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New mobile ICBM unveiled!

Great China


New Recruit

Nov 29, 2011
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Today, August first PLA's day, a new mobile ICBM goes public.

Most people thought it's DF-41 but only an expert like me recognised it's another new one!
When the first original pics appeared online, they received little if zero attention. But I was the first one here to report that new TEL in this thread
DF-41 is back on the road!! | Page 6
I repost the original pics:


You can see clearly it isn't DF-41 but a new one. It shares the same eight axles chassis but the cabin is different, the canister is shorter.
It could be:
1) DF-31A on a new TEL,
2) a new variant of DF-41
3) a totally new ICBM.

Long life to the PLA :china:
lol , it is to threaten south africa , not the united states
nice. you all got the balls to use it?
i do love some MAD.
China is not some aggressive country who threaten to nuke some countries first. Precisely, with people like you. China develop of more deadly and advance nuke weapon is necessary to deter MAD.
Today, August first PLA's day, a new mobile ICBM goes public.

Most people thought it's DF-41 but only an expert like me recognised it's another new one!
When the first original pics appeared online, they received little if zero attention. But I was the first one here to report that new TEL in this thread
DF-41 is back on the road!! | Page 6
I repost the original pics:


You can see clearly it isn't DF-41 but a new one. It shares the same eight axles chassis but the cabin is different, the canister is shorter.
It could be:
1) DF-31A on a new TEL,
2) a new variant of DF-41
3) a totally new ICBM.

Long life to the PLA :china:

is this one of those PLA sponsored leaks ?

The whole chinese military leak thing is very fascinating to me..

could you elaborate more on how you came to this conclusion ?

Thanks. :)
is this one of those PLA sponsored leaks ?

The whole chinese military leak thing is very fascinating to me..

could you elaborate more on how you came to this conclusion ?

Thanks. :)

I think this new toy has been leaked on purpose. today is PLA anniversary and China shows the muscles to the world.
I didn't come to a true conclusion, what do you mean exactly? The fact this is a new system is obvious if you compare this pic with DF-41 pics. Apart the canister, the rest is totally different (the hydraulic pistons with squared feet, the small ladders, and the driving cabin). Hope you have understand.
Improvement in what?

Accuracy perhaps and more detonated power. Who know?

China Leaks News of Third-Generation ICBM


By Shannon Tiezzi
August 01, 2014

Agence France-Presse reports that a Chinese government agency has acknowledged China’s development of a new intercontinental ballistic missile, the Dongfeng-41 (DF-41). The missile is designed to have a range of 12,000 kilometers (7,500 miles), putting the United States within range. The U.S. Defense Department believes that the DF-41 is capable of carrying several nuclear warheads. The Chinese media report, quoted by AFP, said that “developing third generation nuclear weapons capable of carrying multiple warheads is the trend” as the U.S. strengthens its missile defense systems.


China 'confirms new generation long range missiles'
China's ownership of a new intercontinental ballistic missile said to be capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads as far as the United States is confirmed by state-run media

Beijing has boosted its military spending by double digit amounts for several years as it seeks to modernise its armed forces Photo: AFP


8:18AM BST 01 Aug 2014

China has acknowledged the existence of a new intercontinental ballistic missile said to be capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads as far as the United States, state-run media reported.

A government environmental monitoring centre in Shaanxi said on its website a military facility in the province was developing Dongfeng-41 (DF-41) missiles, the Global Times reported.

The DF-41 is designed to have a range of 12,000 kilometres (7,500 miles), according to a report by Jane's Strategic Weapon Systems, putting it among the world's longest-range missiles.

It is "possibly capable of carrying multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles", the US Defence Department said in a report in June, referring to a payload of several nuclear warheads.

China's military is highly secretive, and the Global Times said it had not previously acknowledged the existence of the DF-41.

The original government web post appeared to have been deleted on Friday, but the newspaper posted a screengrab.

It also quoted a Chinese military analyst as saying: "As the US continues to strengthen its missile defence system, developing third generation nuclear weapons capable of carrying multiple warheads is the trend."

China's defence ministry in January responded to reports it had tested a hypersonic missile delivery vehicle by saying any military experiments were "not targeted at any country and at any specific goals".

It made the same response last December when asked about reports that it had tested the DF-41.

Tensions between Washington and Beijing have risen in recent months over territorial disputes with US allies in the East and South China Seas, and cyber-hacking.

Beijing has boosted its military spending by double digit amounts for several years as it seeks to modernise its armed forces, and now has the world's second biggest military outlays after the US.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said in July any confrontation between the two powers "will surely spell disaster for both countries and for the world".

China's previous longest range missile was the DF-5A, which can carry a single warhead as far as 12,000 km, according to Jane's.

The DF-5A had its first test flight in 1971, and has to be fuelled for around two hours prior to firing, limiting its effectiveness as a weapon, according to analysts.
I can't believe that the media have failed to take notice of HQ-26 and HQ-19 mentioned on the website of the same government environmental monitoring centre that revealed the existence of the DF-41:


The above release,in which mention is also made of the DF-41 and DF-26, predates the one that became the basis of the original Global Times report。
India and Vietnam don't have MAD.

In fact, I don't think India's nuclear deterrent is credible at all since the 1998 thermonuclear test fizzled according to pretty much all the experts.

Indians still have warheads have yields between 12-30 kt, but is that enough for deterrence? I guess it depends who you ask. Of course 12 kt weapon is quite anemic if compared to DF-31 warhead what has a probably yield of 600 kt.
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