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New video shows the moment Russian Pantsir S1E shot down Turkish drone in Libya

Pantsir SM has far greater capability than Pantsir S1. AESA instead of PESA. Radar twice the range. Missiles twice the range. Anyway, UAE has Patriot PAC 3 and these are coming to Libya. These are long range SAM.
The point is those get jammed by Koral, bring Pantsir S5 if you want, those will be jammed too.
Russia will be delighted to give you official confirmation if you ask them
You can join hezbollah in Idlib and film when TB2 is downed but be very careful you might meet MAM-L suddenly out of nowhere
Russia will be delighted to give you official confirmation if you ask them

Ask hizbies who returned from Syria back to Pakistan. Maybe they can confirm it for you.
You can join hezbollah in Idlib and film when TB2 is downed but be very careful you might meet MAM-L suddenly out of nowhere

Where was TB2 when SAA declared no fly zone in March 2019? Oh right, run back home and left Saraqib for the taking by SAA.
Lel, do you actually believe Turkey or GNA will win this war anytime soon? Stop being naive m8.
remember, when Turkey join Libya war, i told you that Turkish people will never join a war at this stage unless they know exactly that they are going to win and all scenarios has been thought. you were telling me no way as France and Russia are on the other side, i told you just wait and see.
Now you see what i was talking about????
after failed several times, you still find courage to claim something, y good job...
remember, when Turkey join Libya war, i told you that Turkish people will never join a war at this stage unless they know exactly that they are going to win and all scenarios has been thought. you were telling me no way as France and Russia are on the other side, i told you just wait and see.
Now you see what i was talking about????
after failed several times, you still find courage to claim something, y good job...
Bro dont be dumb, it is impossible for either side to win at this time. Both dont have enough troops, nor resources to accomplish this.
Where was TB2 when SAA declared no fly zone in March 2019? Oh right, run back home and left Saraqib for the taking by SAA.
Syrian state TV while filming live the clashes in Seraqib they started crying when TB2 dropped smart munitions near them
By they who is “they”?? Do you falsely claim that TAF fought in Seraqib battle???
If turkish army actually participated then Damascus would’ve had turkish mayor&governor by the end of March
Bro dont be dumb, it is impossible for either side to win at this time. Both dont have enough troops, nor resources to accomplish this.
in normal case you are right, but Turkey need whole Libya to have a legitimate contract against Greece and maritime rules. Thats why, nobody will risk their air jets against Turkish new Sam systes. imagine it shoot down mig 29 or French jets. will other countries trust them? you saw what happened to pantsir.. now i will tell you whats going to happen. they will make a deal, kinda show that it work for both sides, but it will be the one Turkeys want, give whole Libya to Turkey.
in normal case you are right, but Turkey need whole Libya to have a legitimate contract against Greece and maritime rules. Thats why, nobody will risk their air jets against Turkish new Sam systes. imagine it shoot down mig 29 or French jets. will other countries trust them? you saw what happened to pantsir.. now i will tell you whats going to happen. they will make a deal, kinda show that it work for both sides, but it will be the one Turkeys want, give whole Libya to Turkey.
Its not going to happen bro just trust me here. You may want this, but Turkey and GNA dont have the manpower or resources to conquer all of Libya without even factoring in that Eastern Libyans hate Western Libyans and vice versa.
Its not going to happen bro just trust me here. You may want this, but Turkey and GNA dont have the manpower or resources to conquer all of Libya without even factoring in that Eastern Libyans hate Western Libyans and vice versa.
thats weird.. if they hate, then its hard to get it.. im not sure about that thing
I think Russians are now in this war, Su-24 and Mig-29 are seen at Jufra airbase. This could become the next Syria for Russia possibly. If Turkey tries shooting these down this could anger the Russians and deteriorate relations.



Official source from US Africa command, this is not a fake.

By supporting LNA, Russia is basically unwillingly supporting USA's puppet haftar.
It was USA who rescued haftar from CHAD army & provided hatar's family a citizenship & shelter in USA & then latter sent him to libya during arab spring.

Russia main objective is military base in libya so either LNA or GNA does not matter only russia's military base in libya is most important for russian.

(A word is enough to the wise).
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By supporting LNA, Russia is basically unwillingly supporting USA's puppet haftar.
It was USA who rescued haftar from CHAD army & provided hatar's family a citizenship & shelter in USA & then latter sent him to libya during arab spring.

Russia main objective is military base in libya so either LNA or GNA does not matter only russia's military base in libya is most important for russian.

(A word is enough to the wise).
He is UAE puppet mostly, either way Russia could care less. These aircraft are supporting Wagner troops I think for now.
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