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New Introductions

So the last introductions were getting pretty useless. So here are some guidelines for proper introductions.

1) Tell your interests --> Defending Islam and Pakistan

2) What do you do. --> Writer, Speaker, Activist, Student

3) How did you find us --> Twitter

4) What interests you here? --> Defending Pakistan specially Balochistan from enemies.

5) What is your profession? --> Student

6) Future plans? --> Education and Job
So the last introductions were getting pretty useless. So here are some guidelines for proper introductions.

1) Tell your interests
2) What do you do.
3) How did you find us
4) What interests you here?
5) What is your profession?
6) Future plans?

1) playing guitar, Lifting, Reading and spending time with my Friends and Family.

2) unfortunately i cant tell you.

3) by google. i google Indian Defence forum and this site was First in the Results.

4) History and culture of Pakistan,specially Sindh and Southern punjab. since we have many things in Common.

5) private sorry.

6)keeping my life Stable ? lol
This is Ahsaan Jamali
School Teacher by Profession
I was born in sarghoda now moved to Karachi
I found Defence Pk in discussion with students of my class
They told me that latest update and discussion of Pakistan related topic so i am here
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