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New Look Russian T-50 flight test: In the past claimed that the Chinese wan

do you really think that the people whose machines the chinese are flying dont know about the above things..my friend,Russians are masters of aviation.They know how to build this machine.Dont underestimate the capabilities of pak fa.At present,it is just a prototype.And what makes you think that j-20 is superior ??judging by the shape ??? or do you have any precise technical details ?? Russians are making fighter planes over a century..They know their job

Its years too early to make any comparison about these two planes. All the statement about such and such in regarding to each plane is as good of a guess as about who is going to win the world cup 3 to 4 world cups from now. By that time, the current crop of players will be retired. We can say that Argentina would still have Messi but he would be old by then.
You came here to troll, and i just made the counter argument against your trolling, not much quality is needed.

he is the perfect analogue of the real DRDO that shouting loud without real delivery of anything came out of their cheap mouth``:D

keep saying china copy this that on here, because the thread is about comparing chinese and russian 5th gen fighter, and so it wont bring in their embarrasing multi-national fighter LCA into the discussion, so there is no harm to their fragile feelings of their incapablity to produce state of art modern equipments``:)

Work almost complete, not unlike the one which only flies.
That doesn't make you an expert as far as fighter technology goes.

Since when did Bangladesh say it was interested in the J-20?

I am personally a great fan of American jets :D

I meant no offense to you in my last post,but I think it is too early to compare J-20,PAK-FA with each other.
I have a questions for Indians here in this thread, why are you keep on comparing India with China in aviation technology when India is behind China in this technology. It clearly that China is behind Europe and Russia and America, but its also clearly ahead of India. But I see some Pakistani members bring up Chinese stuff to put down Indian military and many Indians were ticked off by that. Are you guys not doing the same thing by bring out Russia and the US against China.
I meant no offense to you in my last post,but I think it is too early to compare J-20,PAK-FA with each other.

No problem.

I agree, it is too early to say which one is better. Especially since both are in prototype stages. But I think the PAK FA has more market potential as far as export goes. Hell, I heard even Vietnam is interested in acquiring the jet in the future.

China's current premium jets like the J-10 and J-11 among others have limited export potential due to their own production constraints as far as hi-tech jets go. PLAAF still need more jets. The J-10 can match the capabilities of the F-16 at best. So, why not buy an F-16 or Sukhoi that are easily available?

But lets be honest here, the Americans are still many steps ahead compared to its Eurasian counterparts, including China and India. I don't think the Americans will just sit there flying high with the F-22. The F-22 is still king of the skies. B-2 is like a freaking ghost. They are still researching on more aircraft. God knows what they'll come up with in the future.

Me think the USA will always be a few steps ahead of others in terms of technology.

I think China would gain valuable insight from Russia. Russia has good technology - no doubt. At times better than the US in some aspects. Russia is also a very attractive country to work with given its vast resources. And I think the Asian powers should quit squabbling amongst each other and work together on something, while maintaining their sovereign rights. Like a regional power house. Might work better as far benchmarking technology from the West goes. And of-course, Bangladesh would benefit just like any Asian country, maybe apart maybe from Japan and Australia :lol:

But we'll see :D
Of course this is the reality.

Compare that to this F-22 picture and see the difrence.

S-ducts for PAK-FA? They would need to redesign whole fuselage.

Also, there is claim that PAK-FA will use this type of radar blocker, but I don't see room for this kinda system in that PAK-FA picture above.

I doubt that it will have both s-ducts and radar blocker.... can't have both me thinks.
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No doubt that your engine is more powerful that American :lol:

But use these engines (those are more powerful) on your fighters why you still need Russian engines

All your fighters are russian copy but still claiming that they are better :tdown:

J-10 currently use Russian ones because they are not produced in big numbers yet.

Our so-called "copies" of Russian jets (I'm assuming J-11B and J-15) are 8 times stealthier than their actual Russian counterparts and use completely Chinese avionics and technologies. In fact, these planes are completely Chinese except for the airframe. Do some researching before embarrassing yourself.

You judging with looks alone shows your lack of knowledge on this matter.

You might want to review the definition of "copy".
J-10 currently use Russian ones because they are not produced in big numbers yet.

Our so-called "copies" of Russian jets (I'm assuming J-11B and J-15) are 8 times stealthier than their actual Russian counterparts and use completely Chinese avionics and technologies. In fact, these planes are completely Chinese except for the airframe. Do some researching before embarrassing yourself.

You judging with looks alone shows your lack of knowledge on this matter.

You might want to review the definition of "copy".

TRUST ME the stupid gov wanted to let China see the Stealth blackhawk, after OBL ... what now?>

American tech > Russia Technology> Israel Tech > France Tech > Chinese Tech> Indian Tech NO BIAS SO CHINA IS BEHIND RUSSIA STOP EFFING COMPARING UR SELF TO

NOtice pak is not even on the LIST
There's a huge gap between the T-50 as is and the T-50 that the Russians are DREAMING about, a gap that the Russians are unlikely to close within reasonable time.

unlikely HAHAHA please how can u justify ur statement, u cant so... so dont make a statement!
So Indian members have flooded and trolled the CHINESE military board. Even Iran could have made a LCA comparable with so many Western avionics in 30 years. :lol:

Guess it's the result of our 1-child policy vs Indians' have-many-while-you-can strategy. :tup:
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