has been formed to probe the accident, and submit its report within three days, reports our correspondent in the district.
Bangladesh arrests gang leader behind beggar amputees

Bangladesh arrests gang leader behind beggar amputees | My Sinchew

2011-01-15 15:18

DHAKA, Saturday 15 January 2011 (AFP) - Bangladeshi security forces said Saturday they had arrested the alleged leader of a gang responsible for amputating the limbs of children and forcing them into begging.

Omar Faruq, 30, was arrested Friday in a Dhaka suburb, said Colonel Zia Ahsan of the elite Rapid Action Battalion (RAB).

"He has admitted that his gang has amputated limbs of at least 15 children and forced them into begging in Dhaka and several other district towns. They have also raped girls to force them into prostitution," Ahsan told AFP.

The mutilated children are rented out for up to 400 taka (six dollars) a day, to women who take them begging at busy intersections.

"The women work as guards ... posing as the children's mothers," Ahsan said.

The RAB was informed of the gang's activities after Faruq's men allegedly cut off the penis of a seven-year-old boy, Neyamul, whose father took up the case with local human rights groups.

Bangladesh approved new laws last year to tackle "beggar masters," providing penalties of at least three years' imprisonment for anyone involved in coercing people into begging.

According to a 2005 study, Bangladesh has 700,000 beggars, with those in urban areas earning an average of 100 taka ($1.50) a day.
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