This photo is really savage. These Indian soldiers received some bloody life lessons from the PLA which is never mess around with the Chinese. Indians do yourself a favor, study what happened to the US troops with the allied soldiers involved in the Korean War. The American and allied troops suffered a big humiliation in that war that the American GI did not dare venture off into Northern Vietnam during the respective war for fear of encountering the mass Chinese army again and receiving some heavy beating. That is why the Americans stayed inside Southern Vietnam explicitly for this reason. Indians who do not understand the Korean and Vietnam War will undoubtedly repeat this grave mistake again in the future. One does not pick a fight with the biggest army in the world who is one of the super powers. I understand the soldiers were most likely following orders from above, so the blame goes to the Indian leadership. There's plenty of time and the PLA is very patient so Indians be prepared to receive more life lessons from China, it will be one heck of a ride that i can promise you.