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New War coming?Israel against Hezbullah,Assad even Al-Nusra?

No. There is not even a single Israeli soldier inside Gaza.

It has nothing to do with that, it's about exercising control. As the UN has already stated they consider Gaza occupied by Israel.

Hamas which rules Gaza is in state of war with Israel. Thats why Israel is doing three things:

1) Recon flies.
2) Inspects ships bound for Gaza.
3) Retaliates in case of rocket attacks.

Israel is at a state of war with Palestinians, otherwise they wouldn't be occupying our lands. Israel's siege had little to do with security, that's a lie spewed by Israel.

  • The intensified blockade on the Gaza Strip imposed on June 2007 is beginning its sixth year.

  • � Gaza is one of the most densely populated regions in the world (over 4,500 people per sq. km).

  • � 34% of Gaza’s workforce, including over half its youth, is unemployed.

  • � 44% of Gazans are food insecure and about 80% are aid recipients.

  • � In 2011, the GDP per capita was almost 17% below the equivalent figure in 2005, before the last Palestinian elections.

  • � In 2011 less than one truckload of goods per day exited Gaza, less than 3% the average amount of exports during the first half of 2007.

  • � 35% of Gaza’s farmland and 85% of its fishing waters are totally or partially inaccessible due to Israeli imposed restrictions.

  • � Since June 2010, 73% of UN reconstruction projects submitted to the Israeli authorities have been approved; dozens of other projects have been pending approval for an average of 18 months.

  • � A severe fuel and electricity shortage results in outages of up to 12 hours a day.

  • � Some 90 million litres of untreated and partially treated sewage are dumped in the sea each day.

  • � Over 90% of the water from the Gaza aquifer is unsafe for human consumption without treatment.

  • � 85% of schools in Gaza run on double shifts.

  • � Some 71,000 new housing units are required to cover current housing needs.

  • � Since the intensification of the blockade in 2007, at least 172 Palestinian civilians have been killed and 318 injured while working in tunnels between Gaza and Egypt.

  • � Duringthisperiod,nearly2,300Palestinianshavebeenkilledand7,700injuredbyIsraeliforces,abouttwothirds of them during the “Cast Lead” offensive. Over a quarter (27%) of all Palestinian fatalities were women and children.

  • � Since June 2007, 37 Israelis have been killed and 380 injured in attacks launched from Gaza, 40% of whom were civilians.

All are fully legitimate methods of warfare. If Hamas recognizes Israel and refrain from violence we will also stop.

Bullshit, Israel needs to recognize Hamas's rule, neither side has to recognize each other politically. Israelis are opposed to that a was.

The only thing we want from Gaza is that they will not attack us

This is a gibberish lie as evident by the above post, Israel attacks Gaza, not the other way around.
Here's my take. Israel is 22,072 square kilometers including Golan and east Jerusalem, and it bases hundreds of F-16 and F-15, thousands of tanks. Crimea is 26,964 square kilometers. I bet Crimea can base more military than Israel does. 8-)
It has nothing to do with that, it's about exercising control.
Why on earth do we need control over Gaza? Tell me one reason.

The demands of Israel to Hamas are same to demands of the Quartet (UN, US, EU, Russia): all members of the future Palestinian government must be committed to non-violence, recognition of Israel and acceptance of previous agreements and obligations.

Hamas rejects them:

The Islamic Resistance Movement ( Hamas) has rejected as "blackmail" demands by the Quartet Committee of key Mideast peace brokers to renounce violence and recognize Israel.

People's Daily Online -- Hamas rejects Quartet's demands as "blackmail"

By rejecting these demands Hamas officially states that it is in war with Israel.

Here's my take. Israel is 22,072 square kilometers including Golan and east Jerusalem, and it bases hundreds of F-16 and F-15, thousands of tanks. Crimea is 26,964 square kilometers. I bet Crimea can base more military than Israel does. 8-)
Oy boy, I wonder if someone understood what that suppose to mean. :cheesy: :patsak::crazy_pilot::big_boss:
Israel doesn't have to do anything, it has its F$A terrorists doing their job for them... if F$A terrorists ever fail at accomplishing their terror acts, Israel steps in for them..
These goyim need to learn their place. Israelites are the chosen people.
Wait for the day of Judgement !!!
We will see who is chosen ????

Yes, the Jewish people will be chosen in the promised land Israel. I cannot what to see the look on the faces of the goys when YHWH denies them in his Kingdom of Heaven.
They can also infiltrate and use those al nusra thugs against you. :tup: Your PM should be more friendlier to Israel in the future. No more media stunts. Or :butcher:

hamas is a israel creation to devide palestinians and weaken al fatah. :tup:
Al Nusra listening to Israel, that is like a lion listening to a cow. Anyhow you should tone it down, we have couple of "tricks" up our sleeve in your territory as "back-up".
There will be no such war. Simply because Shiite pact are too cowards to respond to any aggression, they're only good at slaughtering defendless civilians. Just today, three of SAA positions were bombed and as always no response.

L O L yes Wahhabi terrorist and the western puppets are the heroes of ME.:omghaha:.
Al Nusra listening to Israel, that is like a lion listening to a cow. Anyhow you should tone it down, we have couple of "tricks" up our sleeve in your territory as "back-up".

Al-Nusra is nobody , mate.
Yabrud and Qalamun city had fallen into Hezbollah's hand recently and the regime force are advancing on the Southern region which makes it harder for the rebel fighters to hold cities. Lebanon is already on its civil war again with few groups establishing control such as Abdullah Azzam brigade, Nusrah Front, ISIS and similiar factions already operating in Suuni majority Tripoli while the rest of the opposition are trying to smuggle into Lebanon and some have been killed by Lebanese army recently.

So, the higher chance we will see is Lebanese Suuni Muslims against Shiites Hezbollah on both countries because there is no such thing called border for those two countries now just like Iraq where ISIS runs both side to parts of Iraqi cities against the Iraqi Shiite militias operating on the Southern borders. Lebanese army could collapse with rapid defections due to sectarian reason (Suuni, Shia and Christians seperation) since they are no match to Hezbollah and most beside Shiites despise them because Hezbollah dragged Lebanon into the conflict.

Syria closes Lebanon border amid clashes - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
Down and Out in Yabrud and Tripoli: Lebanon suffer Syrian civil war
Fueled by Syrian war, hostilities surge in Lebanon - The Washington Post

Al-Nusra is nobody , mate.
Jabhat Al Nusrah is an al Qaeda branch and is participating one of the most active front in the civil war, they have around 20,000 fighters and decent numbers of public support on the Western and Northern parts of Syria. They were the last front who operated in Yabrud after Hezbollah overtaken the city so they exist and they are already on Mount Herman and Tripoli.

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