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New OIC secretary-general urged to help resolve Kashmir issue

Are you fuc.kin kidding me?

Economic card, with fuc.kin what, Saudi exports 99+% petroleum related products, you stop that, we go to Iran ....you know the next highest export- Used cars; ........want to know the next highest export- toilet paper.

I am sure India will be doomed without used cars and over-priced toilet paper from Saudi.

Stroke of a genius!

They are very much into stone age without oil.
Can you please enlighten me why do you feel it belong to Pakistan?.....Dude...is it not a hypocrisy....You guys are so toothless that you can not solve the problem between muslim nations like Arab nations and Syria and Iran with you people...And do you really think India really care about unjustified claim that Kashmir belong to Pakistan...Dude..this is an utter insult to the 160 million patriotic India who are Muslim ....By suggesting like this kind of weird suggestion you are not only insulting Indian sentiment but even those Muslim who are in India too...
Thats the irony.. only few decide who is the follower who is not..
who is muslim who is not . based on poltical , economical gain not based on holy book..
they need to go back and read book again with open mind

KSA has done it twice. During the US in the 70 and during Soviet war.

Indian depends on KSA oil so If we take that step you fill in the blank.
1.in 70s was it pointed towards india for kashmir?
2. in last 50 ys how you supported pakistan on kashmir on domestic and international forum?
3. why you are trading with india so long? since 1947.. since 2 wars...still trading ?
4.who is to become no.1 oil producer.? google it.. you know them very well..
5. what is official SA stand on kashmir issue?
Does the OIC know that Pakistan has handed over some part of Kashmir to China to please them?? :-)lol: Pakistan is said to be fighting for the people of Kashmir while selling Kashmiri land to Hans!)

Does the ignorant president of "Pak- Saudi friendship" know what is the UN resolution about Kashmir? (As per UN resolution, to be able to hold a plebiscite, Pakistan has to go away from Pakistan Controlled Kashmir, make way for India to control it, and then we can think about it:lol: And its there on the UN website guys! So why to remain ignorant while you still have a chance!)

And to that Saudi fellow, go read the history before you make yourself a joke in front of international audience :omghaha:
you know what OIC means.


It really means Oh I see!


And no!

OIC is a toothless paper tiger (It cannot give anyone a paper cut even if it wanted to). So it cannot solve anything like Kashmir etc.

Asking OIC to solve complicated border issues is like asking a monkey to design space shuttle.

Sure you can ask him

But will he oblige you?

Well that all depends on one's belief system.


you know what they say... "Khuda meherbann to monkey pehelwaan" :D
OIC has no mandate to enforce its will. It is an ineffective organization.

OIC as a whole has 1.5 billion people, and its economy on nominal basis is 3x larger than indian economy and on purchasing power parity, it is almost 2x larger than indian one.

Not to mention, it produces more scientific output and the total exports are $2.2 trillion ($1.06 trillion excluding oil and gas sector)..not to mention, it just utterly DWARFS little india in industrial production (Indonesia+Turkey alone put more industrial production than whole 1.3 billion india..lol)

If OIC was an effective entity, it would have been a great power in the league of China...and would have had a potential of being a superpower, which Islamic World remained from 7th to mid 17th-early 18th century (for most part)...but then again, unless a "dominating" power arises as the leader of Islamic World (Like The Ottoman Empire once was) or OIC becomes a truly effective organization more in the lines of EU but more assertive etc...There's no hope for another superpower from Islamosphere for the time being....

And unless that happens, OIC can hardly put any pressure on even little powers like india since its too divided...

Does the OIC know that Pakistan has handed over some part of Kashmir to China to please them?? :-)lol: Pakistan is said to be fighting for the people of Kashmir while selling Kashmiri land to Hans!)

Does the ignorant president of "Pak- Saudi friendship" know what is the UN resolution about Kashmir? (As per UN resolution, to be able to hold a plebiscite, Pakistan has to go away from Pakistan Controlled Kashmir, make way for India to control it, and then we can think about it:lol: And its there on the UN website guys! So why to remain ignorant while you still have a chance!)

