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New Zealand tops social progress index, India at 102nd position

Families are forever concerned about their honour/ghairat in South Asia. I too will get a cold stare from my parents if I said I wanted to dye my hair blonde. +1 for social equality, innit?:lol:

To somebody like me who is fiercely independent,this becomes interference in private rights and freedom.Though I still believe that a gal becomes more independent after marriage. :-)
Btw those are just few streaks.But still I wasnt sure :tongue:
To somebody like me who is fiercely independent,this becomes interference in private rights and freedom.Though I still believe that a gal in becomes more independent after marriage. :-)
Btw those are just few streaks.But still I wasnt sure :tongue:

Depends on the kind of husband she has. Men are notoriously possessive creatures. I ought to know that all too well.:rolleyes:
Depends on the kind of husband she has. Men are notoriously possessive creatures. I ought to know that all too well.:rolleyes:

Wives are equally possessive.:D
But as long as decisions are taken with mutual consent the relationship is on the safer side.
Riots in india after revealations that Babri Masjid demolition was pre-planned by VHP and Shiv Sena will help india.
Excusez moi??? :blink:
I think we Indians have learnt to "move on" the tough way...but we have.
I hope there are no more Babri Masjid demolitions or godhra riots ever again.That would help India.
But why is an Australian worried about it?? :coffee:
Lol at Indian losers blaming imaginary illegal immigrants.

so no immigrants from neighbouring countries would be interested in going there.

I hope your extremely high IQ will able to understand this chart..
Lol at Indian losers blaming imaginary illegal immigrants

It is the ONLY state outside sub Saharan Africa that still has mass starvation so no immigrants from neighbouring countries would be interested in going there.

If that is so, then why don't you take up the job of patrolling the India-BD border and telling all poor, uneducated East Bengalis that approach it that India has mass starvation and that they should not go there. Really, it would be a lot of help to India.

I personally do not blame immigrants for India's issues but they DO contribute to the problem even if only a small part.
Net ball and shagging sheep comes to mind.. :p:

Haha :tongue:

We love our Human rights as much as we love our sheep :D

But @cloud_9 is right. I have lived here for a decade and never felt New Zealand was like one of the best countries to live in.

The day we start to give equal respect for all jobs, we can truly hope to change the scenario that you described.Efficiency in any job must be applauded and inefficiency in any job challenged. When have we ever done that? Some sections of our society are totally expendable and worthy of our contempt purely for their economic fragility and the kind of jobs they do.

I see you've been watching a lot of Rahul Gandhi videos lately.:D

But, I am smarter than him :unsure:
I hope your extremely high IQ will able to understand this chart..

These are just ESTIMATES genius.

No proof exists of millions of Bangladeshi's in the mass-starvation country of India.

I would like a HIGH-IQ Indian to answer the following question:

Why would people from BD, who live longer and suffer from lower levels of malnutrition than Indians, have any interest in
migrating to India?
These are just ESTIMATES genius.

No proof exists of millions of Bangladeshi's in the mass-starvation country of India.

I would like a HIGH-IQ Indian to answer the following question:

Why would people from BD, who live longer and suffer from lower levels of malnutrition than Indians, have any interest in
migrating to India?

1.) Facepalm, no proof? Get back into reality, you are totally in denial. "so no immigrants from neighbouring countries would be interested in going there."

Even if the arrow is an estimate, even a person like you should be able to comprehend that it represents a tiny little bit more than "NO IMMIGRANTS"......

Get back to reality.

2.) India`s living standards are higher than BD`s.

India`s average national HDI is on medium levels despite lower HDI levels in the BIMARU states.....
.... while BD`s HDI is lower and still on low levels.

People want to get into more developed states (some Indian states have the highest on the subcontinent) like MH, Kerala, TN etc etc etc.
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - New Zealand came first in a global index published on Thursday that ranks countries by social and environmental performance rather than economic output in a drive to make social progress a priority for politicians and businesses.

