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New OIC secretary-general urged to help resolve Kashmir issue

Every link I attached shows figures, speaking for themselves.

You like links?

Here you go, pretty much backs up what i said-


The Observatory of Economic Complexity :: Saudi Arabia Exports, Imports and Trade Partners

I don't expect people to like or dislike the way I introduce or counter an argument, I only lay out the figures and people should do the math.
Then I hope your head will help you to figure out that the relations we maintain with India isn't merely restricted with oil.
And I hope your head will implore you not to generalize a set of bigoted traits on one group of people.
And I hope your head will guide you not to jump off the gun again on a sentimental basis.

As I said, I aint generalizing Saudis, but if a half-wit like that comes up with inane arguments, I will show him some real facts.

Left should be left and right should be right. Oil is one thing, non-Oil products are another. Unless you don't feel like examine each and every one of them then this won't be my problem.

Over-simplification doesnt help your cause, what comes out of crude petroleum will remian an oil product, and will stop being available for export if theres no oil.

It isn't about feeling offended or not, otherwise there is no point for having a healthy constructive debates. But clearly, you did feel offended.

I felt offended by a Half wit? He gotta raise his thinking levels to come near offending me.

You, on the other hand came down in the middle of our conversation, obviously being too touchy about what I said.

The vast majority member states of the OIC aren't Arabs. For some reasons, it appears to be that you happen to have a problem with a given race for one reason or another.

No offence bro, I can't cure what appears to you. Its coming from your head not mine.

So now when you're done with race, you start attacking people on religious ground. Interesting, here comes another presentation of the dark vein of intolerance.

Where was any religion mentioned?

And what is so attacking in merely laying out the fact that OIC has zero relevance on Kashmir till date, I hope that continues btw.

It isn't about me liking links or not. It just is the best way to respond to random tantrum at its best. Dropping at sixes and sevens will always have a negative impact. The OEC " link " which shows our exports doesn't function as a solid evidence. All articles I attached quoted the Saudi MoF statistics, which reports its imports and exports per quarter of Hijri calendar which is usually longer than the Gregorian calendar.

Now let's get into the contradictions in your posts in this thread:

You claim that %99 of our exports come from oil, which contradicts the OEC " link " you posted as well as mines.

Here is your original post

New OIC secretary-general urged to help resolve Kashmir issue | Page 2

As I said, I aint generalizing Saudis, but if a half-wit like that comes up with inane arguments, I will show him some real facts.

Just beware of the fact that calling people ignorants - while proving another A or B person is an ignorant - and having some sort of kinship toward one nation because of religion while disliking the other because of religion, is called generalization not " facts " unless you happen to be a medium to gawk into our souls and hearts then that would be something different.

New OIC secretary-general urged to help resolve Kashmir issue | Page 2

Also, that formal Saudi diplomat is no longer a diplomat - just in case you didn't notice - we kicked him out due to the stupid remarks he makes from time to time.

Over-simplification doesnt help your cause, what comes out of crude petroleum will remian an oil product, and will stop being available for export if theres no oil.

It doesn't have to be all the time. Not all other products KSA export are Petroleum-related products. Just as much as oil isn't the only natural resource KSA has. Not to mention the fact that KSA economic growth isn't dedicated by oil prices unlike the vast majority of oil producing countries.

I felt offended by a Half wit? He gotta raise his thinking levels to come near offending me.

Your response to his unacceptable post - which I responded to - suggests the other way around.

You, on the other hand came down in the middle of our conversation, obviously being too touchy about what I said.

Not really, otherwise, I wouldn't have responded to both of you as well as other Indian members - some of whom I enjoy a very good relation with -

I was frank enough to say that we can't afford losing the Vatican let alone an economic giant like India - which is a fully-open access to purchase gold for KSA - that EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO US

Where was any religion mentioned?

The Ummah Muslim nonsense, which also contrasts your initial post that religion has never been an element in this dispute.

