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New OIC secretary-general urged to help resolve Kashmir issue

You have tried for Kashmir so many times. Feel free to try again if you want. But remember, we'll belt you out again. Forget Indian Kashmir. You'll never get that. Rather if you mess with us more, one day, we'll take the GB and AK which is occupied by u. So stay satisfied with what you have. Will be good for u.

We have already taken half of kashmir

we have also removed a big chunk of the pandits from the indian occupied kashmir

we have also implemented islamic and kashmiri culture in kashmir eclipsing any hindu influence

you are paying billions in subsidies to an anti hindu muslim population

you know the population will give kashmir to Pakistan the moment you removal your soldiers
OIC has no mandate to enforce its will. It is an ineffective organization.

Well said.

Oh I See, is bigger sister of "Allah pay chora League" or in other words Arab League!


....OIC as a whole has 1.5 billion people, and its economy on nominal basis is 3x larger than indian economy and on purchasing power parity, it is almost 2x larger than indian one.

Have you ever been to a large dairy farm?

you will find pound for pound the following facts.

1. 10000 cows combined have more power than 10 times the humans.,
---------- if these cows combine their power, they can defeat a mini nuclear power

2. 10000 cows combined produce more milk than 10 times the humans.,
--------- If these cows unite, stop their milk supply, they can kill off millions of human babies

But the game will always be based on "if" then
"if" then
"if" then
"if" then
"if" then
"if" then
"if" then

And hence the irony!

If he becomes PM, US can't refuse him

That's what she said :D
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We have already taken half of kashmir

we have also removed a big chunk of the pandits from the indian occupied kashmir

we have also implemented islamic and kashmiri culture in kashmir eclipsing any hindu influence

you are paying billions in subsidies to an anti hindu muslim population

you know the population will give kashmir to Pakistan the moment you removal your soldiers

We have already taken half of kashmir

we have also removed a big chunk of the pandits from the indian occupied kashmir

we have also implemented islamic and kashmiri culture in kashmir eclipsing any hindu influence

you are paying billions in subsidies to an anti hindu muslim population

you know the population will give kashmir to Pakistan the moment you removal your soldiers

We have?

Who are we?

Do you even know a single iota of Kashmir history?

I guess not. Most likely you just came out of a something similar to Lal masjid.

Islam zindabad. Nara Takbir, Nara Haidree


OIC should start blackmailing the west to solve K-Issue as early as they could. If the west don't agree stop exporting :drag:
lolz..so what stops saudis from putting more pressure on India (its been 60 years).
either you dont take your brotherhood seriously or have no leverage on India.

There are always more reasons you listed. I rather than list all those. ;)

OIC should start blackmailing the west to solve K-Issue as early as they could. If the west don't agree stop exporting :drag:

Have you been to a Hukkah gathering in a typical Desi village?
OIC should start with holding plebiscites in the countries that are members of the organization. Hypocrites.

Indonesia agreed to let East Timor go and Sudan agreed to let South Sudan go.
We have?

Who are we?

Do you even know a single iota of Kashmir history?

I guess not. Most likely you just came out of a something similar to Lal masjid.

Islam zindabad. Nara Takbir, Nara Haidree



Im a kashmiri muslim
it is our state which is occupied

we hate hindus, the little black monkeys look nothing like us,
they don't talk like us
they don't share our culture
they don't share our religion

kashmiris chased out pandits because they chose india over kashmiri

kashmiri muslims wish to be part of Pakistan and want hindu indians out of our land

you see a similarity?

Im a kashmiri muslim
it is our state which is occupied

we hate hindus, the little black monkeys look nothing like us,
they don't talk like us
they don't share our culture
they don't share our religion

kashmiris chased out pandits because they chose india over kashmiri

kashmiri muslims wish to be part of Pakistan and want hindu indians out of our land

you live in Indian Controlled Kashmir or Pakistan Controlled Kashmir?
We have already taken half of kashmir
you have taken how? when ?

we have also removed a big chunk of the pandits from the indian occupied kashmir
if you claimed this .. you are doomed.. dont say in UN .. they will cut you in 2 piece..
if you stand by it.. means . no plebe cite can occuer because you made kashmiris to ran away from home due to terror.
some claimed kashmir is muslim state in one post.. now you say we removed pandit -hindus.?
please decided

we have also implemented islamic and kashmiri culture in kashmir eclipsing any hindu influence
you know star plus comes in pak...pleas see it..see who influence whom..

indian influence on pak society - YouTube

you are paying billions in subsidies to an anti hindu muslim population
please prove.. any link

you know the population will give kashmir to Pakistan the moment you removal your soldiers[/quote]
we also dont like it.. but because of paid terrorist ... soldiers theire to protect indians simple..

in india you are indian first irrespective religion .
kashmir was , is, will is PART OF INDIA..
for pakistan
Kashamir is always ...
Sochny ko toh Ghalib ye khayal acha hai

We have already taken half of kashmir

we have also removed a big chunk of the pandits from the indian occupied kashmir

we have also implemented islamic and kashmiri culture in kashmir eclipsing any hindu influence

you are paying billions in subsidies to an anti hindu muslim population

you know the population will give kashmir to Pakistan the moment you removal your soldiers

We have already taken half of kashmir
you have taken how? when ?

we have also removed a big chunk of the pandits from the indian occupied kashmir
if you claimed this .. you are doomed.. dont say in UN .. they will cut you in 2 piece..
if you stand by it.. means . no plebe cite can occuer because you made kashmiris to ran away from home due to terror.
some claimed kashmir is muslim state in one post.. now you say we removed pandit -hindus.?
please decided

we have also implemented islamic and kashmiri culture in kashmir eclipsing any hindu influence
you know star plus comes in pak...pleas see it..see who influence whom..

indian influence on pak society - YouTube

you are paying billions in subsidies to an anti hindu muslim population
please prove.. any link

you know the population will give kashmir to Pakistan the moment you removal your soldiers[/quote]
we also dont like it.. but because of paid terrorist ... soldiers theire to protect indians simple..

in india you are indian first irrespective religion .
kashmir was , is, will is PART OF INDIA..
for pakistan
Kashamir is always ...
Sochny ko toh Ghalib ye khayal acha hai
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