The Social Progress Index (SPI) rates 132 countries on more than 50 indicators, including health, sanitation, shelter, personal safety, access to information, sustainability, tolerance and inclusion and access to education.

The SPI asks questions such as whether a country can satisfy its people's basic needs and whether it has the infrastructure and capacity to allow its citizens to improve the quality of their lives and reach their full potential.

"The index shows that economic growth does not automatically lead to social progress," Michael Green, executive director of the Social Progress Imperative, a non-profit organisation that publishes the index, told Thomson Reuters Foundation.

"If we are to tackle problems such as poverty and inequality, it shows that measuring economic growth alone is not enough."

New Zealand received high scores for personal rights and freedom, internet access and school enrolment. It was followed in the Top 10 by Switzerland, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Canada, Finland, Denmark and Australia.

Some of the world's largest economies did not fare so well, with Germany in 12th place, the United Kingdom in 13th, Japan 14th, the United States 16th and France 20th. All of them except Germany scored poorly on environmental sustainability.

The United States also ranked poorly on health and wellness - despite being a top spender on healthcare - and on access to basic knowledge, with just 92 percent of children in school.

France lagged Slovenia (18th) and Estonia (19th) and had low scores on sustainability and opportunity, especially tolerance and inclusion. Italy was in 29th place, hurt by poor access to advanced education, sustainability and tolerance and inclusion.

The low rankings of China (90th) and India (102nd) showed that their rapid economic growth is not yet being converted into better lives for their citizens, said Green.

Chad ranked last, below Central African Republic, Burundi, Guinea, Sudan, Angola, Niger, Yemen, Pakistan and Nigeria.


Even though economic growth and social progress are correlated, especially for poorer countries, the connection is far from automatic, said Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter, one of the index's backers.

"The SPI finds that all economic growth is not equal," he said in a press statement.

Costa Rica and South Africa, for example, have similar levels of gross domestic product (GDP), the most commonly used indicator for economic performance. But the central American nation achieves much greater social progress than South Africa thanks to progressive environmental and healthcare policies.

Social upheavals around the world prompted by citizens' frustration over a lack of opportunities and inequality are also a sign that economic performance alone is not an adequate measure of progress, said Green.

A 2014 survey by Deloitte found that the majority of the almost 7,800 millennials (people born in the 1980s and 1990s) it had surveyed in 28 countries prioritised education, health care, employment and protection from crime above improving their financial situation. They also believe social progress lies not just with governments but also with businesses.

"GDP doesn't necessarily tell you what to do whereas the SPI does give indications where you need to focus attention to make progress," Steve Almond, global chairman of Deloitte, which supports the SPI financially, told Thomson Reuters Foundation.

New Zealand tops social progress index, India at 102nd position| Reuters

So in another word, white people more superiour than the rest. That's what the conclusion seem to be when you look at these type of useless index , etc, etc
1.) Facepalm, no proof? Get back into reality, you are totally in denial. "so no immigrants from neighbouring countries would be interested in going there."

Even if the arrow is an estimate, even a person like you should be able to comprehend that it represents a tiny little bit more than "NO IMMIGRANTS"......

Get back to reality.

2.) India`s living standards are higher than BD`s.

India`s average national HDI is on medium levels despite lower HDI levels in the BIMARU states.....
.... while BD`s HDI is lower and still on low levels.
People want to get into more developed states (some Indian states have the highest on the subcontinent) like MH, Kerala, TN etc etc etc.

India has a very bad reputation in BD as a malnourished and frankly very dirty country. True that BD is a little dirty but it is cleaner compared to India.

Next to Sri Lanka, BD is making the most progress for the living standards of it's citizens in South Asia. Economic growth has been averaging 6% a year since 2000 and shows no sign of slowing down - in fact it may pick up to 7% a year towards the latter part of the decade if the IMF is to be believed.

If you have so-called illegal Bangladeshi's in your country, then stop whining and kick them out!
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