And what is so attacking in merely laying out the fact that OIC has zero relevance on Kashmir till date, I hope that continues btw

Not all conflicts are solved with guns and bullets, otherwise we wouldn't have seen the USSR collapsing. Boarder and lands disputes have never been a new thing to all countries around the world. You've got Spain and Argentina having disputes with the UK, China and India, the UAE with Oman and Iran and the list go on and on. So calling for peaceful solution is always something to look for.

You like links?

Here you go, pretty much backs up what i said-

As I said, I aint generalizing Saudis, but if a half-wit like that comes up with inane arguments, I will show him some real facts.

Over-simplification doesnt help your cause, what comes out of crude petroleum will remian an oil product, and will stop being available for export if theres no oil.

I felt offended by a Half wit? He gotta raise his thinking levels to come near offending me.

You, on the other hand came down in the middle of our conversation, obviously being too touchy about what I said.

No offence bro, I can't cure what appears to you. Its coming from your head not mine.

Where was any religion mentioned?

And what is so attacking in merely laying out the fact that OIC has zero relevance on Kashmir till date, I hope that continues btw.
UN reignites Kashmir debate, India says mind your business

Reacting to reports that the United Nations (UN) is available to mediate between India and Pakistan on Kashmir, New Delhi has said that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of the country. The office of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Thursday that "our good offices are available if both sides (India and Pakistan) were to request" mediation. The comment was made by acting deputy spokesperson for the Secretary General, Farhan Haq, who is of Pakistani origin.

No role for UN

Haq was responding to a question on whether the UN chief would propose to India to sit down and talk with Pakistan and resolve the longstanding Kashmir issue.

South Block insiders are sticking to India's stated position that there is no role for the UN in the Kashmir issue. In fact, India had gone on record earlier saying that the UN Military Observer Group on India and Pakistan should pack up and leave.

Islamabad has been insisting on a plebiscite in Kashmir, describing it as a nuclear flash point and sees a role for the UN. India maintains that there is a democratically elected government in place in Jammu and Kashmir and it has respected the aspirations of the Kashmiri people through a credible electoral process.

In recent years, India has rejected possibilities of intervention by the UN in settling issues, including Kashmir, with Pakistan. Islamabad, on the other hand, has sought UN intervention and described the UN resolutions on the issue as an "important framework" for settlement of the dispute.

Officials told MAIL TODAY that while Haq may have got carried away in response to a question, Ban, in his own dealing at the highest levels, had acknowledged that the UN had little role to play. The world community has also largely ignored Pakistan's attempts to internationalise the Kashmir issue.

In fact, Ban, in an exclusive interview to this newspaper, had stuck to a safe stand, saying that both countries have maintained channels of communications on the Kashmir issue. He had also said that the composite dialogue could have gone faster than it is. Sources in the India foreign office say that mediation was a non-starter as no Indian government will ever ask the UN to play a role on Kashmir.

Interestingly, this is not the first time Haq has got himself into a controversy on Kashmir. In 2010, Haq was blamed for the remarks concerning the violence in Kashmir. An e-mail containing controversial remarks was sent out by Haq to journalists of three Pakistani publications who had been asking questions about Kashmir since the unrest mounted after June 11, 2010, when a 17-year-old student died after being hit by a teargas shell fired by the police during a demonstration in Srinagar. Following protests by New Delhi, the UN backtracked from the statement and described it as "media guidance".

Pakistan wants world powers to help solve row

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's adviser Sartaj Aziz (in pic) on Friday described Kashmir as the "core issue" of Pakistan's relationship with India, saying it should be "resolved according to the aspirations of Kashmiris and with the intervention of world powers". Aziz, who advises Sharif on foreign affairs and national security, said world powers should come forward and play their role in resolving the issue.

Aziz stated that Pakistan wants good relations with its neighbours to boost the country's economy.

"The government wants trade and not aid, as it believes only in trade. Improving the economy is linked to peace in the region and the government is taking many steps to maintain it," he said.