And to that Saudi fellow, go read the history before you make yourself a joke in front of international audience :omghaha:

Can you guide me to that U.N website and this resolution? thanks.
Kashmir is a muslim state

and needs to be free of pagan idol worshipping control

kashmiris themselves have thrown out thousands of Pandits

muslims in kashmir are actively promoting the implementation of islamic and kashmiri culture

pakistan is supporting this

we muslims dont forget and we don't move on
So their will be no resolution to kashmir until it's free

so Pakistan will keep at the Hindus and we expect support from all Muslims
Kashmir is a muslim state

and needs to be free of pagan idol worshipping control

kashmiris themselves have thrown out thousands of Pandits

muslims in kashmir are actively promoting the implementation of islamic and kashmiri culture

pakistan is supporting this

we muslims dont forget and we don't move on
So their will be no resolution to kashmir until it's free

so Pakistan will keep at the Hindus and we expect support from all Muslims

Kashmir is a muslim state

and needs to be free of pagan idol worshipping control

kashmiris themselves have thrown out thousands of Pandits

muslims in kashmir are actively promoting the implementation of islamic and kashmiri culture

pakistan is supporting this

we muslims dont forget and we don't move on
So their will be no resolution to kashmir until it's free

so Pakistan will keep at the Hindus and we expect support from all Muslims

Sochny ko toh Ghalib ye khayal acha hai
Kashmir is a muslim state

and needs to be free of pagan idol worshipping control

kashmiris themselves have thrown out thousands of Pandits

muslims in kashmir are actively promoting the implementation of islamic and kashmiri culture

pakistan is supporting this

we muslims dont forget and we don't move on
So their will be no resolution to kashmir until it's free

so Pakistan will keep at the Hindus and we expect support from all Muslims

You have tried for Kashmir so many times. Feel free to try again if you want. But remember, we'll belt you out again. Forget Indian Kashmir. You'll never get that. Rather if you mess with us more, one day, we'll take the GB and AK which is occupied by u. So stay satisfied with what you have. Will be good for u.
I don't get you.I can only sympathies for you and KSA who actually don't have any leverage to blackmail India on Kashmir issue.

Anyway even if you don't believe in oil reserves of other non-Islamic countries only idiot would trade fresh water supply (Kashmir) with oil supply(KSA).

you know my stance on Kashmir?


If not check out my posts or other Indian posters and they will educate you .

As far as stats for oil are concerned. Everyone knows. But they don't change precarious energy situation for countries like Pak and India

You have tried for Kashmir so many times. Feel free to try again if you want. But remember, we'll belt you out again. Forget Indian Kashmir. You'll never get that. Rather if you mess with us more, one day, we'll take the GB and AK which is occupied by u. So stay satisfied with what you have. Will be good for u.

Come on man.

If someone says "Kashmir is a Muslim (majority) state", then it happens to be an obvious fact. Why a good poster would fight on that?

If someone says "Kashmir should not be part of Indian union", the it is obvious Kashmiris have not be clamoring to join Pakistan either.

Again Why a good poster would fight on that?

I fail to understand


Sochny ko toh Ghalib ye khayal acha hai


Well said. This should be the spirit. Why do shit shoveling when we have such beautiful poetry.

you know my stance on Kashmir?


If not check out my posts or other Indian posters and they will educate you .

As far as stats for oil are concerned. Everyone knows. But they don't change precarious energy situation for countries like Pak and India

Come on man.

If someone says "Kashmir is a Muslim (majority) state", then it happens to be an obvious fact. Why a good poster would fight on that?

If someone says "Kashmir should not be part of Indian union", the it is obvious Kashmiris have not be clamoring to join Pakistan either.

Again Why a good poster would fight on that?

I fail to understand


Well said. This should be the spirit. Why do shit shoveling when we have such beautiful poetry.


Sorry bro!! But that particular poster is crap. This guy also appreciates Ahmedi persecution. So overall, a character to be hated.

Anyhow sorry if I had hurt your feelings! Won't comment here further.
If Saudi Arabia would want to play the economic card then India will be doomed.
lolz..so what stops saudis from putting more pressure on India (its been 60 years).
either you dont take your brotherhood seriously or have no leverage on India.
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