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It is Anka

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Zarvan the only problem with those photos shows wing angle at 180 degrees

the real PAC UAV are angled

the tail however does look similar

however my guess its the Turkish Anka and defiantly not Chinese
It looks similar to ANKA!
View attachment 702367
Turkish ANKA is having high wing whereas drone parked in a PAC hanger is having mid wing.

No it is not similar to Turkish ANKA.
This isn't ANKA nor Winglong II. This is a Pakistani drone with a back tail mix off ANKA + Wing Long II style. I have downloaded more than 200 + images of ANKA and Wing Long II/I. After done thoroughly cross-comparison, overlapping with many images, my conclusion is this is different from both. Perhaps, very close to ANKA.
Damn, they're deliberately tantalizing us with an image of unclear sight of MALE UAV. We're left with mere speculations.
Anka is an expensive bird. Don t think that PAK would go with it
It looks similar to ANKA!
View attachment 702367

It is not Anka. This UAVs wings attach in the middle of the fuselage whereas the Anka attach at the top of the fuselage. It could be CH-4 OR Wing loong 1 based on size and wing structure. I am leaning towards ch-4 given the less pronounce bulb on the nose but either is a possibility.
As of now no specification is available therefore It is difficult to speculate but on the basis of previously available information we can ESTIMATE/SPECULATE the following

- It will supposedly carry 4 smart air to ground missiles like Burq missile as shown in poster during previous Dubai Air Show

- Current pic does not show the nose and head section of this drone therefore it is difficult to say that it has or not the satellite link capability, therefore IF the current prototype OR the whatever version it is most probably it might have DATA link capability of limited range up to 200-250 KM from Ground control Station

- Length of its fuselage should be in between 8-9 meters as it appear lengthier then Mushak Trainer and previously wing span was estimated by @JamD around 15-16 meters [I don't remember the exact figure currently, I hope JamD will post his estimate here again]

- As in the pic fuselage of this UAV appear short in height then the Fuselage of Mushak trainer but the Slanted tails are clearly higher then the Mushak Trainer therefore its total height [from ground to the tip of Slanted tail] should be approximately +3.5 meters

- With these estimated dimensions it engine should be 150-200 HP which should give it capability to lift around 250-300 KG of payload including EO Targeting turret

So all in it will be something in b/w CH-4A and CH-4B drones from Chinese side as later is capable of carrying 6 air to ground missiles
View attachment 694942

Some rough pixel counting shows that AZM MALE's wing is 6.5 m long. So it roughly has a 13.5-14 m wingspan.

For reference:
Falco wingspan: 7.3 m
Burraq wingspan: 8 m (Pakistan's largest public UAV)
Shahpar wingspan: 6.6 m

This 13.5-14 m wingspan puts it in the class of Wing Loong I. Maybe Azm's MALE is just a license production/modification of the Wing Loong I, Who knows?
14 m wingspan. I think we should look at the Wing Loong I as the reference here. It's the right size, and will likely share performance specs.

This is most likely what we call an SDM (scaled-down model). I'm aware of this design methodology being adopted in a similar project for the armed forces.

If you remember, the PAC tendered the requirement for FPGAs, communication hardware and other equipment which was to be used for the development of flight computers,data links, etc.
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) even did an article on it.

What we are seeing is most likely the result of that. It is not a mockup or a full-scale flight model. It is an SDM aimed at validation the aerodynamic and stability parameters of the design as well as the basic communications and flight controls setup.
The PAC and the AvDI are still a couple of years away from completing the development of the Azm MALE UCAV.

Weapon-carrying trials are still a while away. If the PAC is going for a full scale UCAV along the lines of the Anka or Predator, this is not it.

I disagree. I think this IS the full-scale UCAV. It's just not as large and powerful as the Reaper or something. Does this mean that there won't be future UCAV's that are possibly in the Reaper class? No.

I say this because:
1. It IS large enough to have SATCOM, carry 4 ATGMs, have decent endurance (basically think of Wing Loong I). (so too large to be an SDM)
2. This thing has been development for quite some time and it would be a shame if its still a scale demonstrator at this point.
3. The limitation in size is likely a function of the limitation in powerplant availability.
4. Not sure if one needs to develop an SDM for a UAV like this. I've usually seen those being developed for manned fighter jets that are complicated things.

This isn't ANKA nor Winglong II. This is a Pakistani drone with a back tail mix off ANKA + Wing Long II style. I have downloaded more than 200 + images of ANKA and Wing Long II/I. After done thoroughly cross-comparison, overlapping with many images, my conclusion is this is different from both. Perhaps, very close to ANKA.
I agree with this assessment. This was the first thing I did when I saw the pictures: check to see if it's an existing design that's out there. As far as I can tell no current UAV matches this exactly (which is not something you could say about CH-3 and Burraq).
We should not make the mistake of getting the engine from goras or Chinese. We should make our own engine. It is a basic piston or turbo prop engine with nominal speed not a mach 2.0 turbine engine. The only tricky part could be how to extract maximum loitering time from engine and the airframe design. But I'm sure AvDI and PAC have better nerds than me in employment.

Turkey bought Rotax engines from Canada. Now they are refusing to supply Turkey with those engines. This basic thing we should make on our own.

Interesting to note how West is doing everything in its power to try and cripple Turkish defence industry. I hope this only motivates Turks to innovate even further. We should also follow same footsteps. Its better to sip bitterly the painful process of R&D and JVs. Than to shell out billions after every 4 or 5 years to the goras or chinese.
We should not make the mistake of getting the engine from goras or Chinese.
Dont listen to these snake American Pakistanis. R&D for propulsion is not any countries can do it. Chinese has prove to be very reliable weapon supplier for Pakistan. Let me ask, when has Chinese ever sanction Pakistan becos they dont like your government or whatever foreign policy they choose unlike the American.

You need a huge domestic market to justify domestic R&D fund and later production to sustain the cost.
Look at Japan Apache domestic route and end up what happened.

There is reason why Pakistan now goes for Chinese submarine, Type054B frigate, VT-4 tank. Even the JF-17 , China can guranteee the supply of engine from Russia unlike Turkey who always at mercy of American. They r not capable of sustain or make major propulsion system. Better stick with Chinese.

The disaster of T-129K will not repeat again.

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