The remarks came two days after Sharif invited India to engage in a comprehensive, sustained and result-oriented dialogue with Pakistan to resolve the Kashmir issue.

- With PTI inputs

UN reignites Kashmir debate, India says mind your business : North, News - India Today

This thread is a perfect reason why Kashmiri people must never be abandoned by the Muslim world and why must they get their due right for self determination. Until every Kashmiri is under occupation, every breathing Muslim is a slave.
The 'Muslim world' can't even sort out its own problems and you want them to solve Kashmir?? Almost every Muslim country is at war with itself. You think they have time for a far away non issue like Kashmir?

Its laughable how you guys jump when some clown in the lame duck OIC utters the 'K' word!!

The only way forward is for India and Pakistan to sit together and discuss the issue. You need to stop using crutches by depending on other countries to solve bilateral issues.
The 'Muslim world' can't even sort out its own problems and you want them to solve Kashmir?? Almost every Muslim country is at war with itself. You think they have time for a far away non issue like Kashmir?

Its laughable how you guys jump when some clown in the lame duck OIC utters the 'K' word!!

The only way forward is for India and Pakistan to sit together and discuss the issue. You need to stop using crutches by depending on other countries to solve bilateral issues.

The 'Muslim world' can't even sort out its own problems and you want them to solve Kashmir?? Almost every Muslim country is at war with itself. You think they have time for a far away non issue like Kashmir?

None of these states is having a thing to what are you trying to sell above.

Turkey, Malaysia, Morocco, the UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, KSA, Indonesia, Jordan, Mauritania, Albania, Bosnia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakistan, Azerbaijan, and Brunei.

In fact, probably ten out of these nations above are flourishing. India happens to have much serious unresolved problems compared to any of these countries.

The only way forward is for India and Pakistan to sit together and discuss the issue. You need to stop using crutches by depending on other countries to solve bilateral issues.[/QUOTE

Saudi Arabia stop oil supply to India to solve Kashmir problem. India will tell US that it has to buy oil from Iran as it has left with no choice. This will be bonus to both India and Iran because India prefers buying from Iran. What US will ask Saudi why you are doing this, they will say Kashmir, US will ask what is your interest. Saudi will say doing it for Pakistan. Next US will say the same thing that they said for EU. If some people had the habit of analyzing all option ...
Saudi Arabia stop oil supply to India to solve Kashmir problem. India will tell US that it has to buy oil from Iran as it has left with no choice. This will be bonus to both India and Iran because India prefers buying from Iran. What US will ask Saudi why you are doing this, they will say Kashmir, US will ask what is your interest. Saudi will say doing it for Pakistan. Next US will say the same thing that they said for EU. If some people had the habit of analyzing all option ...

I don't know why people are having so much of a focus on KSA rather than the OIC as a whole.

I don't think that KSA would impose sanctions on any country that is doing business with. I believe this will make the situation far worse for both countries, and won't promote any good.

As far as oil supply are concerned, I don't think India prefers to buy oil from Iran for many reasons. The most notable one was the immature move by Iran to seize an Indian ship. Another reason is that Iran often prefers to sell oil at a higher price than what India can get from any other oil exporting country.
None of these states is having a thing to what are you trying to sell above.

Turkey, Malaysia, Morocco, the UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, KSA, Indonesia, Jordan, Mauritania, Albania, Bosnia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakistan, Azerbaijan, and Brunei.

In fact, probably ten out of these nations above are flourishing. India happens to have much serious unresolved problems compared to any of these countries.
No doubt countries like Turkey, KSA, Kuwait, Oman etc have no problem but still OIC have got plenty of Muslim countries to solve their problem first before talking even on a non issue like Kashmir for Pakistan. If IOC wer capable or serious then they would have sort their fellow muslim countries problems first than poking nose in others.
PS: India is fully capable to solve it problems itself.
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I don't know why people are having so much of a focus on KSA rather than the OIC as a whole.

I don't think that KSA would impose sanctions on any country that is doing business with. I believe this will make the situation far worse for both countries, and won't promote any good.

As far as oil supply are concerned, I don't think India prefers to buy oil from Iran for many reasons. The most notable one was the immature move by Iran to seize an Indian ship. Another reason is that Iran often prefers to sell oil at a higher price than what India can get from any other oil exporting country.
The argument holds for OIC too. Why should they get into something which nobody other than Pakistani care about.
The argument holds for OIC too. Why should they get into something which nobody other than Pakistani care about.

All member states are entailed to register any matter of a concern to their nation i.e. India wasn't brought up in this issue just because it is India. Factually, India applied twice to become a member of the OIC, which has the world's third largest economy and so on.

No doubt countries like Turkey, KSA, Kuwait, Oman etc have no problem but still OIC have got plenty of Muslim countries to solve their problem first before talking even on a non issue like Kashmir for Pakistan. If IOC wer capable or serious then they would have sort their fellow muslim countries problems first than poking nose in others.

Depends on what problems we are talking about here. There are problems the whole world can't solve, and other problems are chronic. All countries have problems, issues, and all that kind of drama, KSA, India, the US and so on.

I understand how sensitive this issue for India is, but as I stated earlier, Pakistan is a member of the OIC, and can raise any concern to the OIC.
More than 40 years ,still requesting to take up the issue,thats some thing.
I think we are going overboard in bashing KSA. Both India and KSA have mutual strategic and economic interests. Remember, India had given the King of KSA the honor of being the chief guest at the Republic Day Parade in New Delhi.


Indian PM receiving King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz al-Saud.


The chief guest for the Republic Day the King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz al-Saud is being introduced to top-ranking Indian
officials. The then president of India Mr Abdul Kalam is with him.


The President Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam, the chief guest for Republic Day Parade
the King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz al-Saud,
the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh.


King of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud,
Chief Guest at India’s Republic Day celebration stands
on a podium during India’s 57th Republic Day Parade,
in New Delhi


King Abdullah at the ceremonial reception, New Delhi.

All member states are entailed to register any matter of a concern to their nation i.e. India wasn't brought up in this issue just because it is India. Factually, India applied twice to become a member of the OIC, which has the world's third largest economy and so on.

Depends on what problems we are talking about here. There are problems the whole world can't solve, and other problems are chronic. All countries have problems, issues, and all that kind of drama, KSA, India, the US and so on.

I understand how sensitive this issue for India is, but as I stated earlier, Pakistan is a member of the OIC, and can raise any concern to the OIC.

Applied for observer status only coz we are third largest Muslim population which was even favoured by KSA.
Applied for observer status only coz we are third largest Muslim population which was even favoured by KSA.

It doesn't matter what status to be given. I believe the OIC is large enough to admit any country that wants to applied to it.
This thread is a perfect reason why Kashmiri people must never be abandoned by the Muslim world and why must they get their due right for self determination. Until every Kashmiri is under occupation, every breathing Muslim is a slave.
it seems u misconstructed the sentence ,,, :p:

on topic- as govt of India has stated several times..kashmir is a bilateral issue..,so third party interference is out of question,,,,btw its a gud diplomatic tactic by Pakistan,,tryin to get OIC on there side,,,but u forget that we aint diplomaticaly dumb...i dont think this is gonna have any real effect on Kashmir issue....

#why wud India want to change the status quo,what will be the pros n cons....
why wud a country willingly let go of teritory??

as a diverse country ,,it wud be a suicidal for india,,what wud stop other separatist from fantasizing "independence"...look at the telengana fiasco n the effect it had on NE separatists..

so what do we get?
...some wud like to suggest peace with a certain neighbour,,,,but with the current geopolitical n internal scenario of India,,,we will gain less n loose more..

so guys lets breathe,keep calm ,grow as nations,stop preaching harakiri,,n mature so tht Kashmir issue can actually be solved..
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